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I still haven't played Oblivion. Tried Morrowind once and said "**** this".
Is there any verification for this? The Fall of Hyrule seems like a made-up fan name.
Is there any verification for this? The Fall of Hyrule seems like a made-up fan name.

It could be a hoax, so I wouldn't get too excited, but I wouldn't rule anything out yet.

Mixed opinions everywhere.
It lists Mass Effect 3 as a Sony exclusive, Kameo and Blue Dragon will never get sequels. ARMA 2 has been out for a while now. The studio at Rebellion that developed that piece of shit Rogue Warrior is dead and no one in their right mind would touch a sequel to that piece of shit. Some of the games on that list like a new Afro Samurai and Mad World 2 seem like wishful thinking. Shit is too obvious.

Bethesda - 50 Cent: Dead End


That's some damn bullshit list.
E3 is just around the corner anyways, right?
I had that on gameboy as a kid. Best. Game. EVAAAAAAAARGGH!
I can't tell if it's facing the wrong way or the right way.
The swastika? That's the nazi way. Unless the photo was flipped. Zooming in on those words might prove it, but I can't tell from where i'm sitting.
Except it's been around way longer than the nazis and had very a different meaning before they took it.
Aren't they the ones to who flipped it though? Any other way, atleast from what i've been told, has the points facing in the other direction.
Some faced the other direction, but most go the way of the nazi.
You seem pretty eager to drop the discussion of nazis
So the guy is a walking Nazi flag, good for him.
The swastika wasn't taken from bhuddism. It was a nordic symbol used in scandinavia to represent the sun. Doesn't that make more sense, given hitler's whole fascination with, you know, nords and shit :/
They have a copyright on a list of games at a convention?

This approves that it isn't fake.
That list is terrible and has a lot of games on it that are already out. And yeah, the whole 'posted on /v/ several times per day'.

On one of the other pages with Valve it has Episode 3 though. Confirmed fake.
Eff you all, I'm still happy because this revealed to me the existence of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2.
lol. nobody commented on Bethesda doing 50 Cent's new game? God that's gonna be an amazing game.
You gain experience every time you slap a hoe.
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