****ING FINALLY a Great Sounding Zombie Game

Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score

* Set during the breakdown of society as emergence of zombies causes widespread panic and disorder.
* Slow, shambling zombies. Spreads like a virus/bite transmission. No, you are not a zombie, that would be stupid.
* Serious examination of a national crisis or natural disaster. Humans and a lack of order are a bigger threat than the undead. Think Hurricane Katrina, Children of Men, Dawn of the Dead NOT Resident Evil, Return of the Living Dead, zombie shooter-type games.
* Game is about survival. Scavenging resources, exploring the area, dealing with other survivors, and managing a "shelter" of sorts are the main focus of the game. More on this later.
* Game is open-ended. There are characters and events that could happen, but the story depends on where you go, what you do, and who you meet. Of course, there's a lot more to this and we'll go into more details as time goes on

Open ended? Based on survival? I JUST CAME
And L4D isn't a great sounding zombie game?

I wonder how this game will play out?
L4D Gets boring after like a week.

This sounds awesome but like every new game that ever comes out in the history of games, I will assume it's shit until they can prove otherwise.
L4D has those zombies on PCP ala 28 days later. I'm excited about this :D
I just really hope it's third person, way to many FPS nowadays IMO, I just really love a good third person shooter.
L4D Gets boring after like a week.

Completely agree. All my friends are like, "Hey, lets go play us some coolio L4D!!1"
Hey, no. I'm tired of going through the goddamn subway, farm, airport, hospital, etc. Gets boring after the 40th time.
*looks at my couple hundreds of hours of L4d*

Yeah, it gets boring after a week. You guys have ADHD.
* Game is about survival. Scavenging resources, exploring the area, dealing with other survivors, and managing a "shelter" of sorts are the main focus of the game. More on this later.

This is something that has been lacking from zombie games big time.
Sounds like my sort of zombie game so far.

I would really like the feeling of a more realistic zombie survival game.
Funny thing is me and my good bro were talking about a zombie game like this for a good 3 hours when we we camping, almost identicle to what they are saying this game is about. I wanted to type it up but I don't feel like typing for 3 or 4 hours.
Sounds a lot like Dead Island(From Techland, guys who made Call Of Juarez)

Anyway, let's hope it turns out good! I've been fantasizing about proper zombie survival 'simulators' for years!
Sounds cool.

I'd like to see a FPS zombie game with hordes of them that just keep coming with their arms falling off from bullet wounds but it won't stop them. Keep shooting until their legs are mangled and fall off, and they limp or crumple to the ground but keep crawling after you like a Terminator.

Chunks of flesh fly off, revealing bones and guts to dribble out and limbs that can be shot or blown off with grenades. An absolute gore-fest with waves of zombies and plenty of grenades to throw into packs of them, launching body parts and zombie bodies into the air and against static objects. Like explosions of zombies sent hurdling through windows and other breakable objects like chairs and phone booths. Massive collateral damage.
Defo sounds like my kind of game so far, just what I wish real life was like :(
Sounds doomed to faluire.

Too big a project, too wide an idea, no story to focus the player onto a certain path (equally having enough of a story to make tons of work and cause players to stumble across plot holes by the score rather than an almost blank slate for the player to work from like Mount & Blade) and of course accusations of racism (lets face it, if L4D2 can get this then a game attempting to cast the breakdown of socitey ala Hurricane Katrina in a serious light is gunna get it, hard. Unless of course there are no black/asian/etc people doing anything bad).

I predict a buggy mess that will satisfy few if they actually stick to these ideas or a well put together, linear game that everyone is disapointed with because they didn't stick to thier original plan.
Sounds awesome, and totally a game I would buy and play, however it is going to be ludicrously hard to pull it off well and honestly.
Sounds great, but who the **** are DoubleBear productions? I hope they pull it off, but suspect a buggy pos. At the very least it shows some people are listening to what many zombie fans want.
Now this sounds like a Zombie game I can shamble behind!
Sounds great, but who the **** are DoubleBear productions? I hope they pull it off, but suspect a buggy pos. At the very least it shows some people are listening to what many zombie fans want.

Brian Mitsoda (Vampire: Bloodlines) and Annie Carlson (NWN2: Storm of Zehir) have formed DoubleBear, an independent studio that, using Iron Tower Studio tech, is making a survival-style RPG set in a zombie apocalypse. More details on the official forum.

Do your research before posting stupid crap.

Source: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=51434
I've always wanted this kind of game.
This sounds exactly how STALKER should have been. I just hope it'll be possible to barricade doorways with Physprops. Ever since I saw the HL2 beta where you block the door with the table, I've wanted a game where that would happen.
No shit, the other day I was thinking "How cool would it be to combine X-Com with Left 4 Dead", a turn-based survival horror game where you have to manage your shelter like in a base-building style and you have to scavange for food in order to feed your team of survivors, and where the trade off between having more survivors is that they consume food and resources quicker. So you had to make choices about whether to rescue that guy stuck on the supermarket roof or let him rot, with some sort of karma system in place. You'd also have to deal with rival groups and your karma level effects how other groups behave towards you.

I had it all mapped out in my head, some bastard read my mind and stole my idea.
This reminds me abit of "The Colony" on the Discovery Channel. Looking forward to this!
No shit, the other day I was thinking "How cool would it be to combine X-Com with Left 4 Dead", a turn-based survival horror game where you have to manage your shelter like in a base-building style and you have to scavange for food in order to feed your team of survivors, and where the trade off between having more survivors is that they consume food and resources quicker. So you had to make choices about whether to rescue that guy stuck on the supermarket roof or let him rot, with some sort of karma system in place. You'd also have to deal with rival groups and your karma level effects how other groups behave towards you.

I had it all mapped out in my head, some bastard read my mind and stole my idea.

Well, considering it's former Obsidian devs doing it, I'm expecting it to be closer to an RPG than a turn-based strategy game ala X-Com.

Personally I'm more interested in Dead Island than this, but I haven't heard any updates on Dead Island for like almost a year so.:\
1st person or over-the-shoulder puppet?

it's important.
Sounds great!

Slow, shambling zombies = the real deal - none of this hyperactive running stupidity.
I just came multiple times in a row, but then my penis shrunk after realizing it will never come out or it will have massive bugs due to lack of funding, because today's gamers have brains not much larger than hamsters. Yay for de-evolution.
I hope they succeed in getting a quality game out because the idea is very intriguing to me. I also hope it's first person, that's the only way I'd play it. I'd be really excited about this one unless it's third person then I'll instantly stop caring.
whenever i get the urge to add some lead to a zombie diet i just play L4D...all i need.