
I have no problem with it. I mean, I feel ill thinking about it, but there is plenty of weird (perhaps weirder) sexualities out there (two girls one cup anyone?) that aren't illegal. As long as its conceptual, I don't think the government has any right to interfere.
I think government should have a say in it. I mean marrying cousins = better chance of all kinds of genetic diseases + chances of retard are greatly increased. having worked in the field there were an inordinate amount of hasidic jews who had children with special needs I'm not saying they marry their cousins but they do have a tendency to look remarkably alike


and that's just the women!!!
Marriage = impregnating?

Huh, I guess you learn something new every day!
That's an unrealistic statement Krynn.

The almost invariable trend is towards procreation between married couples. Not just allowing, but sanctioning such tendencies towards procreation (through association) between siblings by allowing them to marry is immoral simply for the damage to a child.

Denying that this extremely high statistical tendency exists is naive and ridiculous. Assuredly there are a small number of non-childbearing couples who marry but they make up an overwhelmingly tiny percentage. Surely the argument could be made that incestuous couples are less likely to bear children but the fact that the very concept of marriage is centered on the making of babies overrules this. It stays illegal not only for the reason of potentially reducing incestuous children but also for the same reason 15357 listed that it would cause an inordinate uproar and not be worth the trouble anyway.

If you think the reaction to Prop 8 was bad, think what incest would dredge up!

I would enter the main subject of this debate but Sulkdodds and Kadayi are so articulate I feel no need to really enter the debate as what I would say has already been laid out much more eloquently. I will stick to the fringes.