Inquirer on HL2 and 9800 XT

I haven't read it yet, but inquirer is defintely not classed as a 'reliable source' of any kind of information :p.
It's been posted a few times, it's on the front page as well.

But anyway, I think you are confusing teh National Enquirer with the Inquierer.

There isn't actually any holes in the story, all of the information seems correct.
whoa, then whats the whole deal with an auction!? i never heard about this and i lurk on these forums like crazy
This has been known for a while now that ATI is bundling the game with their new card...ATI bid upwards of $8 million to secure the deal with Valve. I would've laughed my ass off if NVIDIA won it, considering their recent crop of cards would run the game like complete shit in dx 9 full precision mode. Or, according to them, until their new driver is released.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
This has been known for a while now that ATI is bundling the game with their new card...ATI bid upwards of $8 million to secure the deal with Valve. I would've laughed my ass off if NVIDIA won it, considering their recent crop of cards would run the game like complete shit in dx 9 full precision mode. Or, according to them, until their new driver is released.

This seems a bit iffy though. Valve have stated that the reason they have gone with ATi is because of how it performed in the benchmarks.

The Auction isn't confirmed but the ATi event at Alcatraz is.
Originally posted by Feath
This seems a bit iffy though. Valve have stated that the reason they have gone with ATi is because of how it performed in the benchmarks.

The Auction isn't confirmed but the ATi event at Alcatraz is.

I wonder, since the event at Alcatraz is being run by ATI, will Valve have their own event to kick off the game?
The Inquierer has been right so many times. Rarely have they been wrong...
Originally posted by Tork
The Inquierer has been right so many times. Rarely have they been wrong...

Yeah, this isn't the tabloid most people seem to be thinking about...the Inquirer reports on tech news...not Ben and J Lo's break up.
Whatever was on the front page of, said that it was going to be released Sept. 30th. In the link you supplied, it said two to three weeks after the Alcatraz event. Isn't the Alcatraz event ON Sept. 30th?