Incoming: Source



Today marks the premiere of Incoming Source, a modification that focuses on Halo-style combat. However, keep in mind that Incoming was originally a Half-Life 1 mod five years ago. Support for Incoming lasted for two years, when the Development Team had to move onto other commitments. Apparently, they have decided to return to their original idea and have been hard at work. [br]</br>Touted as the first HL1 Mod to feature driveable vehicles, Incoming Source will return to its roots and feature both ground and air vehicles. There are two teams, the UNSC (military type) and the Altair (the alien type). A small list of features:

  • Driveable Vehicles
  • Flyable Vehicles
  • 12 Weapons
  • 7 Maps
  • New Items (I assume this means New as in not in the original Incoming)
  • iHUD System
  • Animal AI (Dinosaur)
  • Unique Animations
  • Buy System
  • Hi-Jack System
  • Weather Effects

Their explanation for Dinosaurs sounds pretty interesting, check it out:
Story will take place in the future- 2442[br]</br>
Earth has run it's course of resources right out. So since we will have better technology for space travel in that future time, We set off looking for other planets to make a second home on. We find one, and send troops, chemical control squad, you name it, we sent it. So we have a team of people exploring this new planet. Just like earth has the oceans, rivers, mountains, lakes, hills, deserts, jungles( makes for some great maps) etc ...... Oh, and by the way it is also inhabited by dinosaurs too! Since no meteorites hit this planet they are all still alive and running the place. Yes, you will have to fight dinosaurs too.[br]</br>
But we aren't the only living creatures looking for more resources! There is another race out there too, that we didn't even know existed . And it so happens they stumble across this new planet right after we do. They are hostile creatures, who will wipe out out for anything that they need. It is later followed by an invasion on Earth for the rest of Earths resources.[br]</br>
The Dinosaur feature will add a whole new dimension to the online gaming. You going to attack the enemies base in a jeep only to get flipped over by a T-rex and your teammate to get eaten soon after.

There is quite a bit more to this modification, just point your browser here.
Wow, this is looking very sexy.

And unlike other mods (besides Insurgent) they actually have some gameplay screenies.

Although it looks like just a weapon model/skin and a few sexy maps.
The story sounds... bad, but I guess it sound fun.
The terrain looks great though.
Looks great!

Unfortunately it seems to be competing directly with BF2...
I'm sure it will be excellent in its own right tho
Noobulon said:
Looks great!

Unfortunately it seems to be competing directly with BF2...
I'm sure it will be excellent in its own right tho

Wrong topic :)
stinger.aim92 said:
Wrong topic

No :)

This is a heavily vehicle-based modification, focusing on 'Halo-style combat'...
So it may have to face comparisons with BF2, which is currently the king of vehicle-based, emergent warzones.
Unless the mod isn't like that at all?

You going to attack the enemies base in a jeep only to get flipped over by a T-rex and your teammate to get eaten soon after.

Fantastic! :E
Very nice. a mod that i was involved in awhile ago was to have dino's roming around the map that was attracted by gunfire and other dino's. so this'll add a whole new series of shocks to the gameplay.
Story will take place in the future- 2442

I'd expect the military to be using more advanced guns than those available today.
Interesting mod idea, "altair" sounds like perfect dark.

On a side note:
Didn't your mothers ever teach you anything about making links with the words "here", "this website", etc? I just started reading the news you guys have and noticed that they have all done this. The body of an < a > tag is supposed to describe the link.
Noobulon said:
No :)

This is a heavily vehicle-based modification, focusing on 'Halo-style combat'...
So it may have to face comparisons with BF2, which is currently the king of vehicle-based, emergent warzones.
Unless the mod isn't like that at all?

Fantastic! :E

sure, i can see why halo and BF2 are the same ;)

anyway, this mod looks interesting, there's been so many images of mods that look alright, but not many actual releases of the mods themselves :(
it sounds great, but the programmers have alot of work to do ...
So does everyone else on the entire rest of the team.

The year is 2442 and they have m4s? Or the fact that the first sentence says that we've completely run our resources dry, yet two paragraphs later, a sentence says that the creatures will invade Earth to get the last of our resources? What complete morons. I will never play this mod and I hate it.
Glo-Boy said:
So does everyone else on the entire rest of the team.

The year is 2442 and they have m4s? Or the fact that the first sentence says that we've completely run our resources dry, yet two paragraphs later, a sentence says that the creatures will invade Earth to get the last of our resources? What complete morons. I will never play this mod and I hate it.

true :D.
Someone must have written something wrong, since the action is NOT on earth, instead another planet. The military is going to other planet to get resources, so do the creatures... read the info on its homepage, morons :D
something tells me this won;t come to fruition... too many elements

i hope it does though, the premise is extremely interesting, it's just very complex for a mod
Maybe because they ran out of resources they have had to resort back to their stockpiles of old weapons? They would be cheap to buy, and wont use up as many resources for ammo, and they wont need to go into mass production, since there are a shit load already?
any one seen battlestar galactica??? they are in the future, and they use modern weapondry!
would it take too much effort to make futuristic weapon skins that still look realistic and good
and the story - dinosaurs??????
seriously wtf
Lol, you guys just aren't getting this. Ok, this game does not take place on earth. Humans have ran out of resources and are looking for other planets to colonize/take their resources. We find a planet which does not have any intelligent life (that is native to it). Only big dinosaur like creatures. (no your not going to see an exact model of a t-rex walking around as if it came back from the dead) these are dinosaurs that live on the planet we found. As we are using this planet, another alien race seeks to take this planet as well. Thus we fight. Does everyone understand this now?
Icarusintel said:
something tells me this won;t come to fruition... too many elements

i hope it does though, the premise is extremely interesting, it's just very complex for a mod
Natural Selection is very complex too if you first heard of it, but see where is stands now.
Sounds ok, yet i seriously think you should ditch the M4.

Find a decent concept artist/s and come up with some futuristic weapons design. I wish to dispell the myth that every mod needs an AK and a M4. Oh WTF is up with the buy system, if you are a soldier, you "kit" is issued to you, you dont have to pay for your armor, gun, or ammo.
Oh WTF is up with the buy system, if you are a soldier, you "kit" is issued to you, you dont have to pay for your armor, gun, or ammo.

You would've thought the same for counter-terrorist strike teams :imu:

I don't really like the buy system in CS but we'll see how it's implemented in this mod. Could be good...
Kebean PFC said:
Sounds ok, yet i seriously think you should ditch the M4.

Find a decent concept artist/s and come up with some futuristic weapons design. I wish to dispell the myth that every mod needs an AK and a M4. Oh WTF is up with the buy system, if you are a soldier, you "kit" is issued to you, you dont have to pay for your armor, gun, or ammo.

The "alien" weapons will be futuristic plasma/cell based weapons.
Grundle, please be kidding.

No this is not related to those games in any way.
Vert cleared most of the other questions up.
redhollowpoint said:
any one seen battlestar galactica??? they are in the future, and they use modern weapondry!

Battlestar galatica is set in a different part of the universe (Not necessarily in the future). The humans in BSG are looking to find a way too earth, but earth is not where they originated from. Earth is merely another colony planet which lost contact with the rest of humanity thousands of years ago.

That in 400 years we might still be using projectile weapons is probably fairly likely (electronic weaponry can be disabled with EMP blasts) but the notion that the same models will still be in production is a bit far fetched. Weapons manufacturers want you to buy their products, so they make newer models just like car manufacturers do.
I remember following this mod years ago.
Nice to see em back. :)
Glad to see a member that remembers the old game :)
WTF? Its on an other planet but it looks exactly like Earth and it has the same animals and plants? Thats not realistic. You want to put to much in the mod, futuristic and modern weapons, new planet, aliens, dinosaurs, futuristic vehicles,...

The screens look very good but change the setting/story of the mod please.
No, we will not change the setting and the story for the mod. It'd be alot easier if you would just open your mind and not be so narrow minded.

Why can what happened on Earth not repeat somewhere else?
Betelgeuze said:
WTF? Its on an other planet but it looks exactly like Earth and it has the same animals and plants? Thats not realistic. You want to put to much in the mod, futuristic and modern weapons, new planet, aliens, dinosaurs, futuristic vehicles,...

The screens look very good but change the setting/story of the mod please.

Plants are not man made, so how would it not repeat on other planets? Its naturally done you idiot.

You focus to much on fantasy.