Infamous or Prototype?

Infamous or Prototype

  • Infamous

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • Prototype

    Votes: 60 70.6%

  • Total voters
Wow ... 70% of the people on this board have invalid opinions. Either that or they vote without any knowledge of at least one of the games.

Infamous is a much, much, much better game than Prototype. It's like GTAIV to Saints Row. One is a truly excellent game, the other is good for some mindless fun but overall not that special. I don't want to piss all over Prototype because it's not like it's terrible or anything ... it does its thing a lot better than other open-world games like Saints Row ... but it just ain't in the same league as Infamous.
And yet another quality fanboy post.

I swear, if Prototype was PS3 exclusive and inFamous was multiplatform, you'd be saying the exact opposite.
They both look terrible. Save your money.

(voted Prototype though :P)
Havent played inFamous, but I've just played a good 2 hours of Prototype (PC) and I'm really enjoying it.
I just got inFamous today and been playing with a friend for about 4 hours straight. we'd do a few missions each then level up and hand the controller over. every mission seemed different from the last and so far its a nice game
I downloaded Prototype and been playing it, it's an awesome game so far.

I'm planning to buy the overrated infamous, since so many people are praising it (most likely sony fanboys), but whatever... I need some new games to keep me accompany.
I downloaded Prototype and been playing it, it's an awesome game so far.

I'm planning to buy the overrated infamous, since so many people are praising it (most likely sony fanboys), but whatever... I need some new games to keep me accompany.

i don't know about infamous being overrated but i'm playing it on the default medium and its a blast! its really addictive and easy to get into. its like GTA but actually fun!
If you want Prototype now, play Hulk Ultimate Destruction. It's an IDENTICAL game, with the same developer, the same engine, the same animations and the exact same feel when you hit a button. Except you play as the Hulk.
Infamous: AGH why do developers not allow players to skip cutscenes anymore!? Also what's with the game's first movie playing every time I start the game. Is it to hide the load-times? Also the game doesnt auto-save nearly enough.
I've not played Infamous or Hulk but Protoype is the most fun I've had from a game since Wolverine Uncaged..
You mean it's a conflict between pretentious and boring vs fun and entertaining?

Virtually every one I know hated GTA4 (and they have fine taste) and thought it was GTA with the fun sucked out. I'm inclined to agree based on what I've played. I don't see why they can't both be good, even for two different reasons.

Prototype is fun and entertaining, and that's fine. I don't dislike the game, I'm just tired of it being compared to a fairly different and much better game. I really doubt that the majority of people on here have played both or even seen much of both. Anyway, Prototype isn't a bad game ... it's just out of its league. Infamous is genuinely very good, though it has its flaws .. and people would do well to take a look at it.

But you're wrong about saying GTAIV is "pretentious". It's not ... it just isn't retarded like almost every other game (Saints Row). If someone dislikes it that's fine ... but claiming they dislike it because it's pretentious makes them look very stupid. That's an overused argument that simple people pull out to make others feel bad for liking something that's even remotely mature or in the case of video games ... not retarded. GTAIV just tells an entertaining, somber, and dramatic story while at the same time providing tons of fun gameplay, immature and irreverent humor, and a great atmosphere. People generally like Saints Row because it lets you run around naked and make your character look like a hermaphrodite, not because the game is good (it isn't).

My point is that you can have a good game that is extremely fun and entertaining while also providing a lot of narrative and atmospheric quality at the same time. GTAIV is far more than just its story, and even people who don't appreciate it can have a great time. Fun and entertaining does not necessarily equal stupid ... a lot of people can't seem to grasp that.

And yet another quality fanboy post.

I swear, if Prototype was PS3 exclusive and inFamous was multiplatform, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

Don't be an idiot. If you disagree with what I said, explain why. Otherwise you're just being a name-calling jackass.
GTA bored the hell out of me. I don't know what you were playing.
Prototype is just awesome.
Hands down.
I went and rented it. This is.. I might actually buy the game itself so that I can play it more.


What's also fun to do is take the form of a soldier, get a gun, and go to an infected/army crossover area and play ZOMBIE SURVIVAL.
Prototype is just awesome.
Hands down.
I went and rented it. This is.. I might actually buy the game itself so that I can play it more.


What's also fun to do is take the form of a soldier, get a gun, and go to an infected/army crossover area and play ZOMBIE SURVIVAL.

I agree, I'm only on like mission 8, but i've logged quite a few hours of just minigame/roaming. Enjoying every second.
These two games remind me of Ninja Blade and Ninja Gaiden 2: it took me months to figure out that they were in fact two different games, as hard as that is to believe.
Been playing prototype for a few hours and it's good, not mind blowing but still good fun while it lasts. My only complaint is the fighting and shooting mechanics, which I find to be very rigid and restrictive... Press this button to lock onto a target, use mouse cursor to cycle targets... Yeah... how about letting me aim?

Now for the good things.
Hijacking an armored vehicle and going on a rampage is a lot of fun especially since there are a lot of destructible objects around.
Disguising myself as a policeman and walking up buildings as bystanders go WTF, priceless.
Also throwing cars never gets old.:P

As for the story... nothing special, the same old government conspiracy.
What I find unrealistic is how calm the military is... they made this virus which practically behaves the same as "the thing", they know how dangerous it is yet they continue to send soldiers on foot, tanks and choppers to get sliced and diced. Nuke the city from orbit it's the only way to make sure.
Don't be an idiot. If you disagree with what I said, explain why. Otherwise you're just being a name-calling jackass.

Says the guy who told everyone they had invalid opinions.
Fair enough, but I meant that to be a bit humorous.

All of your posts in this thread have been humourous, just not in the way you intended.

So is prototype any good then? I dont buy games too often so i may rent this first as it neither look 'all that'.
I have played and seen both, and while Infamous may be 'better', Prototype is a lot more fun.
I actually kinda like Prototype, I'd give it a 7.5-8.0 out of 10, whereas I would give say GTAIV an 8.5, just for comparison.

Thing is, Prototype is quite rough around the edges, no pretty graphics, no great storyline etc, however, what it does well, is fun, the different powers are great, the missions and events are also very fun, it took me a very long time to get bored of slicing innocent civilians up with my knife, just as though they were bread and butter.

However, another of the reasons I'm only giving it a 7.5 is that I'm getting bored of the sandbox genre overall, it feels as if every second game that comes out this generation is a sandbox game, each title proclaiming to be the SANDBOX GAME OF THE YEAR OMFGS!!
What annoys me is that I have yet to play a single sandbox game that takes place in a sandbox.
What annoys me is that I have yet to play a single sandbox game that takes place in a sandbox.

Be careful what you wish for.

"Announcing the future best sandbox game of the decade, Ants in a sandbox, OMGWTFBBQ!!11"

"Rated T for teen"
Started doing more good missions in Infamous. Really enjoying it. Love finding the dead drops and shards.
yeah infamous is way better , and whats with the graphics on prototype its so 5 years ago. If prototype had infamous graphics i would have purchased them both.
yeah infamous is way better , and whats with the graphics on prototype its so 5 years ago. If prototype had infamous graphics i would have purchased them both.

You are the reason we can't have nice things.
Man, I was going to mock him but you already got two insulting posts in before I even finished.
Well it's too bad the actual game doesn't look more like the concept art...


But I still think it compensates with the fun factor.

Also I would like to ask the forum members that live in Manhattan, how accurate is it recreated in the game?
Trust me, if Infamous was anything like Prototype, about 75 npcs with fire fight and blowing up everywhere at the same time in the screen, the graphic would look worse or in par with Prototype. BTW, It's not like infamous has awesome graphic to begin with.
Note: to anyone about to do the Times Square mission, make sure you have an hour or so to spare and something to take your rage out on. The guy who implemented that mission needs a swift kick to the face. :x
I had no problems with that mission, in fact, the only mission I really had problems with was the final mission, this was on Normal difficulty mind you!
I love the military reports. I always LOL at how much money they spend trying to stop me.:P
my friend at work bought Prototype and I just got a $400 bonus check from work so I think I'll buy it from work. He said it was fun and the difference between the games is a lot. Proto is rated M and very bloody while inFamous is rated Teen. Also I wanted both of them from the get go
Well I just reached a mission where you have to go and collect genetic material inside a hive, and this random military dude shows up and the bastard managed to beat the crap out of me with a shock stick and an assault rifle... :|. What the flying ****? The character is able to kill dozens of people instantly, punch through tanks with his bare hands and this pathetic guy kills him. Yeah that makes perfect sense...
Perhaps the critical factor in your death was the shock stick?

Prototype is ****ing awesome. Free running/parkour is nearly flawless, the powers are great... it's all been said in this thread, and it's all true. Oh and the graphics are actually pretty good.
Well I just reached a mission where you have to go and collect genetic material inside a hive, and this random military dude shows up and the bastard managed to beat the crap out of me with a shock stick and an assault rifle... :|. What the flying ****? The character is able to kill dozens of people instantly, punch through tanks with his bare hands and this pathetic guy kills him. Yeah that makes perfect sense...

I used the whip power on him every time he reloads, that beats him quite easily.
I guess I'll get prototype. I know someone who have Infamous, and might be able to borrow it from him.
Well I just reached a mission where you have to go and collect genetic material inside a hive, and this random military dude shows up and the bastard managed to beat the crap out of me with a shock stick and an assault rifle... :|. What the flying ****? The character is able to kill dozens of people instantly, punch through tanks with his bare hands and this pathetic guy kills him. Yeah that makes perfect sense...

Who says he 's a normal soldier?
Still not convinced to spend 60 on Prototype, I haven't heard enough raving reviews, and more just "it's pretty good" reviews, even from people who love those sort of games.