Insane Thompson Strikes Again!

new to me.........can we, in the game,(if its so "free-roaming" ,as the description depicts") bludgeon Jack Thompson's head with a basball bat?

I thought not.............this guy is a real douche bag........but i just think of this just like the 50's.......only the video games are "the devils music" aka Rock and Roll
Already a thread. But as I said before...I'd sure as hell play it.

gabe from penny-arcade sent Thompson this:

"10 grand is pretty weak man. Through our charity gamers have given over half a million dollars in toys and cash to children’s hospitals all over the country."

thompson called gabe:

"My email sig had my phone number in it. Jack actually just called and screamed at me for a couple minutes. He said if I email him again I will “regret it”. What a violent man."
How many people from this forum have sent good ole' Jack an email? I wonder if others have been threatened as well.
Haha Gabe should Sue Jack for Harrasement.

Pitty Gabe didn't record the conversation. He should send Jack another email and record the conversation that follows.
Man, this guy is just too cute.
I just want to huggle and glomp and grope the lil' lawyer son-of-a-bitch!!
This guy should just commit sucide before any gamer waste 2 clips of AK ammo on him :D
Jack Thompson... there are very few words that can describe him, and I rather not use them.
Fishlore said:
How many people from this forum have sent good ole' Jack an email? I wonder if others have been threatened as well.

I'd imagine pretty much everyone who knows who the hell he is. I know I did and was heavily insulted in return.
Fliko said:
Jack Thompson... there are very few words that can describe him, and I rather not use them.

I would describe him as a douchebag and a no fun ******.
I'll quote this, though i don't remember from where:

For as long as human history can remember, fat old grumpy humans have been endevouring to stop young hip humans from having fun. It has been in recent years that they have gained power.

Well, we'll get our revenge when the Half-Life2 Generation grows up.
Why can't we sue him for slander/defamation/possible libel for his constant ridiculous generalising claims about gamers?
Sulkdodds said:
Why can't we sue him for slander/defamation/possible libel for his constant ridiculous generalising claims about gamers?


Hey lawyer, do this mans words reflect slander?

For that matter, can we even sue for slander? If I remember correctly, that was only in Asimovs Robot series, on a completely different planet :p
Slander tis the spoketh form of defamation. Works differently in other countries.
"My email sig had my phone number in it. Jack actually just called and screamed at me for a couple minutes. He said if I email him again I will “regret it”. What a violent man."

That gives me an idea. Why don't we all send 1 email to Mr Thompson, and don't forget to include our numbers in our email sig, including international sex hotline numbers in disguise as our numbers ;)
but we're just feeding into his notion that gamers are irresponsible and immature ...we have to cut him down with pure logic and facts ..people like him dont react all that well to facts silences their thunder
CptStern said:
but we're just feeding into his notion that gamers are irresponsible and immature ...we have to cut him down with pure logic and facts ..people like him dont react all that well to facts silences their thunder
Agreed. You'd have to be irretrievably stupid to not see that there are quite literally millions of people of all ages playing videogames around the world and not killing people or imitating the games in any way, shape or form. So all of a sudden one kid commits a crime and blames a game and people are supposed to be convinced that the game somehow made him do it when there's a whole world of arguments against that ridiculously moronic notion?!

It just shows you how stupid this subhuman trog is and will continue to be until he gets his lethal dose. Of course, he could choose the chair if he so desires.

You see, in Alabama, Effective 7/1/02, lethal injection will be administered unless the inmate requests electrocution.
VictimOfScience said:
You see, in Alabama, Effective 7/1/02, lethal injection will be administered unless the inmate requests electrocution.

even for misdemeanors? boy you alabamians are strict :E
CptStern said:

kinda looks like the nazi version of John stewart

LOL, that's just about exactly what I expected. All he needs is a uniform and a Hitler 'stache and he'd be all set.

I agree that immaturity isn't going to help here. At the same time, I'm not sure how well reason and logic will work with this guy either. Anyone using the term "murder simulators" might be beyond the scope of logic and reason.

This guy is based out of Florida right?
ya, here's his website:

here's his CV

this is interesting:

"Following this, as the "Man in Miami" for, he made a series of bizarre allegations [1] regarding Reno (Janet Reno), met with incredulity in the press [2] [3], claiming that she was a closet lesbian suffering from various mental disorders as side effects of Parkinson's medication, and that she was being blackmailed by the Mafia."

"Following the Flores case Thompson became prominently involved in First Amendment issues, particularly concerning the possible effects of sexually violent material. Interestingly, the Florida Supreme Court ordered that he undergo psychiatric testing during this campaign, which he successfully passed."

I demand a recount!!
CptStern said:

gabe from penny-arcade sent Thompson this:

"10 grand is pretty weak man. Through our charity gamers have given over half a million dollars in toys and cash to children’s hospitals all over the country."

thompson called gabe:

"My email sig had my phone number in it. Jack actually just called and screamed at me for a couple minutes. He said if I email him again I will “regret it”. What a violent man."

Gabe FTW. That made my day :cheers:
Glad to see someone seems to have noticed what an unproffessional arse he is.

My Law teacher has heard all about him and here, in Britain, he would be ridiculed because his practise is so far below what's considered 'professional' in law.
Sulkdodds said:
Glad to see someone seems to have noticed what an unproffessional arse he is.

My Law teacher has heard all about him and here, in Britain, he would be ridiculed because his practise is so far below what's considered 'professional' in law.

Well... to be honest, I think in America he's ridiculed because his practice is so far below what's considered 'professional' in law.

By MANY people.
CptStern said:
I demand a recount!!

LOL, ain't that the truth. He seems to be an incredibly unstable person, that's for sure. He's passed out quite a few threats recently. And he's trying to tell the world that gamers are the problem?!? Kind of ironic.
"The truth will come out in due time. I love it. Jack Thompson "

god what an arse
Thompson's letter ends: "How about it, videogame industry? I've got the check and you've got the tech. It's all a fantasy, right? No harm can come from such a game, right? Go ahead, videogame moguls. Target yourselves as you target others. I dare you."
Duddeeee..... I want a restraining order on Jack Thompson.... he scares me.
"David, but you do know that Best Buy is presently pre-selling, to adults and to children, the Columbine simulator game, Bully? You do know that, right, David? Of course you do. I told you Best Buy was doing that."

Jack Thompson said:
Liberals, like you, love to label things and then think that the labeling has accomplished something. If that had been the case, then Churchill's calling Hitler a Nazi would have ended the war. But no, people like me had to get into the trenches and stop the Nazis.
So that makes sense.... How, exactly?

I don't see how that's supposed to help his case. Would it help if we didn't label video games as violent, and leave it up to the consumer to find out on his or her own post-purchase? Would the removal of warning labels on cigarette packages make everyone more aware of their danger?

This guy is a lunatic. All he does is spew hyperbole and misinformation.

Is there some way I can contact him? I'd like to get a first-hand impression of his logistic skills :p
In determining the true causes of violence, it may be instructive to consider where the majority of school violence takes place. It would seem logical to conclude that most school violence occurs in poor inner city schools, located in gang-controlled areas. This can be backed up by statistics. Of city schools, 17% report one or more violent crimes per year. In the urban fringe area, this number drops to 11%. In affluent suburban and small town areas, only 5% of schools report one or more violent crimes per year. In rural areas, this number drifts up somewhat to 8% (source 4). As you can see less advantaged urban schools have considerably more violence than the relatively richer suburban areas.

If violent video games truly result in violent behavior, then school violence ought to be concentrated in high-income suburbs rather than inner city areas. Why would violence be greater in the areas that can least afford luxuries such as video games? This contradiction forces us to assume that if violent video games are truly a cause of violence, these effects are vastly outweighed by other influences, such as gang presence and povery.

Part of what I sent Jack in an email.

Another important factor to look at is the general trend of video game sales. In the year 1995, the total video game sales reached 3.2 billion. This figure has increased each year and reached as high as 6 billion in the year 2000. Video game sales are increasing. The violence in schools is decreasing. If you assume that video games cause violence, then these figures make very little sense. If video games truly caused violence, then how could more video games result in less violence? The answer is that violent video games are not truly an important cause of school violence.