Instruction booklet pic? - possible spoiler

Well, we all know there is no instruction booklet, so it must be from the strat guide or the making-of book.
There is no instruction booklet. I think that's from the Prima strategy guide.
Maybe it's from Raising Teh BaR.

Actually, who knows. Looks like a render to me.
OK but look at the size of the booklet, compare it to the staple in the page. that is not a strategy guide or a book. its very small bound with 1 staple.

edit: 2 staples
I confirm this is from the strategy guide. If you happen to find the rest of the screenshots, watch out, there's some big spoilers in there.
edit: odd, maybe this is something, or a good fake? It is small and has a Valve feel to it. Weird..
lol.. dont play with the address bar if you dont want more spoilers lol
its from the sampler that comes with the boxed versions


aka: Prima official Hint Book
Cant be the Rasing the bar book to small. Seems like the strat g. Interesting.

Yeah, talk about spoilers. I got to the first page (went through the allied character profiles) before I hit up the actual walkthrough itself - and promptly closed the window :D
shadowSn1p3r said:
meh, its the stagergy guide. i wonder who stole it, maybe a worker while producing the guides

nope, its not the strategy guide. its a hint book, with excerpts from the strategy guide. its too small to be the strategy guide, plus the other back pages advertise the full version.

however, i hesitate to say that its the sampler booklet given to people who buy the game because i thought the sampler was supposed to have material from raising the bar AND the strategy guide. but at this point i dont see what else it could probably is the sampler.

BTW, theres a huge spoiler for the trainstation level so definitely do not read those pages if you do not want the level 1 suprise spoiled.
It's the sampler booklet you get for pre-buying the game from some shop in the UK.

It's not the one you get with the CE
can't edit my post but here is wat i said:

i looked through all the pages (not accually at the walkthrough just reading 1 did u know thingy) and found it, thats its just a sampler for the prima guide

edit: i also saved all the pics, for future referance
OMG I want this game. I just looked at all the spoilers, and it just makes me want it more.
Wow... major spoilers abound. Don't look if you don't want to find out about the G-man, the slave aliens, the ending of the trainstation level, or DOG. It's just the first few pages of the strat guide, but a lot is given away.
that will be offline by the it pays to stay up late. glad i closed the window after _1930.jpg!


beware, kiddos.
lol... uh... spoiler tags...
kleiner's pet is so cool.. its just perfect for the character lol.. i cracked up reading it :p
Tight-ass Llama said:
Massive spoiler there

oh good.. so mention it without spoiler tags so people dont even have to click the link to read it! :thumbs:
Yeah, that was kinda dumb, Llama.

But this is cool, or at least the stuff about Kleiner is... can I resist the temptation to read the rest?

I'm gonna download them to use once it's out, anyway...
Wait a bit... that bit on the page with the Combine info (which I've resisted reading)... the bit about Gordon gaining employment at BM... wasn't part of that on the Planet Halflife site?

It's just that the bit about the "Butane-Powered tennisball cannon" sounds oddly familiar...

[EDIT]: Woah... looking at the other page about him... I'm sure I've seen that whole thing before on PHL...
Holy **** that is awesome, read the whole thing. God I want Half-Life 2. Goddamn f*cking cancer god f*ck jesus christ almighty f*ck f*ck f*ck.
Yep guys this is the free booklet you recieve when Pre-ordering from GAME! I saw that when they also brought the game box out. I dont know how this guy got his though, you aren't supposed to have it until the game is released!
yeah most likely Brain, I have to say I was hoping it would be a mini "raising the bar" sample booklet rather than a hint guide, oh well.
Well, not every player is going to be interested in the history of the game's production, but a lot of hardcore gamers might find a snippet of the strategy guide enticing...
iamaelephant said:
It's not the strategy guide, it's the hint book.
Only took you 40 minutes to flip-flop, bravo!

The sampler comes with preorders, and might be the one in the collectors edition, i haven't heard it will be released with the usual retail edition.
lol I'm not looking at the spoilers - I think the train station level has already been spoiled for me :(((((( really pissed off about that. Someone just said in a thread with no spoilers. Not impressed. But come on people - don't read this shit, it will lessen the experience - which is only 7 DAYS AWAY!