Insurgency Mod Update!

Sorry about that, it wasn't my view when I formed the mod. Heck, the mod has been around longer than the war in Iraq. But when the majority of the market is American, usually you should go for that. That's what I meant by my comment. Sorry I sounded like a politician, that wasn't my intent.
No problem's all good. I just think politics should be kept out of it. It worked for BF2 with the Iraqi>MEC rename thing and it can work for any other game following the same rule. There was no need to market a current war to sell it and it's done well for itself. Let the people playing the game dream up thier own thoughts....the developers should concentrate on the game.

Again, you guys are doing a great job from what I can tell and I'm really looking forward to the mod. I've put the anticipation of your mod right up there with the elusive STALKER which has now become vaporware in my opinion. So all I have to look forward to now is Insurgency. Good luck in the future fellas.
It strangely reminds me of the urban scenes in Desert Combat, albeit more polished and proffesional. I like it.
Making a game about the Iraq war is like making a game set in the Vietnam war. If you have a problem with one of them, then you should have a problem with the other. In the end the setting is just graphical and what will make a mod stand out is the way it plays combined with how it looks.

Impressive screenshot!
That is so, so, so, so, beautiful, I can't wait for the mod comes out, it's next-gen quality, easily, these guys should be making a full game, not just a mod!
Cablespider said:
Marketing Iraq? Don't go there sound like our politicians selling a war. I'm personally looking forward to this because of the quality of it. Not because it has an Iraq Theater and I get to woop on it's insurgents.

People will play whatever you throw at them as long as the game is made well. It appears you guys have the right stuff to make this happen and it shows as well. I'm looking forward to this and can hardly wait.

Comments like yours turn me off though and I'm sure many others feel the same way. You could have placed this game on Mars and people will still flock to it because of the quality/care/time put into it. You don't need to sell it like that!

Anyway, keep up the great work!

sorry for double-post, but I was just thinking this is easily what Red Orchestra did for UT except for HL2, except much better, and by the way, it's not just Iraq, If you've looked at their site you'll see that there are other theatres of war
daverince said:
Do people get pissy if people even think of making a game whereby you get to fly aeroplanes into New York sky scrapers, or blow yourself up on in westerner's hotel in Egypt?

Yes, the screen shot looks good, and I'm sure the game will be very good fun, but considering that two of my friends are actually out there everyday shitting their pants with fear, it just appears totally lame. I'm pretty sure they'd be very impressed that they've made it into a computer game for teenagers and IT clerks to live even more vicariously.

Get over it.
Can everyone say with me, best hand and weapon model to grace Source yet?
Come on.

thats just cool as all hell
What are you poeple talking about?
In 90% of the games you have to kill people, and now you are complaining about the fact that this map is in Iraq?

You dont have problems with killing Germans, Russian and Vietcong people in games. Why should killing Americans be different? Thats racism!
I dont see any German gamer making any problems about WW2 games.
In every game Americans are the heros and kill a lot of enemys, but when you can kill Americans... BIG PANIC

... its only a game ffs!
Here is a new dev update from the MASTER-MAPPER himself, Johnny Phive:

Jonny Phive said:
Jonny Phive's .plans
Updated: Nov. 13th, 2005 @ 09:30 GMT

Well. Another update...

First off, I want to thank the team for all their hard work. It is a buttload of fun working with such amazingly talented individuals. Thanks to some new props from hellbound/markus and new textures from oogz I was able to gain new inspiration for my map.

Here is the deal. I scrapped my old layout. And started a new one at the beginning of this month. Still working out the layout gameplay wise(thanks to mark), but I started on the detailing last week of a section that will be in the final map. The screen on the front page is the first shot so far.

So far, contrary to assumptions, the FPS is good. I will probably cut down on some of the props and placements, but the detail will be there for the final product.

I have some interesting locales planned for the final map. One of the main objectives right now is a school. We have many props that have been produced in just the last week or so for the school. We are talking physics desks, chalkboards, physics chalk erasers (:P), tables, teachers desks, books, chairs, weapons caches, school windows, etc... All this has been created for just this one scene. This doesnt include the amazing textures created by Oogz for this same scene. We even have kids chalk decals on the sidewalk floors! Hopskotch anyone? ;)

<3 OOG. (says "jonny + andrea")


The idea behind the map is detail, immersion, and fun. Locales that you remember long after the battle is over. Imagine playing as an Insurgent bunkered down in the school. Using desks as cover and tables as shields from the oncoming USMC.

And there are many more "scenes" just swirling in mine and markus's head for the map. And art asset production is already well underway for those areas. Should be fun.

Another important aspect is sound. I just sent in my sound requests to our great sound guys. I cant wait to see the amazing ambience they are designing to help immerse the player further.

Hope you guys like the teaser. More to come in the coming days, weeks....

This is just the beginning.

<3 :D
They've got some more stuff up in the dev. showcase, a few of their weapon animations - :O
This Game is Awsome. Im actualy wanting this mod more than aftermath!
I love the fact that its based on iraq. cant wait to shoot me some aliens from the border world Xen.

HeadCrab said:
I love the fact that its based on iraq.

not only. Iraq, Croatia, and many more.

p.s: delete your stupid pic. is quite offensive.
Lak3d said:
guys, in the showcase developments section (need registration) there are more than 10 exclusives pics. :E

why in hell do i have to register TWICE for forums AND showcase ? thats just sick, especialy couse your so called "showcase" ist just a chaotic non-structured forum. that definatly sucks (as my english) - change that, immediately! ;(

but besides that ...realy exciting mod, looks great.
[eXp]Grey said:
why in hell do i have to register TWICE for forums AND showcase ? thats just sick, especialy couse your so called "showcase" ist just a chaotic non-structured forum. that definatly sucks (as my english) - change that, immediately! ;(

but besides that ...realy exciting mod, looks great.

first of all, i can't change anything because the forum isn't mine... :D
and i meant that their showcase section is viewable only for registered members, after a registration, not two. :naughty:
You dont need to register twice. :dozey:

Just once for the fourms and you gain access to the dev forums. :)
hm thats strange ... maybe a cookie problem ... but last time i've registered to the forums and it says i have to register to visit the dev section ... WHILE i was logged in.

sorry then.
looks awesome but i want crosshairs :( . ill try it first but I doubt ill like the no crosshair bit
Mr-Fusion said:
Well that's easily the best looking mod/game/whatever on the source engine ever.

Lets hope the gameplay is as solid as my pants (because i soiled them).

Is that the right thing to say/>

at least your soil is solid

this will be the pwnage. definatly a cool ass screenshot, and that tank at the end, being an mp game, im thinking tank driving :D

i said it would be the css killer, and someone told me i was wrong. why would anyone want to play something as crappy looking as css when this is out there
polyguns said:
i said it would be the css killer, and someone told me i was wrong. why would anyone want to play something as crappy looking as css when this is out there

People still play CS 1.6.
polyguns said:
why would anyone want to play something as crappy looking as css when this is out there
Because graphics hardly have anything to do with how fun a game is?
Because there's barely a difference in how good this looks and how good CS:S looks? :P

And the above, obviously.
just wait and see. you just wait and see. I'll make the prediction now this will be a 9/10 mod, and will be the number one played hl2 mod period. modern combat rocks, it will pull in the massive quantity of bf2 players plus the cs fans, esp if it has teh vehicle combat.

I do hear alot about cs 1.6. i hear its better then cs:s, but i said cs:s killer

Anyways, Ya'll are doing great ins team
Insurgency is mainly infantry combat.

Q: What vehicles will be in INS?
A: There will be different kinds of vehicles in INS that you would see supporting the Infantry on the modern battlefield. However, only the light vehicles (such as a Humvee, Land Rover, or 'Technical') will be able to be operated by the players in game. There will be other larger transport vehicles and Main Battle Tanks that will be controlled by AI in order to support the infantry troops.
polyguns said:
just wait and see. you just wait and see. I'll make the prediction now this will be a 9/10 mod, and will be the number one played hl2 mod period. modern combat rocks, it will pull in the massive quantity of bf2 players plus the cs fans, esp if it has teh vehicle combat.

I do hear alot about cs 1.6. i hear its better then cs:s, but i said cs:s killer

Anyways, Ya'll are doing great ins team
Sorry but you obviously have no idea how largely played CS:S is.
I just can't believe they FINALLY GOT THE GRIP RIGHT ON THE GUNS.
I think you guys complaining about it "being set in Iraq" are incredibly short-sighted and off target. To say that that the setting doesn't matter, as long as it's a quality game is ridiculous. Every 12 to 13 year old child fantasizes about strapping on kevlar, boots and picking up their rifle to play war games. This game could have some of the most piss-poor gameplay in the world, and people would still flock to it because modern culture loves to be on the front lines, without actually having to be there.

What better way to get that feeling than to set the game in real-world, recent scenarios that people can relate to. The market for this kind of game is enormous, and Counter-Strike is proof. I don't see you complaining about de_dust being set in "too real" environments in the middle east.

This pool has been successfully milked time and time again. Counter-Strike puts people up against Terrorists. Who do you think we're fighting in Iraq? Don't you think people who lost loved ones in 9/11 are still alive? I'm sure they're disgusted and uphauled that the Terrorists have a right to fight back and shoot the Counter-Terrorists, amiright? Sorry kids, but that's what 99% of all games are about. Good vs. Evil. Wouldn't be much of a multiplayer experience if "Evil" was just a bunch of bots that weren't allowed to shoot back because it would be politically incorrect.

WW2 veterans watched Saving Private Ryan. "Why would you make a movie about D-Day when some of us are still alive that lived through it?! Inconceivable!"

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to a tactical FPS type game, people would MUCH rather play something that they can relate to than something they can't. Completely revamp the gameplay of Doom 3, and there are still very few people who would prefer it over Counter-Strike, I bet. Of course there is the clique that enjoy the sci-fi shooter (on Mars, for example), but it's nowhere near as big as the one waiting for games like Battlefield 2, CoD 2, and Insurgency.

This is a video game. Not a political statement.


On that note, I wouldn't call their choice of recent military campaigns a brilliant marketing strategy. More like common sense. The media looks terrific! Go protest the war outside of the White House instead of on a hl2 forum :thumbs:

good points. Theres poliotical forums for the political commentary, but i think its great when a game can make people think, too bad its a worn out genre making everyone think what theyve been thinking forever. why can't they make super human characters from stem cell research or something new to piss people off.

ok, ai controlled tanks is gonna suck :(
Nice first post Mr. Rage, I hope you stay in the forums.

polyguns said:
ok, ai controlled tanks is gonna suck :(

A lot better than some newbie running over his team mates, right? :p
I scanned for sarcasm, vegeta, but wasn't sure if I could find any. So thanks....... I think :) I actually registered here a long time ago but every time I tried to post something it would just redirect me to the registration page. Probably user error cuz I'm a dummy. :\

A lot of people (including myself) think that the realistic tactical shooter genre is overdone and overplayed. Along with WW2, and maybe the zombie/monster survival like Quake and Doom, it's one of the most successful types of FPS games.

This is why it's really an accomplishment, especially in this day and age, to come out with something in one of these genres that can still wow and attract an audience. Although I'm still hopelessly in love with the original DoD, I can see why the shift needed to be made to DoD:S. With games like BF2 and CoD2 coming out to try to win over the WW2 audience, it's all coming down to who can make everything look the most convincing.

In order to make a successful WW2 game (or any game based on real events, for that matter), it's not so much about the gameplay anymore, but rather how immersed you can make the player feel. This is why I disagree with the posts saying "Graphics mean nothing compared to gameplay." This is a perfect example of the exact opposite.

IMO there's a guideline of tried and true gameplay methods that just about any game can incorporate into itself and be enjoyable. One would be hard-pressed to find any mod/game out there right now that has truly unique styles of play. Most will revolve around command points or objectives, and turn-based/respawn-style gameplay. I don't have a problem with this, and honestly I don't get tired of playing these game types. But when one WW2 mod has already mastered this: Day of Defeat, it's hard for me to find reason to switch over to others unless they bring something new to the table: e.g. graphics!

Aside from the engines, and a couple of tweaks, I see very little difference between games like BF2, CoD2, DoD, DoD:S, CS, and INS. With all of these games incorporating similar styles of play, similar weapons and notions of realism, IMO it all comes down to who can really pull it off the best. And as long as the visuals and technology to produce them continue to improve, I see no reason why there should ever be any shortage of mods like INS or WW2 clones. Half the fun is the eye-candy.

Now what I'd really like to see is a musical chairs mod.
Mr_Rage said:
I think you guys complaining about it "being set in Iraq" are incredibly short-sighted and off target. To say that that the setting doesn't matter, as long as it's a quality game is ridiculous. Every 12 to 13 year old child fantasizes about strapping on kevlar, boots and picking up their rifle to play war games. This game could have some of the most piss-poor gameplay in the world, and people would still flock to it because modern culture loves to be on the front lines, without actually having to be there.

What better way to get that feeling than to set the game in real-world, recent scenarios that people can relate to. The market for this kind of game is enormous, and Counter-Strike is proof. I don't see you complaining about de_dust being set in "too real" environments in the middle east.

This pool has been successfully milked time and time again. Counter-Strike puts people up against Terrorists. Who do you think we're fighting in Iraq? Don't you think people who lost loved ones in 9/11 are still alive? I'm sure they're disgusted and uphauled that the Terrorists have a right to fight back and shoot the Counter-Terrorists, amiright? Sorry kids, but that's what 99% of all games are about. Good vs. Evil. Wouldn't be much of a multiplayer experience if "Evil" was just a bunch of bots that weren't allowed to shoot back because it would be politically incorrect.

WW2 veterans watched Saving Private Ryan. "Why would you make a movie about D-Day when some of us are still alive that lived through it?! Inconceivable!"

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to a tactical FPS type game, people would MUCH rather play something that they can relate to than something they can't. Completely revamp the gameplay of Doom 3, and there are still very few people who would prefer it over Counter-Strike, I bet. Of course there is the clique that enjoy the sci-fi shooter (on Mars, for example), but it's nowhere near as big as the one waiting for games like Battlefield 2, CoD 2, and Insurgency.

This is a video game. Not a political statement.


On that note, I wouldn't call their choice of recent military campaigns a brilliant marketing strategy. More like common sense. The media looks terrific! Go protest the war outside of the White House instead of on a hl2 forum :thumbs:

I wasn't protesting the content of the game people. People are free to dream up whatever they want while playing the game. I was commenting on using Iraq as a marketing tool and that's it. Period! I don't know why it was assumed I was criticizing the content or theaters. I don't care what theater you use and can agree that certain theaters are more appealing than others. My comment was based solely off of the Iraq marketing statement.

Had the comment been about Croatia and marketing it that way, I would still feel the same way....especially because I'm Serbian. It doesn't matter where the conflict is at the time, using it to sell a game is just wrong. Market your game based on it's quality, orginality or whatever but not on current suffering, death and mayhem! Look at BF2....EA and Dice did the right thing concerning the Iraq conflict, changed it to MEC and left all other opinions up to the players. There was no need to use it as a selling point. That's all I was saying. I don't know of any game that ADVERTISES the killing of say Nazis or Vietcong as a selling point. It's in the content, yes, but advertising it is a no-no. So again, the content wasn't what my post was was about the marketing statement.

It's a public forum and I made a suggestion as a potential user of this mod. You may not like the suggestion and I'm cool with that. But I won't run off and keep my opinions to myself because people like you tell me to. Nowhere did I state I was opposed to the theaters or content. There was no mention of that, no criticism towards it or anything like that. Some people just dreamt that up on thier own. How, I have no idea. I was critical of the Iraq marketing statement...period. A suggestion to the devs and that's all. So, go wave your flag somewhere else as I brought no political agenda to the table...simply a moral issue. Read the post again instead of making stuff up then rant about it on some soap box.

I probably should have kept the comment out of this forum and directed my opinion to thier forums. But, the marketing comment wasn't made was made right here in this forum. I felt strongly about the opinion and made the post. Oh well, it's done. I still give props to the mod and will definately play it. I do respect your opinion and unlike yourself, I will not tell you to take a hike or sell some 9/11=Iraq garbage to try and make a point. Again, I appreciate your outlook on the matter and I am not looking for a beef with anyone.

Argyll asked "Would there be more interest in a mod set elsewhere and not involving US forces?"

I only stated that if the mod is polished, it would be of interest no matter where it takes place....hence the "Mars" remark. How some of you got off on the delusion that I was criticising the theaters...hec, beats me! I hope I've made myself clear with the repeated clarifications.
Didn't mean for my comment to come off as a flame towards you (or anyone), Cablespider. My post was mostly disagreeing with what daverince said in his previous post. I just kinda disagreed with some of the stuff you mentioned, and sorta bundled it all into one package. Sorry :farmer:

I agree with you though, Cablespider, that if it was truly a well-made mod, it would receive a lot of support. But in terms of publicity, and knowing who your target audience is, there's probably no larger fan-base than that of the Counter-Strike/real-world genre. The fact of the matter is that a good number of online gamers aren't true "online gamers." The game industry is expanding so fast that you get TONS of people playing whatever happens to have the best marketing - think of Halo and Counter-Strike as the Abercrombie of online games. For a mod team in particular, it's very, very important to get a large base of support early on.

Once you reeled in the fans and players, you can go out on a limb and do more diverse projects without the looming fear of failure being so strong.

Counter-Strike sort of started the whole genre, and spread largely through word of mouth. But now that it's proven that such a large support base exists for this genre, it's only logical for other developers to try to create products for that audience.

I don't think that by marketing this as a game about Iraq (although it will include other campaigns as well) is in poor taste or a bad idea. It's just business strategy, and it just so happens to tie in with the theme of their game. No harm there, I don't think.

And just for the sake of conversation... where is it that Argyll marketed the game through the killing of insurgents or Americans? (Not sarcasm, just curious where it is so that I can read it, since apparently I missed it somewhere). And again for the sake of conversation, what do you call Wolfenstein and RTCW? Those games are flamboyant about killing nazis.

I didn't mean to bring politics into the fray (I don't THINK I did), so I definitely wasn't trying to do any flag-waving or protesting.
I think the whole discussion of the theatre could be avoided with some originl IP tbh. Getting really bored of M4s here. Although that doesnt mean the screen doesnt look fresh as hell