interesting observation

Originally posted by poseyjmac
there should be some backstory to justify gordons tactical firearm prowess.

There is: It's called the hazard course. :p

Gordon is trained to use the assault rifle, as well as fighting melee with the crowbar.

Also, in BS, it is shown that there is a handgun (and other weapon) firing range at Black Mesa. Gordon may have used that to practice more.

Also also, in decay for PS2, gordon's living quarters are revealed to be right beside the Black Mesa employee swimming pool. He must swim laps in his spare time in order to be so buff. :thumbs:
I want to play Decay. Even if it's crap I just want to feed my obsessive compulsive desire to have the BMRF universe all wrapped up as far as was revealed.
Bloody PS2 exclusives.
Oh yeah, I just thought of that, if people keep analyzing to death every small detail about the videos, just think what they'll do when they have the game..
The reason people analysed the videos to death was because we had very little else to go on, info-wise.
Once we get the full game, yeah people'll analyse it loads, but I think they'll calm down a lot when they get their grubby little mits on crowbars and Manipulators and suchlikes.
That fanfiction posted here quite a while ago, made some things clear to me (maybe you could make it up by playing HL, but I couldn't)

The key in the whole story is teleporter technology, the key to that was the Xen chrystals who send out a powerful signal that could be used to create beacons for the teleporters to where to send their package.
When Gordon pushed the purest sample of the Xen chrystal yet into the analyzing machine, it gave a powerful signal that could be received on Xen, the Nihilanth now knew where to direct his troops to in order to conquer the final dimension he wasn't able to get to before.

I don't know how much of this is true, but it does make a lot of sense to me.
Originally posted by coax
Mmm... Manipulators.. drool..
Indeed. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: The Gentleman's Weapon of Choice.

I like that from the same story-line so many people have interpreted it in many different ways.
Although it's a little annoying at times...
I wonder what Laidlaw thinks?
My guess is the g-man is the admin's lackey

Wait, I thought the guy we call the g-man (short for 'government man'?) WAS the administrator, isn't he?

The story is very interesting i think, but not as in-depth as it could have been in the game.

Understatement. Half-life is just the idea of a story: it's focused on story as an experience, not plot developments. Laidlaw and crew knew what they were doing.
Originally posted by Typhon
"And then Gordon jumped on a box. From that box he was able to reach a higher box, and then he could just reach the ladder coming down from the vent. Pulling himself over the edge, Gordon gasped as he saw a head-crab preparing to strike. In an amazing show of grace and power, Gordon whipped out his shotgun and fired into the head-crabs body.
"Aliens, 0, Gordon, 5,834" he thought to himself.
Gordon continued to pull himself through the ventilation shaft, finally coming out the other side. There, to his surprise, he saw...boxes."

HAHAHAHAHAHA :bounce: :cheers: :cheese: :p :thumbs: :E That made me laugh so hard!! lol !!! heh more of that plz

Originally posted by Typhon
Speaking of boxes, I hope that whatever boxes they DO have are easy to destroy. Nothing annoyed me more than those weird boxes that took like 20 hits to destroy.

My roommate, who doesn't play games, was watching me play HL1 the other day, and then again today. He says,"Ok, so is this game all about destroying boxes?"

Hehe so true... Remember the South Park style cartoon some1 made of whacking through tonnes of boxes and finding nothing but 2 tic-tacs and a medkit?.. Yeah USA army should be better at packing 8) I cant find it again tho 8(
Another observation;

I tend to get stuck to the spot sometimes (usually while on a lift) anyone else get that?
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
Wait, I thought the guy we call the g-man (short for 'government man'?) WAS the administrator, isn't he?

Nope, it was mentioned before that we never saw the administrator in HL1 or any of the expansions, but that we WILL finally see him in HL2. I always thought this myself until I read that Marc Laidlaw interview...

Originally posted by CrazyHarij
After reading through this whole topic while listening to Massive Attack's 'Special Cases' , I suddenly realize Half Life's story is one of the most complex stories ever used in a game. :D

I hope that Good Ol' Shepard will be co-starring in HL2, that'd be really cool if he stood face to face with Gordon in a silent frozen moment.

I see you've yet to play Metal Gear Solid 2.
Mmm... Manipulators.. drool..
Oh man! I just remembered I had a dream I had a manipulator in real life last night... hahaha, I would have gotten arrested for the things I did with it.

"And then Gordon jumped on a box. From that box he was able to reach a higher box, and then he could just reach the ..."

Hahahaha, great stuff.

Although, if they could make good books out of the Doom games, I'm positive they could do something with these. :)
Originally posted by omlette
I see you've yet to play Metal Gear Solid 2.

I thought MGS2 had an awesome plot at first, but the more you think about it, the less sense it makes. :eek:
Originally posted by omlette
I see you've yet to play Metal Gear Solid 2.

imo MGS doesnt come near what ive read and seen hear over the past months...
Originally posted by omlette
I see you've yet to play Metal Gear Solid 2.

Yeah, mgs series still probably have one of the most complex plots.
It's really hard to find out the connections, and if you don't quite understand it, it won't make any sense at all. You never could trust anyone in that plot, and the really twisted thing is/was that you couldn't even trust the protagonist, snake, th one you play! And then the plot twistings of MGS2. How many times did you think you finally found the big Boss who was behind all mysteries? About 4 times maybe? And then you came to find a something/someone that even had more power about all the happenings. And then the end was really twisted as well, you saw all you had played in (pretty much) mgs series up to date from a completely new perspective. I never thought the plot would turn out to be so epic, philosophous and universal...
"Gordan Get out of there, it is about to go critical......It's not shutting down!! It's not shutting down!!!! (boom) AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"

I recite on of the many halflife 1 moments engraved into my brain forever.
Just a little theory about what I put in my last post...

Maybe the administrator made it impossible for the system to shut down...and therfore it is deffinetly NOT and accident.
Originally posted by el Chi
Can we say Max Payne, people?
Well, if you replace aliens with mafiosa.
Personally I agree with Daemon and Mechagodzilla. Except about the bit where the slaves are taken over by the G-Man. I think, seeing as Freeman killed their master, they were set free and agreed to join forces with them (Freeman, the Vances, the G-Man et al).
I really don't think the whole thing was set up to test Freeman, though. Why would it be? Dude's a scientist in his early twenties with a silly goatee and NHS glasses. That theory all seems a bit Truman Show-esque but without a third of the logic.

Nope. If Freeman experiences it, then we will experience it. This is the way HL works.


oh yeah, forgot about that.... bummer
Although i wonder why the Alien Slaves are cooperating with Gordon and Friends. It'd be cool to see how they look nowadays too.