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We got, like, sombreros, foo~
How does that happen, honestly? Do people not look at where their penis is pointing before peeing?

And it doesn't look like he was having sex all night to cause his urine to shoot out in random directions. I assume it's just a simple erection joke.
It just splits sometimes. Sometimes I get up to piss and I'm thinking "Okay standard procedure" then suddenly my piss stream splits into two different directions and then "F*CK".
How does that happen, honestly? Do people not look at where their penis is pointing before peeing?

And it doesn't look like he was having sex all night to cause his urine to shoot out in random directions. I assume it's just a simple erection joke.

Sometimes it goes the wrong way because I barely even realize I'm awake and I'm not concentrating worth a ****.

Or it's a morning wood joke, yeah.
Vegeta's dick weighs somewhere in the region of 13 pounds, so he can't miss like us mortals.
Asking for hi-res is srs bsns. I knew there wouldn't be a one, but I like dat photo.

Well, Hokey, it's a photoshop, not a photo. How many humor/joke photoshops have you seen made high res for no reason?

@Willie: It's not splitting though, it really just looks like a result of morning wood + not seeing or feeling your dick being pointed straight up.
i remember that happened when I started up Zelda 8bit with my older bros. i accidentally saved over his and he found out and was mad. i spent so much time getting to where he was and he eventually forgot about it.
Whenever my brothers and I would play n64, and our sister wanted to play with us, we would give her a NES controller and stick the other end of the cable in a drawer so she would think it was plugged in. She was too young to understand what was happening on screen, so she used to think she was actually playing. It was both funny and cute, because she would get really into it and swing the controller around. But then when she found out what we were doing... oh god... the memory makes me tear up because she was so sad.
i remember that happened when I started up Zelda 8bit with my older bros. i accidentally saved over his and he found out and was mad. i spent so much time getting to where he was and he eventually forgot about it.

Nobody forgets something like that. He'll get you back some day... he's just biding his time for the right moment.

Whenever my brothers and I would play n64, and our sister wanted to play with us, we would give her a NES controller and stick the other end of the cable in a drawer so she would think it was plugged in. She was too young to understand what was happening on screen, so she used to think she was actually playing. It was both funny and cute, because she would get really into it and swing the controller around. But then when she found out what we were doing... oh god... the memory makes me tear up because she was so sad.

Ugh... man, that sucks.
Whenever my brothers and I would play n64, and our sister wanted to play with us, we would give her a NES controller and stick the other end of the cable in a drawer so she would think it was plugged in. She was too young to understand what was happening on screen, so she used to think she was actually playing. It was both funny and cute, because she would get really into it and swing the controller around. But then when she found out what we were doing... oh god... the memory makes me tear up because she was so sad.

Don't feel too bad, you were only trying to make everyone happy, including your sister.

How old was she, btw?
Nobody forgets something like that. He'll get you back some day... he's just biding his time for the right moment.

well i'm going to Disney Land coming up with him and his family and I hope to god he leaves me behind there. it would be the best comeback of all time, only because i wouldn't be upset and he'd laugh his ass off
omg Krynn **** you. That's terrible :(

Sent the comic to my sister, she couldn't stop baw'ing, imagining it was me and her.

Probably a repost, but I find it's pretty awesome.
This guy better hope he never gets fired.

There isn't enough room in the bin for all those pieces of paper on his wall.
Whenever my brothers and I would play n64, and our sister wanted to play with us, we would give her a NES controller and stick the other end of the cable in a drawer so she would think it was plugged in. She was too young to understand what was happening on screen, so she used to think she was actually playing. It was both funny and cute, because she would get really into it and swing the controller around. But then when she found out what we were doing... oh god... the memory makes me tear up because she was so sad.
I used to let my little bro "play the monsters." It was kind of more annoying than anything since he'd brag whenever I died.
Dude, Axe Cop rocks! That's an awesome premise, having a five-year-old writer and an adult fleshing out his ideas. Kinda funny, I got all the way through the first image before I noticed the age of the writer. With how absurd things are on the Internet already, this fits right in.
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