Incoming Source Media Update

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Guys did anyone notice that a few of the models in this mod look a bit like the models in Halo?
Akumo said:
I am only saying that copying off a mainstream game is one thing, but multiple mods doing the same thing is another. which one is right? how can you honsetly say a HL2 zombie mod, regardless of its quality has the same delimna as our mod? You whip out your mod and we'll whip out ours, we'll see whos is bigger.


Copying a mainstream game that has proven to be a success = good

Creating your own personal spin on a popular genre, taking chances on new gameplay and ultimately progressing the front of gaming = bad

Pi Mu Rho said:
Except none of the zombie mods are copying any mainstream games?

but they are still producing a game with un-original content which apparently is an absolute no-no for you guys.
Not as far as I'm concerned. Besides, taking one Zombie mod at random - say, Zombie Master - it's original in it's excecution, not the genre.
Here's what I say about all this mumbo jumbo that has been posted in here:

Hate it? Don't play it. If you're mind-set on "Well, they could have spent their time on making a big, original mod" then you are shmit out of luck, because it seems they didn't take that route.

Zombies are an element in fiction: they're like animals, plants or people. What's to say we're not doing our own thing with zombies? The ZM is making its own intellectual property based off an element. Halo is completely different, because it's already an established IP and brand. You're completely ripping elements from it.

The whole situation is entirely different, you're just looking for distractions to your frankly poor and ripped off work.
Zombie mods are amazing... I know, I make one. BTW, just because we make zombie mods doesn't mean we're not original. People make mods about wars daily.

Do you feel threatened by our mod somehow? and to clear up these IP comments, Bungie has allowed us to use the 3 models in our game, M$ won't be comin round the mountain.
Jesus, guys. Half a million of you are criticising them for violating IP laws, when they've said specifically that they have Bungie's permission.

Maybe we should check up with Bungie and Microsoft whether that's true or not..

So do it! Stop whining aobut something that you obviously haven't confirmed.

The guys are doing a good job. They have some of the more impressive shots out there. Yeah, they borrowed a concept here and there... so? It's science fiction. There are only so many ways to make a jeep or a suit of armor.

Anyway, the staff here is seriously making me sick. It's a shame that once you dig below the surface into teh comments, things get this retarded. Feels like all over again.
Feuyaino said:
Anyway, the staff here is seriously making me sick. It's a shame that once you dig below the surface into teh comments, things get this retarded. Feels like all over again.

Then leave if you don't like the staff. I mean after a year you only have 29 posts, which isn't exactly adding to the board. There has been many chances where the public has voiced about the staff. Most likely you WERE around.
The staff did nothing wrong from what i see, your just trying to attach a bad name to the people in authority here so the site loses its respect. They made justified, reasonable comments, which were against your which is why you didn't like them. If your think the moderators on a site should just be there to keep the peace and not voice an opinion you are wrong. If you want to sit on the fence in this debate, then don't contribute, as some people have...

Oh and for my position, in making a mod using your own ideas and material shows people alot more, simply taking it from Halo (even if it is ok :rolleyes:) its a shame to see it wasted on things we've already seen, perhaps even better elsewhere. Original concepts are hard to come by, but material in the mod is different across the board.

Frankly some of the responses from the other side have been very agressive and show a lack of ability to address someone in order to counter something. Shame on them.
Akumo said:
Do you feel threatened by our mod somehow? and to clear up these IP comments, Bungie has allowed us to use the 3 models in our game, M$ won't be comin round the mountain.

Do you mind if I'm a bit skeptical and ask for proof? I mean this is the internet, I could say I have Microsoft's permission to resell Windows as long as I make it all pink.

(PM me for Pinkdows, only £39.99)
the DVD cover is really poor, you can see how they just cut out that screenshot character and put it on top of the original drawing but kind of forgot to clean it first. Looks like a primary school collage.
Crazyharij, I'm going to have to completely disagree with you.

If you can't look past the book's cover, it's your loss for not enjoying the book. I won't argue with you, you should just consider sitting back for a few seconds and taking on a fresh perspective concerning this issue, because you're starting to ramble.

Same applies to distrubed, you aren't being funny at all.

I just find it absolutely repulsive that people do all this volunteer work and create all these high quality models and maps in order to provide others a game for free and some have nothing better to do than to flame them.
TheSomeone said:
Same applies to distrubed, you aren't being funny at all.

I just find it absolutely repulsive that people do all this volunteer work and create all these high quality models and maps in order to provide others a game for free and some have nothing better to do than to flame them.

I could give a shit how you think of me, really I do. Repulsive to give ones opinion? Well gee your world of mods must blow because their must be no one out there to critisize people's work.

Oh and by the way, **** off.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I could give a shit how you think of me, really I do. Repulsive to give ones opinion? Well gee your world of mods must blow because their must be no one out there to critisize people's work.

Oh and by the way, **** off.

You're reasonable.

There's giving one's opinion, then there's plain out flaming.
Im gonna make a mod called Half-life where you play as a scientest who fights aliens. Anyone wanna help?

hands down the best screens i have seen of a hl2 mod yet so far and all anyone can do is bitch about 1 vehicle that is based off of halos warthog

who cares??
I feel real good about the maps I've made for Incoming Source. It just makes me wonder; where did most of you grow up? How could you people be so rude about something? I, and the rest of the team, have spent hours and hours of hard work on Incoming just for the public. Mod teams do not profit from anything, and we're making this all for you guys. All we're doing is making a good, fun, teambased mod that you all will love, and I just hope that some of you have some more respect for not just the iSource team but the entire mod community.
Blackmesa Source is redoing the first Half-Life on the source engine. If this incoming mod named there mod Halo: Incoming and said they were redoing Halo on the source engine or some shit I wouldn't critisize (even though they couldn't do it because its copyrighted).

And to thecraftsman: It's not that the quality of the work is poor, but the lack of an original concept.

"Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win your still retarded."
I just don't see how these look like Halo.




Have you guys seen any other screenshots besides our player and gladiator? It seems like you just focus on those two things and cut the rest out of the entire mod.
TheUnkillableDot said:
Blackmesa Source is redoing the first Half-Life on the source engine. If this incoming mod named there mod Halo: Incoming and said they were redoing Halo on the source engine or some shit I wouldn't critisize (even though they couldn't do it because its copyrighted).

Half-Life is copyrighted.

"Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win your still retarded."

Good one, never heard that one yet... that is, very original.

It's cute how someone who can't argue properly will reply with childish comebacks.

You know, there's a difference between saying "Hey, maybe you guys should use your own models because it's hurting your reputation and It seems like a rather poor rip-off, just a thought" and saying "Omfg stop ripingoff HALO u friggin nubs". People work hard for free and all you can do is FLAME them, it's not even reasonable criticism, it's plain out insults.

You guys have some real ****ed up morals to be able to do that.
its like master cheif and a storm trooper had sex and covered their baby in mustard.

thats not a slam its tight

people round here don't like halo or farcry, cause they pwn hl2 in shere gameplay.
TheUnkillableDot said:
And to thecraftsman: It's not that the quality of the work is poor, but the lack of an original concept.

You don't have to tell him that. He's the one mapping all those terrains.
If, as a mod team, you are unable to repel the witty barbs of the adderall dazed 14 year old demographic, you really aren't long for the scene. This is what people online do, it is HOW they roll even.

This is honestly like turning your back on a monkey, and then being surprised when you get hit in the back of the head with a precisely aimed fecal projectile. Monkeys throw crap because its there and its fun, Online people flame because someone stole their lunch money or their mom has some strange man in the house that they are supposed to call daddy now, and they find themselves scared and confused. Its just cause and effect.

Just a little piece of advice Incoming: Source team, getting offended by cristicism(or even outright assholitude) is one of the most unproffesional moves you can make. I recognize you guys put a lot of work into this, but if the reward for that work is supposed to be the textual equivalent of a high five or a pat on the back for each media release you send down the pike, then you really have your priorities crossed. It should be about the pleasure and experience of creating the project, everything else is pretty much window dressing.

Oh and one more thing, the whole "Zombie Mod Rush of 2005" issue. I have no problems with games featuring zombies. For instance, a dance game featuring zombie in a colorful dance club environment. Where do I sign? A zombie dating sim? Yes please!. The problem is that all of these game are not only copying the central fictional device of zombies, but they are also copying the whole gameplay mechanic, not to mention they all use the same "gritty urban environment" aesthetic, it just gets really tiresome.

I will come out right now and say that Zombie Master seems to be blazing its own trail, but even then, just the fact that there will be so many other mods that will look(and sound) so similar makes it more difficult to get immersed in that experience.

Just my two cents on the issue, now i'm off to convince my mom that this new guy vince isn't good enough for her, and that I already have a dad.
Analognovelist said:
Just my two cents on the issue, now i'm off to convince my mom that this new guy vince isn't good enough for her, and that I already have a dad.

Awww ;(.
Everyone agree to disagree?

Don't feel this thread's getting anywhere really...
That's all I have to say.

You people need to learn respect and what it means to be thankful for a group of talented individuals to dedicate their time to make one of the highest quality mods availible for the Source engine.

This actually makes me feel sick that people complain over one model.
And if Bungie ever did for some reason change their mind, we'd only have to change one model which already has concepts. Wow, no biggy there.

And if you are going to argue about the weapon models for the humans, please read before posting.. the modern weapons aren't the only weapons for the Humans.
Hey praz, I hope you don't generalize the community right away because there are many people like me who appreciate your efforts and time.
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