in need of coder

This is a coding board, not a recruitment board - take the requests to Help Wanted and Offered.

Also, your web page seems incredibly slow to me - I can't get it open when I'm on a fat broadband pipe thing. Might put some people off, not being able to even get to your site.

-Angry Lawyer
The websites fine for me atm :O

mayb its just your connection oh well we will see

sorry for posting in the wrong area ;(
Well the site loads quickly for me and I have 56k so I hope it is not slow for every one. please help us if you are a coder :thumbs:

-City 17 mod leader
Moved to the right area for you :)

And I must say...thats a pretty nifty site.
City17 made it himself :E

thanks for moving the thread btw
if there is nobody here that can code for us :(

is there anywhere else i could go to find a coder?
Buy a C++ in 30 days book and become a coder? That's what I did.
I still can't open your site :(

-Angry Lawyer
Wow the site loads increadibly slow... but its obvious why, your using image shack to host your web images. You guys see it fast cause it's cached into your browser.

And frames are horrid, that would turn any fanatic coder away.
Tsixm said:
Wow the site loads increadibly slow... but its obvious why, your using image shack to host your web images. You guys see it fast cause it's cached into your browser.

And frames are horrid, that would turn any fanatic coder away.

ooh i see!!

right i shall inform city17 :smoking:
Angry Lawyer said:
Buy a C++ in 30 days book and become a coder? That's what I did.
I still can't open your site :(

-Angry Lawyer

If you really want to see it I would be happy to send you screenshots :)
Or.. you could just change your image host and then everyone can look at it at the right speed?

-Angry Lawyer