Inglourious Basterds

How much of the dialogue would you say is unsubtitled german or french?

I would say around 80% of the movie is not in english. There were no subtitles because it was a press screening and the subtitles were not ready yet. It will be fully subtitled when it's released to the public though.
Wait so the movie is not in english?

Everyone speaks their own language and since it's set in nazi occupied France mostly german and french is used. There is also some italian mixed in but just for a laugh. Basterds use english, but they don't do a lot of speaking. All the cool tarantino trademark dialog is in other languages.
Maybe you're trying too hard to take the film seriously. From what I understand, the movie is supposed to be an extreme satire of allied bravado, filmed in the old Spaghetti Western movie formula. The American brutality is deliberately over the top and the German perspective is also deliberately intended to provoke sympathy. Shit, that's all obvious just from the trailer and reading the synopsis - how can critics honestly miss the point so spectacularly? whoah hey, lets ignore that Tarantino has successfully yet controversially flipped the whole war on it's moralistic ass and instead berate him for not including gimps and quarter pounders with cheese.

But thing is, a film can be all that and still be a terrible film. Just as a film can be terribly cheesy and ridiculous and be fantastic for it. See any of Sam Raimi's horror films and you'll know what I mean.

He's a great director but when he's being self-indulgent like with Kill Bill or Death Proof, he's far from being the infallible god of cinema everyone claims him to be.
I didn't see anything wrong with the Kill Bills, don't get why everyone here apparently hates them so much. :|
I like the second one, but the first one is kind of hit and miss for me. I don't hate it, i think its good, but its no Pulp Fiction is it.
I didn't see anything wrong with the Kill Bills, don't get why everyone here apparently hates them so much. :|

Of course you don't.

I found they lacked substance, for obvious reasons.
Not so obvious as you might think.

And no, of course they aren't Pulp Fiction, I doubt that he'll ever make another film like that ever again.
Maybe not to you. There's barely any plot, and the dialogue is awful. The amount of blood used, as well as the damage done, was remarkably unbelievable. The movies were very predictable. From just the trailer you knew exactly what was going to happen.

It wasn't edgy, it was boring.
Points taken.
They were still entertaining though, fun little revenge story.
I'm arguing politely in a civilised manner about my opinion on the internet!

Also, I want to watch it.
Maybe not to you. There's barely any plot, and the dialogue is awful.

Those criticisms are fair enough.

Yorick said:
The amount of blood used, as well as the damage done, was remarkably unbelievable. From just the trailer you knew exactly what was going to happen.

These ones though, are stupid. The violence thing is like going into a horror film, hating it and walking out saying "That film sucked, I didn't laugh once", while the trailer thing... well... You saw a film called Kill Bill and you were actually surprised that they Killed Bill?

Lucid said:
And no, of course they aren't Pulp Fiction, I doubt that he'll ever make another film like that ever again.

It was dumb of me to compare any other film to Pulp Fiction anyway because that's one of those 'once-in-a-decade' type films that comes along and blows everyone away. So yeah, you're right. But, I still wouldn't say the first Kill Bill is a great film when compared to general Hollywood films (which i really should have said in the first place)
I didn't really like the first one that much either, it was a mindless gorefest.
The second was great however.
I love that my family is in entertainment, because things like this happens all the time: I was rooting around the library when I found the entire script for Inglourious Basterds in the script section. I didn't even know we had it. So, I sat down and finally read it.


1. The German colonel's interrogation at the beginning was absolutely amazing. No witty, inappropriate banter and no crude torture. He simply dominates the suspect, and it's all communicated through dialogue. The stage directions don't give a hint of it; they're all very mechanical (as they should be). When he finally states, does not ask, but states that the suspect is sheltering Jews, the man breaks immediately and admits it, and it felt absolutely real to me. I was totally blown away by the writing in that one scene.

2. The faux-Italian dialogue at the end had me in stitches.

Everything else was really just...okay. I found the trailer offensive, but the script itself was only mediocre. As said earlier, the Germans came across as incredibly sympathetic. Tarantino can claim that was intentional, but I always hate when directors/writers do that, because you can always claim you intended something to be that way, when it so often is just crap writing. There's no way you can contradict an argument like that.
These ones though, are stupid. The violence thing is like going into a horror film, hating it and walking out saying "That film sucked, I didn't laugh once", while the trailer thing... well... You saw a film called Kill Bill and you were actually surprised that they Killed Bill?

No, it was more the idea of "Let me run down this list and kill all these people". It was formulaic and got old after about 10 minutes. And I think gore is often used excessively and for no reason, but that's not what happened here - or at least not what I'm talking about. This was more like Tarantino has a fetish for girls that are covered in blood.
No, it was more the idea of "Let me run down this list and kill all these people". It was formulaic and got old after about 10 minutes.
Ehhhhhhh, yes but no if that makes sense? I mean, in the first ten minutes it sets up that she's killed 2 of the 5 people on her 'to-kill' and you know she's gonna kill them plus Bill or at least get close to it or something. But you don't know how, which is why you watch films isn't it?

When I see an action film I know the good guy will save the day and the badguy will die. 90% this is what happens and I know it going into the film. But I still see it. Its the how and what happens parts that i'll see it for.

So yeah, I agree it is predictable because she does kill those five people, but you didn't expect her to be buried alive and you didn't expect her to kill eighty-eight Yakuza swordsmen in a 50's themed sushi dance restaraunt

Yorick said:
And I think gore is often used excessively and for no reason, but that's not what happened here - or at least not what I'm talking about. This was more like Tarantino has a fetish for girls that are covered in blood.

I do kind of get what you mean, but at the same time, there's what... 4 women in the film that get covered in blood and I can only think of two instances in both films where there are scenes with women covered in blood.

How is it a fetish for Tarantino to do that to 4 women in an action film, when it's not a fetish for John McTiernan to do it to 13 men in Die Hard?
How is it a fetish for Tarantino to do that to 4 women in an action film, when it's not a fetish for John McTiernan to do it to 13 men in Die Hard?

I didn't say it wasn't. I'm explaining why I don't like Kill Bill, not why I don't like Die Hard.
lol just saw the TV trailer here in the uk for the first time. Apparently the film is called Inglourious. Nothing else, just Inglourious. Gotta love the Nanny State. :rolleyes:
you are actually kidding me O_O

'fraid not. The ad was before 9pm though, so maybe it's an edited version, but how can they sell the same film with two different names? it's pathetic. And it's not even as if Basterds is a real word.

Reminds me of the '80's when the government had a serious censorship drive on movies and dubbed out every swear word from 'ass' upwards.

The gosh darned sheep heating mellon farmers.
Or maybe I'm wrong.


It takes more than entertaining dialogue and violence to make a good movie for me. I'm not gonna deny that Pulp Fiction is a decent movie, and I enjoyed Reservoir Dogs quite a bit, too.

But Kill Bill? Deathproof? Uh, no. Complete garbage. He made two good (and I use the word loosely) movies - which I still think are both overrated - but he's far from being the "great" director that people fellate him for being.

Agreed. I'm glad to see someone else isn't sucking at the teat of the emperors new clothes that is QTs career decline.
lol just saw the TV trailer here in the uk for the first time. Apparently the film is called Inglourious. Nothing else, just Inglourious. Gotta love the Nanny State. :rolleyes:

Just saw that trailer *facepalm*

I would understand if it was before watershed but it was 10:30 plus it still says inglourious basterds.

Another thing I've noticed is that billboards for the moie have removed the nazi symbol from them.
Hasn't anybody here ever heard of SPOILER TAGS?

God dammit, just because YOU don't like or want to see the movie, doesn't mean you get to spoil it for those of us who do.
I'm glad to see someone else isn't sucking at the teat of the emperors new clothes that is QTs career decline.

Somebody needs a hug. Or to be found by a stranger in the alps.
Somebody needs a hug. Or to be found by a stranger in the alps.

Waste your money, I care not (you'd waste it anyway). But in a few years when you find yourself watching QT shitting into a bucket whilst jacking off to a ladies shoe catalogue, don't come complaining. :dozey:
Waste your money, I care not (you'd waste it anyway). But in a few years when you find yourself watching QT shitting into a bucket whilst jacking off to a ladies shoe catalogue, don't come complaining. :dozey:

Already said I don't like the guy and am not a devout follower of his stuff... you're preaching to the wrong congregation, father.
Somebody needs a hug. Or to be found by a stranger in the alps.


Movie reviewers are all poncy self important cocks - especially Mark Kermode. I would rather let Barry Norman influence my movie decisions. And I would rather stick punji stakes smeared with gook faeces in my eyes than let Barry Norman influence my movie decisions.
Movie reviewers are all poncy self important cocks - especially Mark Kermode. I would rather let Barry Norman influence my movie decisions. And I would rather stick punji stakes smeared with gook faeces in my eyes than let Barry Norman influence my movie decisions.

Hey man, they just want you to enjoy great films.
Just incase some people didn't know there are advance screenings for this movie this weekend in the UK, although I tried to get a ticket the showing was sold out :|
sry for double post but I just got back from seeing itand didn't really like it. I seen an advance screening of this and it's not a badly made film I think in anyway obvious way but it's tarantino's styling that does, though if you are a tarantino fanboy then i'm sure you will love it.

His presence is felt in almost every scene and not in a good way (like in pulp fiction it doesn't detract from the experience in anyway) it's just blatant pretiousness:

-the seperate chapters thing that he loves doing
-the soundtrack at points just doesn't plain fit, there is a scene where one of the female cast whose name escapes me now is getting ready and over it is some random rock song O_o
-the charicatures of important figures like hitler and churchill
-the portrayal of the basterds is extremely annoying and act like fratboys. They are clearly not nice people (which I was already aware of) but they are never at any point cast in a negative light for their actions when at points they are worse than the nazis
-the tarantino patented character intros *rolleyes*
-pointing out critical key figures with arrows O_o they're important but not important enough to actually get their own scenes eh quentin?
-he ****ing rewrites WWII! This is just plain idiotic and immature. The film ends with the basterds killing hitler and ending the war whilst 2 of them are shooting the audience in slomo. This is just plain childish and incredibly immature
-there is a scene where a girl from earlier in the film tries to burn down the cinema and relays a pointless 10 second video and the smoke of the fire forms her laughing face? WTF?!

He seems to cast WWII in some sort of teamamerica****yeahesque manner and it is incredibly immature, irritating, disrespectful and done in incredibly bad taste.

One good thing I will say is that the actor who plays colonel lamda is really damn good. The opening scene is what will be rememered from this movie and is basically this movies equivalent of pulp fiction's royale with cheese bit.

But overall this is the equivalent really of tarantino ****ing off for 2.5 hours >_>