Innovative Mod Idea -Original and New- help wanted

  • Thread starter Thread starter Talbain_Nova
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Dracten -mod - original New- help wanted

I am looking for people who are interested in doing a new mod idea.

if your interested in working on a Fantasy,Science Fiction, Action,
Adventure game - and beyond.
This game is for you....

This is a mod for Half Life 2 (making a new full game with source)
progress on this game 10% complete - I have some models which are not finished - Most concepts are done - Concept for levels and enemy's is complete.

I am looking for:
web designers
3D modelers
Texture Artists
Musicians etc.

The Game will tell a interesting and mysterious story,
this game will let you experience new characters in a story unlike anything seen before.
You will be able to play this game in third person and FPS. (you decide)

You Can play characters which most FPS don't allow you to play.
(Hint: When's the last time you played a game where your a Griffon in a fps?)
This game would also have vehicles and even Mechs.
Weapons: Swords,Bow and Arrows, Machine Guns, Rockets
etc. a few surprises ;) which again have yet to be done in a FPS.

Now your probably wondering - okay is this just single player?
What about multiplayer and coop?

This Game would be for everyone. - It would have single player and Coop, multiplayer, also have team battles - where you can choose sides, or if you want have AI on your teams helping you or if you want unlike other mods. Set your own rules - for example you could have a team match where you don't have to wait 2 minutes just to be respawn - you can have a battle where only your allowed to spawn X amount of times. (lets say 5 times)
- again let the servers be in control or you could use defaults and not put in the 5 time respawn and just have a good old deathmatch where points count - or what I like tug of war - If you die your team looses a point (which ever team can get to a certain score wins) -those are some ideas I have- again i'd love to hear yours.

This Game would definatly show Sources full potential.

please if your interested leave me a message at:
[email protected]

Then after you send the email - I will show you some samples of my idea for those serious in wanting to help out.
(Why am I not showing it on these forums?) I am wanting to start to get a team together on this game and get it off the ground, then show it to everyone.

I want to help create a game which I believe is way over due.
I hope we can achieve this goal together.


some characters from the game
(for those who don't think I am serious)






Don't take offense to this, but what exactly is your mod about? By your vague description you seem to want to throw in aspects of all other mods into one huge mod. However, there's no theme (that I see) for the game. A little more info could help you recruitment process.
you want more info okay :)
No I am not trying to throw anyone elses mod into one game.

Here's some more info:

The Theme - Science Fiction,Fantasy,Action, RPG, Adventure.

a strange object is found hurled to the earth.
a group of scientists come upon the object - they study a strange object like beacon.

They find a distress call from another world which seems to be under attack (unlike our world) you see a bunch of worlds and races trying to fight off something which seems to be growing out of a planet like a plant.

Mankind ready's up and uses the beacon device, they arrive on a world called Shanra - (Shanra is a planet full of city's and lush rainforest type environment)
The Races on this planet are dinosaur like characters, who are like us, but have high tech weapons)
Mankind Learns that a group of races have gotten together - (all types and kinds) have been trying to stop a evil being from taking over other planets and universes., but sadly other planets and universes have already fallen to the Master (The Master has turned some Races into killing machines and have even created his own races and even manipulated some to believe he will let them take over the planets his army's take.) Some places are still under attack and need your help - shanra is about to fall, if the planets generator protecting the planet is destroyed. The masters full force will be able to move in completly.

The Master wants to be in total control of all races and all universes.

You Then Learn that this so called Master is from another dimension, but they have yet to see it. The races who are fighting this creature need your help and all the other races who seem to be arriving from other worlds and dimensions.
Cause if Shanra Falls, than he is only a step closer to taking total control over the other earths and wiping out the other races who oppose him. Can you find a way to stop him?

okay That just gives you a idea on the theme and a little bit about the story. Concerning characters - will have a very good variaty of actors.

if you have any more questions let me know
Um. Okay. Sounds interesting. Will it be singleplayer or multiplayer? And why would humans be called if everything else is a huge monster with better guns? I'd suggest leaving humans out of it and just staging it on the planet/universe where it's taking place. The humans just seem to be filler material.

And if someone can pull off a nice gryphon model, I will become their slave monkey.
Good Idea Draklyne - but then how are humans going to be playable in the game? Again people sometimes will want to be able to play as a human. Thats why humans are in the story, Also all races are needed to fight this bad guy (he is trying to take over everything) - at first I was going to leave humans out.

But then some would want people in the game!!
Again - I want to make a game that try's to make people happy and most important make something fun which has a good story, adding humans to the game doesn't really take anything away from the story - nor do the other races - which you can play as.

They all have certain special ability's and weapons - some races can fly while others might need a suit or some might be able to drive certain vehicles while other races cannot. (Same with weapons) But some races can use other races weapons which is pretty funny. Comedy and horror will be in this game as well.

Imagine a human size character type guy using one of the bigger races machine gun weapon ;)

Concerning the multiplayer or single player - It will have that - COOP and Multiplater - read my first post (for further info).

Glad to hear your opinion.

Also I will say you can play as a anthro Werewolf in the game (I noticed your avatar has a Wolf) - other anthro characters are in the game as well.
Allow me to put it this way...
Why would anyone want to be human? What Pluses would they have over the monsters?
Cause certain individuals like to play as human type Characters - Ask Around ;)

I am sure you will fine some who would like to play as super hero like character in the game or guys with swords - it also add's a challenge and their plenty of human weapons and vehicles humans can use - Humans also have some really good special abilitys. Again this game isn't ment to take things away - If you want to make a server where you can't play as a human - You can do that. If you want to start a deathmatch or Team deal and don't want the Sniper type weapons or Machine Guns. You can make it so only Arrow type weapons or hand type weapons like a sword are only allowed to be used or other things.

again very good question Darklyne
i have a great idea-planetary assault mode. one team starts on a planet with orbital defence cannons, air bases and vechiles. The have several bases. the other team starts in an orbiting assault fleet, with space fighters and dropships, and have to take every base on the planet. Of course you'd have to limit the play area, but it would be damn cool to jet out of the mothership in your dropship with a freind on the belly-gun and another in a mech in your cargo hold, waiting for you to drop him off. opinions?
Their Are missions like that in the Game Already :)
Thanks for the comment - Thats what I was talking about with the Team Battles. (One could start outside the planet surface - For example as the bad guys) while the other Team Try's to protect the bases on the Land from being taken over from incomming guys from the sky and drop ships.

Their are even under water Levels, Their also strange enviroments which have yet to be seen in a game like this.
(Which add's strategy) For example on the First Level Shanra - If you see some enemy's trying to get across the enemy bridge you can take it out and a couple of bad guys with it - This would slow them down to getting to the generator - Their could be many ways to win the missions and also come across New Levels.

Again thanks for the comment sulkdodds - I'd like to get some people to help me out with this game.

Any Takers so far?
1). are you talking 'bout a game or a mod?
2). your idea with changing the gamemode by the server isn't new. There are a lot of "professional" games out there which contain changable gamestyle. Our mod does have a system we call "flagged"
3). Might be an interesting mod ^^ Like to see it
1. Yes a Mod using the source engine. (and yes it is also a game)
2. Actually I have thought about it before any of those games came out again the game idea I have was thought about a very long time ago - I've tried to show it off before but most people said it wouldn't be possible. (i'd call it custom serving)
3. Thanks I'd love to show it to you guys in action and I hope I can get a team going soon.

again contact me if interesting: [email protected] - I can show you some concepts and then you can decide if you really want to join the team.
I have a first member:
Welcome DragonOrb!!

We Now have a Channel on

please join us
You know I would if I wasn't commited already. added to that I'm not very good, I'm only in production because I've got ages to get better...anyway, thats a bloody nice mech.
Yep their tanks in this game - one of the enemy vehicles which is left by dropships is a Tank (This is on the first level Shanra too) - Also one of the mini-boss commanders is a tank on the first level - It is very cool looking. Their many Mechs vehicles, Tanks etc.

Again unlike anything you have seen (I wish I could post some more) but then I don't want people stealing my ideas.
I am still looking for:

3D modelers,
Texture Artists,
Coders, and recruiter to help me out.
Originally posted by Talbain_Nova
2. Actually I have thought about it before any of those games came out again the game idea I have was thought about a very long time ago - I've tried to show it off before but most people said it wouldn't be possible. (i'd call it custom serving)

umm, if your saying that you invented servers having customized options to make the game how they want it played... Ie the server chooses the gamemode...

(please, if thats not it clarify for me..)

well, then if your saying that I would like to announce something...

Right before I thought up all the things in hl2 I invented the wheel..
Okay? lonefox - I said I thought it up (the menu customized options (before most games had it)
-The Idea for a game design before those other games-

I said nothing about inventing them in a game.

(many other games already have put stuff like that in their games now and I am sure many other people also have thought them up) But Today in mods, Its how you execute menu's.
all option menu's are different in games (some are exact clones)

if you know exactly whats going into my game and thought up exactly what I have.

done everything before me Great and I think thats cool.

Would like to hear what other ideas you have for mods.