Incoming Source : We <3 Mappers


Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score

Stationed in a time of which civil wars cause turmoil for those and becomes nothing more than the beginning memory for most, Incoming Source embarks down a path most mods never have the opportunity to notice. Featuring original concepts dating back to counterstrike beta 4 (roughly 6 years ago), Incoming Source has become a name that most modders have come to know. And with it's recent updates, showcasing beautiful models ranging from M4A1's to custom rifles designed specifically for the environment of which the game takes place. Boasting features like Drivable / Flyable Vehicles, over a dozen weapons, new items (Radar / Walkie / +more), AI (Dinosaurs rampaging in maps while you play, being their own individual unplayable class, taking no sides and wreaking havoc to all), iron sights, and so many more. You can view the rest of the features, abilities, the storyline, and history of the mod here.

A few Images of Incoming


- In-Game
- In-Game
- In-Game
- In-Game
- In-Game


- MX4
- MP5
- FN-2000
- Steyr M40
- TRG-22
- M4A1
- Hand Grenade
- Spaz 12
- CV-10


- inm_canals
- inm_canals
- inm_canals
- inm_strike
- inm_strike
- inm_strike


- Arms
- DVD Box Cover
- Raptor

Though they have finished around 7 maps, and have 15 in the works, Incoming Source is now looking for talented Mappers, as they are now trying to expand their world into far more advanced battlefields. But for others who are not mappers, and want to get into this stunning mod, Incoming is also looking for the following.

Model Rigger
Weapon Modeler
Weapon Skinner
Prop Modeler
Vehicle Skinner

Make your way to Incoming Source's website and take a look around. If you are interested in joining up, please email Praz with a description of your past work and portfolio ready.
Been following it for a while, and absolutely love it. The models, maps, and characters are all excellent (especially love the CV-10 and MX4). Just one silly thing: when I see the CV4 model, I notice how the front half looks detachable, and dream of dualwielding noseless CV4s. I'm sure this is completely impossible in real-world terms, and most people would probably be turned off by it... I just think it would be cool as hell.
wow, inm_canals look amazing.

wanted to send you an e-mail, but the Praz e-mail doesen't work.......

it isn't much what i have doene so far and it isn't the best mapping thing you have seen but just want to show tha inm Team.

look @ W.I.P. Pics -->

gz Luc
1) Wrong forum

2) Incoming Source embarks down a path most mods never have the opportunity to notice - what does that mean, exactly?

3) "Featuring original concepts dating back to counterstrike beta 4 " - how can they be original if they date back to CS b4?
Thatamos said:
Incoming Source has become a name that most modders have come to know. And with it's recent updates, showcasing beautiful models ranging from M4A1's to custom rifles designed specifically for the environment of which the game takes place.

Nothing like an inflated ego. :dozey:
No, it's just sproused up English ;)

I do what I can to make the mod look good when it comes to words. Didn't mean to seem like I had an inflated ego. I was JUST put on the team and Praz wanted to test me bye seeing what I'd write up, hence the crazy praising to no extent.
Imo i think this mod should have gone with the bf2 engine. It reminds me alot of halo and turok hehe. The maps looks kinda bland, and have too many repeating textures. The bf2 engine handles large outdoor maps better than source, just my opinion anyways. As for the getting noticed, I dont remember valve recognizing this mod in their updates. Looks ok I guess, just find the dinosaur thing kinda cheesy. :bonce:
Yeh, inm_canals looks really good but I'm not digging inm_strike. The displacements look amazing but for me it's just too bare and bland. Weapon models look awesome, and the mod itself is professional, but a lot of the ideas and stories seem to be all mixed together randomly.... Halo player models...with dinasours? With a mix of modern and futuristic weapons? Fighting in the middle of nowhere?

It all seems quite gimmicky at times, but it'll need a lot of work to pull off properly, and so far you seem to have done it pretty well :)
Sprite said:
Yeh, inm_canals looks really good but I'm not digging inm_strike. The displacements look amazing but for me it's just too bare and bland. Weapon models look awesome, and the mod itself is professional, but a lot of the ideas and stories seem to be all mixed together randomly.... Halo player models...with dinasours? With a mix of modern and futuristic weapons? Fighting in the middle of nowhere?

It all seems quite gimmicky at times, but it'll need a lot of work to pull off properly, and so far you seem to have done it pretty well :)

You should probably go read the story. It explains everything you're confused about. said:
Hi guys!
When I was on the Incoming:Source team I made an ATV model, a marine model and rigged the main character, the trojan, in two weeks time (trust me, I checked my IRC logs) and it all ended up in this:

Session Start: Thu Oct 06 22:24:44 2005
Session Ident: Praz|Sleep
[22:24:44] Session Ident: Praz|Sleep (-)
[22:24:44] <Praz|Sleep> Is the marine UV'ed yet
[22:24:50] <azelito> No
[22:30:01] <Praz|Sleep> Why not
[22:32:02] <azelito> Because I have not UV'ed it
[22:53:17] <Praz|Sleep> Well you need to
[22:53:23] <Praz|Sleep> You haven't done much of anything lately.
[22:54:30] <Praz|Sleep> And if you have a problem with that, let me know.
[22:55:13] <azelito> Uh
[22:55:19] <azelito> I rigged the Trojan...
[22:55:27] <azelito> What do you mean?
[22:55:49] <Praz|Sleep> Fantastic, you now need to UV the marine.
[22:56:05] <azelito> Dude, don't act like that
[22:56:25] <Praz|Sleep> Do not attempt and tell me what to do.
[22:56:32] <azelito> Excuse me, but I will
[22:56:52] <Praz|Sleep> Excuse me, but you won't be hear long if you continue disrespecting and continue carrying that attitude.
[22:57:10] <azelito> That is ridiculous
[22:57:33] <Praz|Sleep> Respect is something that is not ridiculous, you'll learn that when you're older, and if you don't, people won't be as nice as me.
[22:57:55] <Praz|Sleep> If you want to be on Incoming, you need to continue working, not make 2 models, and stop.
[22:58:05] <Praz|Sleep> There is a reason we got so much material done in two months.
[22:58:31] <azelito> Do you think I've been slacking?
[22:58:44] <Praz> I think I have clearly got that message across.
[22:58:54] <azelito> Pretty much yeah, I caught it
[22:59:04] <azelito> You are acting like a prick
[22:59:12] <Praz> Last warning, watch the attitude.
[22:59:13] <azelito> I do not think I want to be a part of this team anymore
[22:59:17] <Praz> Then you are gone.
[22:59:20] <azelito> Thank you
[22:59:29] <azelito> Keep the shit I did for you
[22:59:32] <azelito> I don't want it
[22:59:36] <Praz> you'll get full credit
[22:59:38] <Praz> obviously
[23:02:03] <Praz> When you decide you have more time to work with us, Let me know. If you want.
[23:02:51] <azelito> I think I have spent absolutely enough time with working on Incoming : Source so far and if that is not enough, I have no more to give
[23:04:21] <Praz> What have you been doing that has not given you enough time to UV the marine.
[23:05:31] <azelito> Living a normal life and not devoting all my spare time to Incoming
[23:06:15] <Praz> You really should learn not to be a smart ass.
[23:06:43] <azelito> Likewise
[23:06:56] <Praz> Exactly.
[23:09:07] <Praz> If you shape up and learn some respect, we'd love to have you back. If not, no thank you.
[23:09:53] <azelito> I'm fine like this
[23:09:58] <azelito> I'll just stay out
[23:10:31] <Praz> Suit yourself.
[07:27:19] <azelito> Praz
[07:27:22] <azelito> I changed my mind
[07:27:37] <azelito> I don't want you to use any of my work in Incoming:Source
[07:27:54] <azelito> As in: The ATV, the marine or the trojan rig
Session Close: Fri Oct 07 08:03:06 2005

Please note that I had finished the trojan rig the day before.
Incoming:Source had potential of becoming a great game, but the obvious Halo-ripoffs and the dickhead in charge is ruining everything.

And to think I felt sort of bad mocking the lame ripoffs.
Incoming Source has gone from laughable to a total shitpile.

"Incoming Source embarks down a path most mods never have the opportunity to notice"
The path of directly lifting content from other sources?

All your characters look like the mother****ing master cheif.
No matter your excuse, that's a stupid, stupid thing.
Er, Mecha. Isn't Krasota Razbrosanaya dead? Praz obviously has serious attitude problems but he seems to at least be doing enough to keep his mod going. I'm not condoning his approach to mod leadership (slavedriving), but people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
Even the main page of the site is full of itself.

We were the first game using the Half-Life 1 engine to incorporate Drivable Vehicles with Usable Turrets. That was insane at the time. Not to mention the first game to also incorporate Flyable Vehicles (with passenger seats as well). Things were going great. Websites wanting to interview us came at us left and right, website exclusives. We were at the top of the game.

Oh please :|
There are a hell of alot of other mods progressing fine without work being forced out of the devs. You wouldn't even find attitude like that in a professional games company.
A mod isn't at the top of anything unless it actually releases.
This, by far, is my favorite mod.

Every night, I say a short pray to Praz, and then cuddle up with a CD filled with all the information I have about this mod and dream of it's eternal glory.
It seems a bit as though the developers just sat down and had a brainstorming session where they threw together any cool idea they could think of.
My opinion of Thatamos and this modification are one and the same.

Let that speak for itself.
-Crispy- said:
Er, Mecha. Isn't Krasota Razbrosanaya dead? Praz obviously has serious attitude problems but he seems to at least be doing enough to keep his mod going. I'm not condoning his approach to mod leadership (slavedriving), but people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

The fact of the matter is that the original leader quit, and I was only the leader for a few days before he decided to keep the rights to the material.
Although KR was just getting organized when it ended, it was faltering for a while.

To a different extent, Halo: Source here isn't technically failing. But the 'best' parts of what they have are ideas pulled from Bungie's IP, and then basically stolen from their former skinner for no good reason.
That seems the much larger failure to me.

He doesn't want them to use his work and, unless Incoming: Source signed some sort of contract with him, works created belong to their creator. They should return his material to him.

I know what it's like to do a lot of work for a mod, just to get kicked off the team over the leader's personal problems. It happened after my first mod gig.
I see no reason to respect this mod, let alone any justification of their existence.
haha so yorlick left KR? i knew that mod would fall apart. i knew it.
has this mod anything to do with the game called "incoming" ? Its a pretty old but very good game!
No. Incoming was an interesting and very pretty game developed by Rage. Fun, but not very long-lasting.
Even though I have the biggest respect for their coder, Nokia (assuming he's not been overworked to the point of death), I don't like Praz. He's got an ego on him, and claims to have permission rights to the Halo Mjolnir armour concept - and then when asked for evidence, blanks out the entire content of his "permission" e-mail. He just feels like a shady character (and an ideas-guy, to boot) and I think the team really should find someone who actually respects their team rather than pisses over them to get their work done, and then says something like "I AM THE ALMIGHTY PRAZ, LOOK WHAT I MADE!" when in reality all he's done is abused his team members into making things so he can leech off of their talents.

Or something. Quality modders on the team lead by a pillock.

Editshens: I also find it ironic that Praz went to Leak-Free asking for members, and in the same post slated all of's members as talentless morons. Which is only partially true, because there are a few people who actually know their stuff here.

-Angry Lawyer
I agree with what AL says in the post above, but on the topic of recreating somebody else's previous concepts, why is the same logic not used to flame BM:S to hell and back? I mean, when you look at it all they're doing is recreating a game on a different engine. It's almost a straight port, so should they not be tried by the same judgement?

AFAIK BMS haven't heard from Valve, and we suspect (know) that INS haven't heard from Bungie. So what, apart from an intolerably arrogant leader, saves BMS from the sort of 'lack of originality' comments that INS gets?

I don't think either team should be persecuted for a lack of originality. Introversion are currently working on a game largely based on the 1983 film Wargames. Is the fact that they are presenting it on a different medium what makes this morally acceptable, or is it simply down to general ignorance on the part of people who wouldn't have even been born when this film was released? But by that argument INS's aggressors should direct their snipes equally towards the BMS team. Honestly, it's just confusing.
-Crispy- said:
I agree with what AL says in the post above, but on the topic of recreating somebody else's previous concepts, why is the same logic not used to flame BM:S to hell and back? I mean, when you look at it all they're doing is recreating a game on a different engine. It's almost a straight port, so should they not be tried by the same judgement?
BM:S does not claim to be an original game.
-Crispy- said:
I agree with what AL says in the post above, but on the topic of recreating somebody else's previous concepts, why is the same logic not used to flame BM:S to hell and back? I mean, when you look at it all they're doing is recreating a game on a different engine. It's almost a straight port, so should they not be tried by the same judgement?

AFAIK BMS haven't heard from Valve, and we suspect (know) that INS haven't heard from Bungie. So what, apart from an intolerably arrogant leader, saves BMS from the sort of 'lack of originality' comments that INS gets?

I don't think either team should be persecuted for a lack of originality. Introversion are currently working on a game largely based on the 1983 film Wargames. Is the fact that they are presenting it on a different medium what makes this morally acceptable, or is it simply down to general ignorance on the part of people who wouldn't have even been born when this film was released? But by that argument INS's aggressors should direct their snipes equally towards the BMS team. Honestly, it's just confusing.

I snipe everyone equally, thankyaw ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Ennui said:
BM:S does not claim to be an original game.
INS have also stated that certain models are 'inspired' by Halo. I will say they make much less noise about it. If they were more up-front about it they'd look a lot less suspicious.
BMS is also remaking Valve IP using Valve products, which is something Valve has supported since half-life mods existed.

On the contrary, I see no reason why Bungie would allow their IP to be ported into a competitor's product.
Mechagodzilla said:
BMS is also remaking Valve IP using Valve products, which is something Valve has supported since half-life mods existed.

On the contrary, I see no reason why Bungie would allow their IP to be ported into a competitor's product.

doesnt matter, they covered thier bases by not relating the name of the mod to the actual IP.... Black mesa source on the other hand is based on an IP that valve might make money on in the future remaking...

I;m not trying to bash either mod, I'm just saying let both teams do their thing and let's not bash them on the IP's....
to each there own, no reason to judge them purely on the content... wouldnt that energy be better spent working (that comment makes this thread hypocritical, I know)
I haven't judged them on their content - I have to admit, some of their work is really pretty (even though IP infringements make my blood boil). However, I stand by my assertion that Praz is a bit of a pillock.

-Angry Lawyer
Well the leader does seem like a true ****** bud I do really like the mod as well...
Angry Lawyer said:
I haven't judged them on their content - I have to admit, some of their work is really pretty (even though IP infringements make my blood boil). However, I stand by my assertion that Praz is a bit of a pillock.

-Angry Lawyer

well personal beef is different :p