Insurgency Mod Update!


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Imagine yourself on the front lines of the War in Iraq. You are battling insurgents on your left and right, bullets are ricocheting off the ground and walls around you. Your comrade takes one round in the shoulder, the sound of gunfire around you is making your skin crawl with every shot. Insurgency Mod may just be the closest thing you will get to this experience without actually having to enlist in the army.[br]Ok, this is the second round of in-game of screenshots to come out of this mod. Again, I have lost my jaw somewhere under my desk. In the spirit of Veterans Day here in the US, the team has released a very sexy screenshot of their WIP map ins_fallujah.[br]

Insurgency is getting closer and closer to release. We haven't really shown much to the public recently because we’ve been so swamped with internal development. With the teaser below, we hope to show you what our goals are in terms of custom content; Insurgency is almost a completely separate game from Half-Life 2, using 99-100% custom content. Everything here is work in progress. Enjoy.
The game is getting close to a public release, with some issues surrounding the team, I’m sure there are not very big issues… Which is obvious from the teaser.[br]More information and screenshots can be found at the INS Mod site.
Looking at the Aftermath screens, and looking at this screenshot...
I would say Valve is very overrated ;)

good work guys !
very, very sexy.. anticipating this mod more than ever, with every media release it becomes more and more impressive. I can safely say i'm more excited for this than aftermath.. by a long shot.
simon said:
Looking at the Aftermath screens, and looking at this screenshot...
I would say Valve is very overrated ;)

good work guys !
Overrated? Graphically? Don't forget they also made a kick-ass engine...AND a great storyline to go with it! These graphics are good..but that's not all that makes the game, gameplay/story/sound/environment do as well. HL2 captured all these and spread them around equally. Although I'm very much so anticipating this mod, I wouldn't call Valve overrated.
Without Valve none of what you would see would be possible. But back on topic, thansk guys, we look forward to showing you more and announcing more info in the coming weeks.


cheers mates!

Jonny Phive said:
Without Valve none of what you would see would be possible. But back on topic, thansk guys, we look forward to showing you more and announcing more info in the coming weeks.


cheers mates!


Can we have children? I'm a male.
I think I speak for the majority when I say

oo, thats the level of detail all serious mods should aspire too, Looking at that i guarantee you that will up the bar and get the other mods adding more custom detail, well I hope *cross fingers*.
Well that's easily the best looking mod/game/whatever on the source engine ever.

Lets hope the gameplay is as solid as my pants (because i soiled them).

Is that the right thing to say/>
They released some equaly boner-riffic screenshots of an "older" (October) version in the dev showcase forum on their site. Need to register to view it, but thems pretty. :D
The cityscapes in the screens make BF2 look like poo.
theSteven said:
Single or Multiplayer?


Good to see such a great response to the one screenshot :), just wait a little longer and we will happily release some even more kick ass stuff.

Props to Jonny on the awesome work of bringing the entire Insurgency team's work together in that one shot :)
Man, this looks better than CS:S!!!! I'm so getting this mod when it's available.:cheers:
Have to agree - from that single screenshot it easily looks like one of the most detailed Source games we've seen so far.
JrdnGrn said:
Overrated? Graphically? Don't forget they also made a kick-ass engine...AND a great storyline to go with it! These graphics are good..but that's not all that makes the game, gameplay/story/sound/environment do as well. HL2 captured all these and spread them around equally. Although I'm very much so anticipating this mod, I wouldn't call Valve overrated.

Thats what i ment, graphicly :)
Of cource they have a decent source code for us to build on :p
guys, in the showcase developments section (need registration) there are more than 10 exclusives pics. :E
Since the News-Post " First Wave...", I every day looked at the homepage for more such nice screens. And i always looked at the developer plans.
And today this nice screenshot, it was worth the wait. Thanks for that pic. Nice work. And now i hope the gamplay playes like the pic looks ?!??!!??
I'm guessing there will be iron sights? That is not explicitly stated, but it seems obvious from the wording in the info section.

Annoying that weapon jamming wont be included, especially since they claim realistic weapon behavior.

Looks amazing. :D

boglito said:
Annoying that weapon jamming wont be included, especially since they claim realistic weapon behavior.


I think that's it better they left things like weapon jamming out (things that you have no control over happening) - seeing as in real life you can avoid weapon jamming by properly maintaining your weapon, but in game that's not gonna happen.
Putting in an annoying feature just for the sake of realism wouldn't be a very good idea, anyway.
Do people get pissy if people even think of making a game whereby you get to fly aeroplanes into New York sky scrapers, or blow yourself up on in westerner's hotel in Egypt?

Yes, the screen shot looks good, and I'm sure the game will be very good fun, but considering that two of my friends are actually out there everyday shitting their pants with fear, it just appears totally lame. I'm pretty sure they'd be very impressed that they've made it into a computer game for teenagers and IT clerks to live even more vicariously.

I do agree the choice of theater could be a point of discussion.
For some this is still harsh reality. On the other hand: what makes a theater like WW2 less harsh and painfull to choose for a mod.

Only difference is that most people who participated are nearly dead.
I don't mind them choosing Iraq, it's all in the game ;)

ps nice screenshot with this over-the-weapon-view.

daverince said:
Do people get pissy if people even think of making a game whereby you get to fly aeroplanes (...)

doesn't "where" fit in there?
daverince said:
Do people get pissy if people even think of making a game whereby you get to fly aeroplanes into New York sky scrapers, or blow yourself up on in westerner's hotel in Egypt?

Yes, the screen shot looks good, and I'm sure the game will be very good fun, but considering that two of my friends are actually out there everyday shitting their pants with fear, it just appears totally lame. I'm pretty sure they'd be very impressed that they've made it into a computer game for teenagers and IT clerks to live even more vicariously.

The mod is not about terrorism; it's about fighting insurgencies. We're simply doing the Iraq theater first. The Balkans will be featured next.

You may find it offensive, but we have several members of our community that are either veterans of Iraq or are there now. They don't really seem to have a problem with it; they support us and supply us with an abundance of valuable information that helps us make the game.

Insano said:
So there is no HUD?

The HUD in this picture is incomplete. We plan on showing and explaining the final HUD in the near future.
You know, I have yet to see an army game where America is on the defensive. Think about it! A battle in a deserted, destroyed Time's Square, NY, or someplace recognizable like that would be ridiculously cool.

Of course, there are gonna be some pretty negative reactions to something like that...
You don't have to defend the choice jeremy, of course there will be some ppl who disaprove the choice that's been made: that's quit normal.

Btw are you still the super-nervous whiner as I have known you during my RO-team times :P
Glad you guys like it :) Thanks for all of the positive comments.

If you look from a marketing perspective, Iraq is a natural choice to gain attention. Would there be more interest in a mod set elsewhere and not involving US forces?
Argyll said:
Glad you guys like it :) Thanks for all of the positive comments.

If you look from a marketing perspective, Iraq is a natural choice to gain attention. Would there be more interest in a mod set elsewhere and not involving US forces?

Marketing Iraq? Don't go there sound like our politicians selling a war. I'm personally looking forward to this because of the quality of it. Not because it has an Iraq Theater and I get to woop on it's insurgents.

People will play whatever you throw at them as long as the game is made well. It appears you guys have the right stuff to make this happen and it shows as well. I'm looking forward to this and can hardly wait.

Comments like yours turn me off though and I'm sure many others feel the same way. You could have placed this game on Mars and people will still flock to it because of the quality/care/time put into it. You don't need to sell it like that!

Anyway, keep up the great work!