Incompetent employees


May 5, 2004
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so i went to the coffee shop to get a coffee, get back to the office and notice my coffee tastes a bit like hot chocolate other words the teen/young adult behind the counter started pouring a hot chocolate, remembered I had ordered a coffee and instead of pouring it out she just added coffee to it

mmmmm chocolate coffee

i guess my point is that people just dont care anymore, there's very little incentive to do your job well unless you yourself own the company or if it's a career job ...I know that for most who do mundane jobs it's a stepping stone to other more meaningful work but how will they ever develop a good work ethic if they cant even do simple tasks? I cant tell you the amount of times we've had to let go of employees (every last one of them under 25) because they were incompetent in even the most simplest of jobs ..we fired someone not too long ago for sending around notes talking bad about a particular employee but with extremely stupid stuff like "Employee X has AIDS!!" and "employee x is a dyke" etc

so what's the most incompetent person you've ever had to deal with?
I was in the US air force, so I would have an unfair advantage. I'll bow out, since I've tried to block my experiences there out of my memory.
There's a diner by my dorm where the people are so frustrating. It's open 24hr and takes the University's Monopoly Money so it's very popular at night.

I was there last night getting a burger, and they had made the burger and everything and it was sitting there just waiting for the ketchup and letuce and stuff, I was wondering why nobody was doing anything and then I noticed there was FOUR employees standing next to the fry machine just WAITING for the counter to hit zero.

Instead of standing for 40 seconds they could have made finished like 5 burgers (mine wasn't the only one sitting there)....and this kinda stuff happens quite regularly there.
this chick that worked as a bag person at a place that rhymes with "BONS". she was a TOTAL teenager. i got bread, bananas, and cans of something i can't remember. well you know what she did? she put in the bread first, THEN the bananas which she just drops into the bag, and practically slams the cans right on the bananas and doesn't even say anything. believe me, she was the lease of the incompetent, if not supercilious people with whom i have dealt.
well i've got to be honest, i'm part timing in a club and when people ask for diet coke, its half chance they get it because sometimes i'll decide to put normal coke in

HOW naughty am I?? tehehehe

everyone will be a fat bastard cos of me

genius? i think so
my mom is a pepsi junkie. i put her under a secret test in which i switched the lables of a diet pepsi and a normal one. needless to say, she noticed the difference in the taste. it was amazing.
I was in the US air force, so I would have an unfair advantage. I'll bow out, since I've tried to block my experiences there out of my memory.

but wouldnt incompetancy in the air force lead to a lot of airplanes falling from the sky? you'd think that out of all the military branches that would be the most competent one

oh and with one sip I can tell the difference between diet and non diet anything always has a metallic/articifical aftertaste that's very distinctive ..and I hate diet coke
my mom is a pepsi junkie. i put her under a secret test in which i switched the lables of a diet pepsi and a normal one. needless to say, she noticed the difference in the taste. it was amazing.
Not really, I can tell coke from pepsi, diet coke from diet pepsi and diet coke from coke.
We had the dopiest shelf-stacker in the world in the summer, but she didn't really do anything offensive. She was just zoned out all the time.
Incompetent employees? Well, most of my co-workers are just that. But, maybe I am confusing incompetent with lazy. Eh *shrugs shoulders*
You'd be surprised how much a low paying job that deals with the public can affect a person.
are you a girl?

I can tell the difference between diet coke or pepsi and regular coke or pepsi, and I'm not a girl.

I can also tell the difference between coke and pepsi, but I don't prefere one or the other.

However, I'm not sure if I could tell the different between diet coke and diet pepsi...since I don't drink either. Not that I drink much regular coke or pepsi either.
well i doubt people will notice when they're shit faced and its mixed with vodka

win win
I work in construction and every job we do includes heights so we operate a wide variety of lifters, elevators, and winches. We have had a lot of not-so-competent people passing through our ranks, but the worst (and funniest) was a polish worker who was scared of heights. He lasted one day... :p

Note to op:
Chocolate+coffee is delicious, though.


Note to diet-classic-coke-switcharoo-guy:
That would probably not be so hillarious if you did it with a diabetic...
not when you're expecting just coffee could have been poison for all I know ...chocolate poison
The only thing that has ever happened to me is when I was visiting Florida and I had forgot my cell phone charger. So I went to the local Sprint store to buy one and I was standing in front of the counter with my charger in hand waiting to be rung up. But the cashier was in the back talking on the phone about her personal life. So after patiently waiting for at least 10 minutes I walked out and went to a different Sprint store to buy the charger.
once at a full serve gas station the attendant forgot to take out the hose after collecting the money for the gas from the customer who then drove off ..needless to say there was lots of gas spraying all over the place ...I left without getting gas

my dad used to work for a trucking company before retiring years ago ..i remember when a trailer was brought into the shop with it's top half pulled back like a sardine can ..the driver had gone under a bridge that was too low at least 3 feet

there's tons more experiences, just cant remember atm
but wouldnt incompetancy in the air force lead to a lot of airplanes falling from the sky? you'd think that out of all the military branches that would be the most competent one

Well first off, I was in a comm unit, so we didn't work on the airplanes. Regardless, the type of idiocy I encountered, from what I hear from many others, is present throughout the entire armed forces.

Anyways, it wasn't like the entire unit was incompetent - it was just lots and lots of individuals. The reason stuff doesn't break is because the competent ones end up having to pick up the slack so they don't look bad by association, and that's essentially what the armed forces is - a select few bright stars hauling around all the others that are along for the ride. I suppose that it's the same story in just about any huge corporation though.
Well first off, I was in a comm unit, so we didn't work on the airplanes.

but my fertile imagination conjures all manner of possible scenarios:

comm officer: "this is ground control you are cleared for landing"
response: "this is a sea faring vessel idiot"
comm officer: "whoopsie"

comm officer: "whoops that just a fly on my screen, never mind"

comm officer: "hey the pilot is asking if the ground crew packed their chutes"
comm officer2: "......ummm, yes?"

etc ..I'm sure you could do a better job at relating air force tomfoolery than I could
Haha... nah, it wasn't anything like that. My unit was mostly doing computer networking stuff, nothing directly to do with actual flying or airplanes.

Most of the incompetency I experienced had to do with people just not knowing how to do their jobs when they should, or not doing things they should, or just being idiots in general, etc.
Haha... nah, it wasn't anything like that. My unit was mostly doing computer networking stuff, nothing directly to do with actual flying or airplanes.

pilot to co pilot: "is the bluescreen of death normal during flight?"

Most of the incompetency I experienced had to do with people just not knowing how to do their jobs when they should, or not doing things they should, or just being idiots in general, etc.

ay it's the same everywhere else
Encountered plenty of incompetence and just plain laziness in previous jobs. Especially when I worked for the Department of Health...people got away with murder there. Coming in an hour late and barely a word said, spending all day browsing the internet...the public sector has no work ethic whatsoever. As good a case against socialism as any.

Fortunately it doesn't happen here, though. If you don't cut it, you're out.
Encountered plenty of incompetence and just plain laziness in previous jobs. Especially when I worked for the Department of Health...people got away with murder there. Coming in an hour late and barely a word said, spending all day browsing the internet...the public sector has no work ethic whatsoever. As good a case against socialism as any.

Fortunately it doesn't happen here, though. If you don't cut it, you're out.
Well the secret police will deal with that:D

Bit tasteless that but hey!

I think the best example of incompetence would be that verizon thing about 0.02 cents =/= 0.02 dollars.
so what's the most incompetent person you've ever had to deal with?
ironically, my English teacher. His name is Dr Jones, and he's like 60. He thinks he's cool and there's about 20 girls in my class, and only 3 boys (go figure), and so he spends half the lesson looking down their tops. He doesn't even try to hide it :|

Also he doesn't say anything relevant to the lesson at hand, instead he constantly referrs to the other subject he teaches - communications. I seriously think I'll fail English because of this douchebag.
Well the secret police will deal with that:D

Bit tasteless that but hey!

I think the best example of incompetence would be that verizon thing about 0.02 cents =/= 0.02 dollars.

As long as they deal with the assholes getting paid ?8.20 an hour to do nothing or next to (at a charge rate of ?11), I'm happy. Considering the taxpayer is spending nearly ?100 a day in wages alone to employ these people, that's worse than benefit fraud.
The actual costs incurred are much higher - I know it costs ?5000 a month to employ me where I am now.
alright alright enough of the "ills of socialism" nonsense ..less pointing fingers more stories of people being incompetent

ironically, my English teacher. His name is Dr Jones, and he's like 60. He thinks he's cool and there's about 20 girls in my class, and only 3 boys (go figure), and so he spends half the lesson looking down their tops. He doesn't even try to hide it :|

Also he doesn't say anything relevant to the lesson at hand, instead he constantly referrs to the other subject he teaches - communications. I seriously think I'll fail English because of this douchebag.

me fail in english? that's unpossible!!

sorry couldnt resist the ralph wiggum quote

you're in high school or college ..cuz if it's college then looking down a students top is a-ok ...although 60 is a little too much of an age gap
ironically, my English teacher. His name is Dr Jones, and he's like 60. He thinks he's cool and there's about 20 girls in my class, and only 3 boys (go figure), and so he spends half the lesson looking down their tops. He doesn't even try to hide it :|

Also he doesn't say anything relevant to the lesson at hand, instead he constantly referrs to the other subject he teaches - communications. I seriously think I'll fail English because of this douchebag.

well, right now you seem to be speaking (writing) english pretty well. just remember, sentences must NOT end in the word "at"
I hear lemonkings incompetent in bed!

alright alright enough of the "ills of socialism" nonsense ..less pointing fingers more stories of people being incompetent

It's the perfect story of incompetence. I can only imagine how much richer we would be if government departments were as efficient as corporations.
The administrators at my current company work far harder than the senior management at the Department of Health, and that is the honest truth.
I hear the girlfriend is worse ..."dont bite my wienerschnitzel dumkoff"

It's the perfect story of incompetence. I can only imagine how much richer we would be if government departments were as efficient as corporations.
The administrators at my current company work far harder than the senior management at the Department of Health, and that is the honest truth.

yes because we all know corporations are soooo much better at doing what's right ..because after all they're not elected officials with a responsibility to their citizens ...but basta already, does every single conversation you have turn to the ills of socialism? ..if so you must bore people to tears
Customers can be equally incompetent. I hate working in retail.
yes because we all know corporations are soooo much better at doing what's right ..because after all they're not elected officials with a responsibility to their citizens ...but basta already, does every single conversation you have turn to the ills of socialism? ..if so you must bore people to tears

It's got nothing to do with doing what's "right", it's about doing your job properly. And I can count the number of elected officials that work at the Department of Health on one hand.

No - it so happens that I worked in the public sector but two months ago, and there was no work ethic there at all. If I was going to talk about workplace incompetence, I'd surely discuss that wouldn't I?
Customers can be equally incompetent. I hate working in retail.

yup ..when I was a bartender I had the opportunity to see humanity at it's worst ..but what few people realize is that the bartender holds all the power at a bar ..dont ever cross the line

at a wedding of over 300 people a slimey italian guy walks up to the bar and asks for a shot of cognac ..didnt have any snifters left so I had pour it into a shot glass ..he looks at it and says "I want it in a snifter" ..I explained we didnt have any as the waiteresses hadnt cleared the table yet ..he said "I dont care, go over there , pick one up and wash it" ...I said "no" and moved to someone else ..he went to the manager and complained ..the manager walked up to me with the guy following behind, pointed at him and said "this guy is cut off at the bar" ..I practically shot stars out of ass by how elated I was ...should have seen the look on his face

repiv: I'd love to see a corporation take care of the special needs sector soon do you it would be before they were investigated for having horrible conditions because profit driven companies cant make a stinking cent off of special needs ..would you trust a corporation to take care of your special needs sibling?
repiv: I'd love to see a corporation take care of the special needs sector soon do you it would be before they were investigated for having horrible conditions because profit driven companies cant make a stinking cent off of special needs ..would you trust a corporation to take care of your special needs sibling?

You miss the point...there are oodles of people in the public sector who do so little they are actually a drain on resources. And since there is no incentive for people to get results, mediocrity is tolerated and even encouraged.
I got through over twice the workload of anyone else with my job at DofH (pretty much the only reason they kept me on, as I'm not the easiest of people to manage), and yet I'm slammed almost daily for not working fast enough here. Do the math, man.
I just have a problem with worthless employees - don't you? Do you also not think that this is a problem that should really be looked at?

By the way, I'd throw out some lighthearted stories of idiotic employees but I just can't think of any right now.
you're in high school or college ..cuz if it's college then looking down a students top is a-ok ...although 60 is a little too much of an age gap
high school. We're all 16-18. It's technically legal, but it shouldn't be going on in a classroom regardless.

well, right now you seem to be speaking (writing) english pretty well. just remember, sentences must NOT end in the word "at"
Oh I'm actually technically gifted at English, so I have no trouble with it, but the class itself deserves proper teaching regardless, while all this guy is doing is pure shit.
Only reason he's a Dr of English is because he wrote about this poet. I read about a page of his 'thesis', and it sucked. Horribly.

EDIT: And once, he skipped out on lessons to go down the pub. I know this because one of my classmates (female) also skipped out, and apparently he ran into her, and he said "the only reason I came down here was to see you". Such a perverted bastard. I hate him with a passion that could solve energy needs.
so what's the most incompetent person you've ever had to deal with?

He fell asleep on his break, while sitting in his car with the door open.... after smoking some marijuana... and was found by his boss... with his feet in the car and the rest of him on the pavement.

He was promptly fired and there was much rejoicing.