Insurgency Patch 1.1 released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Almost a week after the Insurgency mod launch, the Insurgency team just released Beta 1.1. This patch includes many fixes and a new map called "ins_hillah".[br]

Beta 1.1 Changelog
  • Added server-side cvars "tkremove" and "tkdetect" to help deal with team killers
  • Added super-sonic bullet whiz effect
  • Added weapon slot keys
  • Added new map ins_hillah
  • Fixed attacking with grenades while sprinting
  • Fixed bipod view locking issues while moving in prone
  • Fixed reloading with M249
  • Fixed exploit allowing people to go from standing to prone super fast
To view the full changelog click here. [br]

Grab the new patch from their Download Page.
Good patch, FPS is much improved for me.

The only issue I have now is when I'm behind an object taking cover, I shoot over it and it sort of hits the object, like I'm firing about 6" lower than where the gun actually is. :(
Except for the tking, those weren't really big problems atleast not for me. There are much more bigger problems that they could have fixed. They should call this 1.0.1 rather than 1.1.
Good patch, FPS is much improved for me.

The only issue I have now is when I'm behind an object taking cover, I shoot over it and it sort of hits the object, like I'm firing about 6" lower than where the gun actually is. :(

Yep, still an error they have to fix.
Well I'm sure their addressing the other issues too. These are probably just the issues they could sort out quickly... I mean look, this patch is out 6 days after the initial release.

Good stuff. I really enjoy this game and was looking for something like this for a long time. Hope they keep up ironing out the bugs as they are now.
The game seems to crash whenever the round has been one, but certainly some things are better.
They just released a server-side hotfix for the crash bug.
Looks like a pretty good update for the first release. New maps are always nice.
The only issue I have now is when I'm behind an object taking cover, I shoot over it and it sort of hits the object, like I'm firing about 6" lower than where the gun actually is. :(

Yes that is annoying, but I suspect the priority of the patch was to fix all the server crashing exploits.

My gripe is not being able to jump at all while running, you dash for cover only to be stopped and and shot because of sandbags or a step in the way.

But anyways I am really enjoying this mod :)
The M203 grenade launcher is unable to be reloaded at most of the time. The RPG needs a lot of fix.
The M203 grenade launcher is unable to be reloaded at most of the time. The RPG needs a lot of fix.

Well, at least you can strafe while in iron sights without the view resetting. It's a little bit easier not to get owned trying to shoot something while playing the RPG class.
The game in general still feels a bit disjointed for me, it's hard to control your movement and the gun is hard to aim. In general it's an improvement and a fun game.
you know what they really need to fix? i keep getting the dreaded "your version of ins_Baghdad.bsp differes from the servers" error
Please register on our INS and give feedback so the guys can fix things you want. Thanks for playing!
that simply means that your version and the server's version differs. If you haven't upgrade to v1.1, if you have, you just gotta be patient for the servers to follow suit

i've been playing HL a LONG time so I've seen this happen before and i was being a little sarcastic but thx anyway, I'll update now see if that does it.
this mod has serious potential, but is starting to severely piss me off with the little things that keep me from enjoying it.

I dunno if its the LODs or the coloring of the models, but it is a way to hard to identify friend or foe. Which is exacerbated by the autokick for x number of tks function.

The lean is incedibly annoying since strafing resets your view. Thus, you can't easily slide your head around a corner, you have to keep restrafing and leaning until you find the right distance, which is annoying. Also of note, you can't pull up iron sights when up against a wall. I know they were trying to be realistic about collision distance, but the end result is that if you want to poke your head around a corner and snap off some shots you have to back up from the wall first.

Also There is no visual indicator on your hud for where the checkpoints are. I know they wanted to make the squads reliant on the commander, but goddamn people are talking about "go to checkpoint b" over the radio, and there is no point of reference. There needs to be more context clues as to where the hell you are and where you need to go, aside from the commander, cause he's usually gonna be busy, especially since the maps are so freaking complicated and maze like.
I dunno if its the LODs or the coloring of the models, but it is a way to hard to identify friend or foe. Which is exacerbated by the autokick for x number of tks function.

The lean is incedibly annoying since strafing resets your view. Thus, you can't easily slide your head around a corner, you have to keep restrafing and leaning until you find the right distance, which is annoying.

On the first I partly agree, I've gotten used to it. On the second I agree. They should make it so that you can strafe very slowly when you are leaning.
Also There is no visual indicator on your hud for where the checkpoints are. I know they wanted to make the squads reliant on the commander, but goddamn people are talking about "go to checkpoint b" over the radio, and there is no point of reference. There needs to be more context clues as to where the hell you are and where you need to go, aside from the commander, cause he's usually gonna be busy, especially since the maps are so freaking complicated and maze like.

I don't exactly agree on this. When a commander gives orders to defend or to attack a checkpoint, it clearly shows the direction to the checkpoint in the upper middle of the screen(shield icon to defend, swords icon to attack).
however there is no visible cue as to which control point that is. All you know is, "its this way" if they put up the letters on the compass telling players which direction is which control point, you'd have a whole lot less lost players.

and the attack here icon is fairly limited in its use considering a squad leader might want to split up into to two different groups, giving certain players instructions to head to the icon and verbally telling others to rendevous at another location. With the compass telling the players which way the control areas are at, they players would be able to instinctively know where to go without having to memorize every map from its loading screen and/or playing it till they have the whole thing memorized.
Well, it says attack/defend A/B/C/D. So you'll know to which checkpoint you are going. But yes, they should make it more noob friendly.
I'm loving this mod. With a lot more polish and content it could be a classic. I'm not feeling all of the pre-release flak though, I'm getting annoyed that no big mods other than ZM seem capable of existing without stirring up loads of stupid e-drama.
Empires had this problem for ages, finally fixed in the latest (yet unreleased) version.
This is one of the first great mods for the Source engine. HaHaHaHaHa
I like it much. Yes I do.
this is the best map design i have ever seen

and yet, the gameplay is very laggy, movement is quite bad, and the animations and movement need alot of reworking..

and i can't stand dying so easily..
The game is not lag at all. :/

But I cannot move even slowly while I am reloading my RPG. Change it. :|
I like how you can't move while reloading the RPG... requires you to choose when to fire and reload carefully.
I like how you can't move while reloading the RPG... requires you to choose when to fire and reload carefully.

I think I should be able to move slowly, even very slowly. This can avoid getting shot to death because my finger tip moved out of the cover. Also, in reality, your legs won't stick onto the ground.
I always get "Downloading Lightmaps" in console and it sits there forever... Is it actually doing something? Dunno. I let it go for 15 mins and nothing changed so I jsut said screw it and left... Yes, I downloaded client and also made sure and also re-installed...
I always get "Downloading Lightmaps" in console and it sits there forever... Is it actually doing something? Dunno. I let it go for 15 mins and nothing changed so I jsut said screw it and left... Yes, I downloaded client and also made sure and also re-installed...
Did you try a different server?
The thing that bothers me is that you hold down the crouch button rather than toggle it. Otherwise, this is superb, the quality is great for the first release of a mod.
Try alternative stance mode, it allows you to move up and down though the stances by pressing crouch (for down) and jump (for up). The prone key allows you to toggle directly between standing and prone, bypassing crouch.