Indian Supreme Court raises Question Of Legalising Prostituition


Oct 21, 2009
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And here is the source

"When you say it is the world's oldest profession and you are not able to curb it by laws, why don't you legalise it?" Judges Dalveer Bhandari and AK Patnaik asked a government solicitor

"You can then monitor the trade, rehabilitate and provide medical aid to those involved."

Of course it is a mere suggestion, it doesn't carry much weight. But I think it is a great towards addressing the issue.
Same concept with legalizing weed, so I'm sure everyone will agree this is a good plan.

Though prostitution is more dangerous than weed.
legalise everything! then people can be free to all the dangers to these things.
Including grenade launchers and flamethrowers?

OH WAIT! Flamethrowers are already legal in the US! Suckas!
legalise everything! then people can be free to all the dangers to these things.

Weed isnt dangerous, and neither is sex. Unless you're an idiot. In fact, legal prostitutes would probably be the safest sex you could get.
Your right there Krynn in regards to 'legal prostitutes' being safe, they would need rules to have HIV checks once a day and have a shower between lays lol.

however weed can cause psychosis, it happened to one of my closest friends. very bad illness, he attacked me car twice and me because of the illness. ive learn alot about it and fortunately hes making a full recovery now.
hahahaha. Silly man, Marijuana doesn't cause psychosis.
hahahaha. Silly man, Marijuana doesn't cause psychosis.

Vaughan at said:
It is now clear that cannabis increases the risk of psychosis in some people who have a family history of psychosis and / or certain versions of the COMT gene.

However, the main thrust of the news stories is that even a single dose of THC, the main ingredient in cannabis that causes the 'high', can trigger psychotic symptoms.

He would've gone over the edge even without the weed. At most the it brought it on a little sooner.
I always wonder why people try to make illegal things legal, when they can focus on making legal things illegal. It's way more fun that way.
I always wonder why people try to make illegal things legal, when they can focus on making legal things illegal. It's way more fun that way.

Government regulated prostitution would be the most complicated thing ever. I can't even imagine how it would be properly done without costing tons and tons of money while protecting the customer and the prostitute.
i agree with amakging things leagl cause no way to relation t indians

wqeeed should be made legal!

disagree with 154773~!!


Although, making loli illegal is kinda hard, seeing as you can always tell the judge that she is actually 18 - and therefore not subject to regulation. Which is what Japan does with it's "H-games".

Government regulated prostitution would be the most complicated thing ever. I can't even imagine how it would be properly done without costing tons and tons of money while protecting the customer and the prostitute.

Exactly. We're better off with less prostitution anyway.
\Although, making loli illegal is kinda hard, seeing as you can always tell the judge that she is actually 18 - and therefore not subject to regulation. Which is what Japan does with it's "H-games".

Except that never works when people are caught. It's not even really about them being under 18, at least in the cases I've heard about it's about the drawings being incredibly tasteless (they appear to be children and that's all that matters)

The best defense is to use the first amendment.

Also inb4 this thread turns into loli/pedo debate thread #294
Your right there Krynn in regards to 'legal prostitutes' being safe, they would need rules to have HIV checks once a day and have a shower between lays lol.

however weed can cause psychosis, it happened to one of my closest friends. very bad illness, he attacked me car twice and me because of the illness. ive learn alot about it and fortunately hes making a full recovery now.

If they already have it, though.
If they already have it, though.

Then my point stands... It doesn't cause it. At the very worst it will trigger it. Just like video games can trigger motion sickness or epileptic seizures. Certainly something that shouldn't govern its legality.
Yeah I see your point there Krynn..

I was wondering since your from Louisiana and your join date and post count.. are you Steve-0?? remember him? lol. had a simular avatar to tr0n....
I think the point is so that prostitution is no longer run by criminal gangs and couple that with the really inefficient methods the Indian government have used to crackdown on prostitution. And also the safety of the sex workers. But as I said, no way the Indian parliament is going to take this seriously because Indian society is very conservative.

But we'll see. Last time the Delhi High court decriminalized Homosexuality and the Indian parliament is looking to legislate to support the High Court decision.
Why legalize weed when you can make tobacco illegal?

Why legalize prostitution when you can make pornography illegal?

You guys are beyond my comprehension.

p.s. I love this font. Reminds me so much of those old school text RPGs.
Aren't there legal brothels in Nevada? How do they do it?
I think legalising brothels, but not street walking, is the way to go.

Why listen to Numbers when you can take away his right to speak? Because Amerka, that's why.
Why legalize weed when you can make tobacco illegal?

Why legalize prostitution when you can make pornography illegal?

You guys are beyond my comprehension.

i hope you are trolling
Gentlemen, GENTLEMEN!

We are getting off topic here with talks of marijuana and lolis!

Let's get back to the real meat of this thread: who in their right mind would actually PAY to sleep with an INDIAN woman?!
Gentlemen, GENTLEMEN!

We are getting off topic here with talks of marijuana and lolis!

Let's get back to the real meat of this thread: who in their right mind would actually PAY to sleep with an INDIAN woman?!

My good sir, I find you to be awesome.

On topic: I wouldn't. Err..

I mean to say, legalizing prostitution has too many things to be worked out, and I dunno if you could turn a profit after all those regulations - which would rather make obsolete the idea of government run brothels.
there's huge potential in the industry. the problem is that a lot of the potential customers, perverts, still have a conception of law and thus out of the fear of getting caught for something illegal they can't contribute. turning all the potential into profit only requires luring the saddest of all perverts out of their caves and encourage them to spend money on prostitutes. this of course is done by legalizing prostitution.

pervs across the land rejoice, fulfilling their dreams is now legal...yet it will take a long time untill it's socially acceptable. but pervs rarely conform to established norms so the latter point is obsolete...
If I remember this right, India has a big history of brothels and prostitutes.
I can't see why Prostitution is illegal to begin with, besides the whole religious views in the time.
Stop with the retarded font numbers.
Clearly India has the right idea, rapidly spread more HIV for population control.
Durrrr because people don't do that anyway when prostitution is illegal? If it were a properly regulated industry it would probably help slow the spread of AIDS.
Stop with the retarded font numbers.
Clearly India has the right idea, rapidly spread more HIV for population control.

But I ****ing love it! It reminds me of everything that was good about the days of command line interface systems!

But since you're so bothered by it, I'll stop. :E

Anyway, I don't see how you could make it into an industry. Prostitutes R Us? I don't think it'll sit very well with much of the population. Tax money being used on whores, and etc. Also, I doubt prostitutes would like themselves being registered on government systems.
But I ****ing love it! It reminds me of everything that was good about the days of command line interface systems!

But since you're so bothered by it, I'll stop. :E

Anyway, I don't see how you could make it into an industry. Prostitutes R Us? I don't think it'll sit very well with much of the population. Tax money being used on whores, and etc. Also, I doubt prostitutes would like themselves being registered on government systems.

This is how!
But I ****ing love it! It reminds me of everything that was good about the days of command line interface systems!

But since you're so bothered by it, I'll stop. :E
*didn't expect you to stop :O
Why legalize weed when you can make tobacco illegal?

Why legalize prostitution when you can make pornography illegal?

You guys are beyond my comprehension.

p.s. I love this font. Reminds me so much of those old school text RPGs.

Why make it illegal in the rest of the world when you make all those thing illegal in South Korea ?

who in their right mind would actually PAY to sleep with an INDIAN woman?!

Indian men ? I think the real question is, who in their right mind would sleep with INDIAN men ?
But I ****ing love it! It reminds me of everything that was good about the days of command line interface systems!

Command line interfaces? Since when do command-line interfaces use shitty serif fonts with curls and stuff? This is the only acceptable fixed width font.
