Interesting activity


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Here's somethin you might want to try if you have the time. Try adding up your total daily consumption for one day. For 24 hours record your consumption of:

grains/vegetables/fruit (kg)
meat/dairy (kg)
refined/manufactured (kg)

hot water (L)
cold water (L)
(don't forget flushing the toilet and taking showers)

single use items (coffee cups, juice containers, napkins) incl. recyclables

energy use (estimate based on wattage multiplied by use time. Computer is roughly 100-300 W depending on how intensive your use is. Air conditioner is about 1200 W, CD player is 85 W, TV is around 200 W. Oven is 1200 W. You can look it all up if you want.

fuel in L of gasoline

If you are sharing stuff, like 3 people driving in a car, divide the fuel use per capita to get your personal consumption.

It would be interesting to see about how much people use. Please don't lie or change your habits.
Or use the English system of measurement since our 16ths are so much easier than 10s.
nope rules are you can't use imperial units
More than I deserve, which is next to nothing. I am a pitiful excuse for a human being. I'm going to end it all now. Thank's for showing me my true nature Dan.
Or use the English system of measurement since our 16ths are so much easier than 10s.
The English system is Metric.
And how can measuring things in 16ths be the slightest bit easier than measuring things in 10s?
The English system is Metric.
And how can measuring things in 16ths be the slightest bit easier than measuring things in 10s?
Sorry, but the two measurement systems are "English" and "Metric".

English came from England, Metric came from France. France sucks so we don't give them credit for anything.
Sorry, but the two measurement systems are "English" and "Metric".

English came from England, Metric came from France. France sucks so we don't give them credit for anything.

Imperial and metric actually

And you lot stole our imperial system when you all migrated, so we were forced to steal the french system. The french now work in "cheese"
More than I deserve, which is next to nothing. I am a pitiful excuse for a human being. I'm going to end it all now. Thank's for showing me my true nature Dan.

And so everyone ignored him... :)