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After the initial shock was over, I thought it was very interesting that the mouse did not succumb to shock, bloodloss, or the effects of water inhalation.

I mean, if an animal as developed as a mouse is able to pull itself to the surface after being ripped in ****ing half, which is a serious debilitating injury, to say the least, it goes to show what kind of horrendous injuries we humans could survive if we had the right type of equipment. I mean, the heart, lungs were pretty much intact and unexposed for the mouse, and you can pretty much survive without your intestines, liver, kidneys, for a time, and therefore goes to show that if we can have the top three organs survive, we can do pretty much anything to the rest of the body and yet still keep it alive.

I mean, think about it. You could pretty much build a cyborg after a guy gets torn in half if we could just somehow compensate for the other organs. TRANSHUMANISM! :D

And yes, very horrible, et cetera, et cetera.
You guys have never seen a snapping turtle before? Those ****ers are mean, they do that to feet and fingers as well.
After the initial shock was over, I thought it was very interesting that the mouse did not succumb to shock, bloodloss, or the effects of water inhalation.

I mean, if an animal as developed as a mouse is able to pull itself to the surface after being ripped in ****ing half, which is a serious debilitating injury, to say the least, it goes to show what kind of horrendous injuries we humans could survive if we had the right type of equipment. I mean, the heart, lungs were pretty much intact and unexposed for the mouse, and you can pretty much survive without your intestines, liver, kidneys, for a time, and therefore goes to show that if we can have the top three organs survive, we can do pretty much anything to the rest of the body and yet still keep it alive.

I mean, think about it. You could pretty much build a cyborg after a guy gets torn in half if we could just somehow compensate for the other organs. TRANSHUMANISM! :D

And yes, very horrible, et cetera, et cetera.

After the initial shock was over, I thought it was very interesting that the mouse did not succumb to shock, bloodloss, or the effects of water inhalation.

I mean, if an animal as developed as a mouse is able to pull itself to the surface after being ripped in ****ing half, which is a serious debilitating injury, to say the least, it goes to show what kind of horrendous injuries we humans could survive if we had the right type of equipment. I mean, the heart, lungs were pretty much intact and unexposed for the mouse, and you can pretty much survive without your intestines, liver, kidneys, for a time, and therefore goes to show that if we can have the top three organs survive, we can do pretty much anything to the rest of the body and yet still keep it alive.

I mean, think about it. You could pretty much build a cyborg after a guy gets torn in half if we could just somehow compensate for the other organs. TRANSHUMANISM! :D

And yes, very horrible, et cetera, et cetera.

looks like number accidentally leaked info on some secret south korean project
My family owns 3 iPads, they're really good.

Why huge image.

For plain text.

Not even an infographic.
This doesn't belong on this forum imo. Animal cruelty and gore :|. Poor mouse :(.
I'm sorry if you can't handle the most badass animal on the face of this Earth the Lord God snapping turtle bringer of death destroyer of worlds life giver of crops rainmaker firestarter powering our automobiles and horses giving mankind wisdom and technology lover of fine wine and f*cker of raggedy ass c*nt heavy metal god belter of facemelters eater of bat heads demonic force angel from above master of reality.

This is an alligator snapper. I once wrestled one. We fought for months destroying entire cities until one day we agreed we could not best each other and out of mutual respect parted ways. Truly these animals are gods.


Wow, that's a big ass turtle. But imagine if that bitch was half the height of a skyscraper. Shit would be awesome.
I'd be less threatened by a turtle half the size of a skyscraper than the above pictured.

Mostly because he probably wouldn't be too aware of my presence at that huge size, and I can just run around him.

Or take a bite out of him, myself!

That's not cruelty, that's nature, baby.

Throwing a living mouse into an aquarium next to a turtle isn't nature. It's like putting two dogs in a ring against eachother, except one of them is much smaller and can't fight back and is a poor little mouse while the other is big and strong snapping turtle! :( Animal cruelty I say! Not to mention he's filming it for pleasure.
im guessing its one of those animals that wont eat anything dead, so you have to feed it a living mouse.
Throwing a living mouse into an aquarium next to a turtle isn't nature. It's like putting two dogs in a ring against eachother, except one of them is much smaller and can't fight back and is a poor little mouse while the other is big and strong snapping turtle! :( Animal cruelty I say! Not to mention he's filming it for pleasure.

No, it's kind of more like feeding your pet a rich source of protein and meat for it using a creature that I'm sure it would have no problem eating if they met in the proverbial "ring" of life. I wouldn't have a reason to film it myself, though.

I used to sell live crickets and cockroaches to feed to reptiles, does that make me a horrible person?
im guessing its one of those animals that wont eat anything dead
No, they'll eat dead things. Apparently there's nothing the alligator snapping turtle WON'T eat: plants, living animals, dead animals. They'll even eat other turtles. They even eat alligator young. These things are pretty badass.
Then I will have to eat it to absorb it's POWAH!
Throwing a living mouse into an aquarium next to a turtle isn't nature. It's like putting two dogs in a ring against eachother, except one of them is much smaller and can't fight back and is a poor little mouse while the other is big and strong snapping turtle! :( Animal cruelty I say! Not to mention he's filming it for pleasure.

Life's a bitch. It happens everyday. You think these lions would forego eating this baby elephant since it can't fight back?
That reminds me of the episode of Life where the crew had to film Komodo dragons slowly kill a water bison over a few days and then watch as the dragons ripped it apart.
I'm ****ing lost is this the image dump or the video dump because honestly it would be awesome to merge the two since they are so similar
I'm ****ing lost is this the image dump or the video dump because honestly it would be awesome to merge the two since they are so similar
So similar, in fact, that one holds photos and one holds video.
Life's a bitch. It happens everyday. You think these lions would forego eating this baby elephant since it can't fight back?

The popular comment: in the? hidden cover of darkness, a hurt baby elephant trying to hide in the brush - "SO LET'S SHINE OUR LIGHTS ON HIM SO THE FREAKIN' LIONS CAN EAT HIM!!!"
Throwing a living mouse into an aquarium next to a turtle isn't nature. It's like putting two dogs in a ring against eachother, except one of them is much smaller and can't fight back and is a poor little mouse while the other is big and strong snapping turtle! :( Animal cruelty I say! Not to mention he's filming it for pleasure.

Who let this guy in


when I think about it, it sort of makes sense. The mouse doesn't really get chopped in half. It's more like it got stripped like what you do to a wire. It's organs managed to stay intact so it could swim.

It's amazing that it didn't go in to shock though. Humans can barely think if we break a bone or sever a finger. after that, we just give up.

that mouse is a badass.
when I think about it, it sort of makes sense. The mouse doesn't really get chopped in half. It's more like it got stripped like what you do to a wire. It's organs managed to stay intact so it could swim.

It's amazing that it didn't go in to shock though. Humans can barely think if we break a bone or sever a finger. after that, we just give up.

that mouse is a badass.

Yes, but the lower intestines are hanging by literally a thread. It's just dead meat at that stage. Everything's been crushed; the only thing allowing the mouse to swim its his unnatural strength of mind.
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