Instead Of Arguing (Lets Respect Valves Decision) Give Valve The Credit They Deserve


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
I see that a lot of people are mad over the recent Half-Life 2 delay. Yes it is a little disapointing, but me paying very close attention on the Half-Life 2 development I have noticed things that I feel needs to be worked on. I was able to find bugs in every Half-Life 2 movie released. One major one I toticed in the Bugsbait demo is near then end of the demo when the large Ant Lion came out and knocked parts of the wall down I noticed a large fragment of the wall sticking half way through the ground and just wiggling back and fourth. Though this is not a significant issue I feel if Valve wants to achieve profection they need to work out these issues. Personally I think Steam should also be worked on more. As of right now it's unstable in both bandwith and stability. I am behind Valve 100% in there decisions. I have great respect toward valve that I don't have with any other game company. I think the delay of Half-Life 2 is a wise choice on Valves behalf. I hope that you guys understand my thoughts and agree with me. I pay very close attention on the gaming industry. Lately the console gaming world has gained more Users in the last past few years that lowered the PC world. With the PC's strong lineup I think the PC world will regain it's users. I consider myself a knowlegeable PC gamer. I never take the word of Joe Shmo on a user forum. I do the research myself. Hopefully I will eventually be able to get a PC worthy of running Half-Life 2. I trust Valve to make the right decisions. Valve has released Half-Life 1 patches all the time for over 4 years. Half-Life 1 is from what I can tell buglist. They add all kinds of extra content to the patched like Mods and game enhancements. I even believe that Valve will some how work with Nvidia to get the Nvidia branch of cards to work well with Half-Life 2. I am glad to be a part of these forums and be able to share my thoughts On Half-Life 2 and Valve as a whole dispite the people that flame others if they don't agree with them. If only I could explain my memories of Half-Life 1 to you, you would understand why I say these words and I don't intend to yell at Valve for something like a delay. Valve is a trustworthy game company. I'm not saying Valve never makes mistakes, I just feel that Valve cares more about the general public then most companies. Look at Spitcodfry's trip to Valve. It was amazing Valve took the time to do something nice to one person. I can imagine the stress the people are having at Valve this very minute. They have so many projects their trying to get up and running and they are a smaller company. Though Steam may not run perfect right now Valve is trying their best to fix it. They even recommended people to email their problems to them. I think we should take the time to thank Valve for their outtstanding work
thread called "support" just the same as this really.
I respect them, but they still mislead us at least to a small degree if not completely on purpose.
I still respect them and how they treated the community (ever seen a developer sending you an email back in 5 minutes?).

Until we hear the reason why they delayed, I can't really judge whether they're wrong or right by delaying it so soon before the initial release. But I'm pretty confident they didn't do it for christmas sales.
While most of the members here would be willing to go easy on Valve if the delay was due to bugs, retailer problems etc etc. The fact that they kept the fans in the dark with very finely worded answers that neither denied nor accepted a delay.

Infact some emails from a few weeks back (GABE) infact accept that the release date HAD NOT been changed from Sept 30th.

What was the reason they chose to announce (if you can call this sham an announcement) this delay just 7 days before the release?? I haven't a clue. What people are pissed off about is not that the game is delayed but the pussyfooting around done by Gabe and Valve in general about the details of this games release.

Personally, I am very disenchanted with Valve at this moment. While me not buying this product will hardly make a dent in there forthcoming sales. I will refrain from buying it anyhow.

First the deal with Steam and now this...

HALO and DOOM III are what I am looking forward to now.
enough read the stickey in the general forum by munro please. edited by mmw
Why should we go easy?

If you promise something then damm well deliver it.
I'm slightly disappointed with Valve that they did this....but I think the whole thing is hilarious. Oh the irony. I just can't stop laughing :D
I give Valve no credit. they mislead us, end of story.
sorry if i seem harsh Reaper but lots of threads with that link in and its bloody annoying and been spammed lots :)
hah, ya I should have thought about that. Of course this of all places would know about it first. I am just relieved that it isnt delayed. :)
to thread title: nah...

aside from the AI hl1 wasnt much for me... thats not to say i didnt beat it tho, but thats cuz of hl2

ill only give em credit for modifying the quake/quake2 engine like they did. oh, and for not being retarded enuff to not buy CS. but the latter isnt saying much.

theyll get no praise from me till the collectors edition dvd box begins to collect dust in my room.
let the flames begins
Screw you and the horse you rode in on you no paragraph usin' mother ****er!
I am surprized to see that you can read. I think you are the retard around here. I just posted a nice comment and I get some ignorant ass retard trying to flame me. Shut up and get off my thread. Your not worthy enough to even use these forums. You a disdrace to the human race.
another sympathetic thread, they will take over the delay threads
I don't think this thread will need another bump 'til next week... where is the official word?