"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

Ow come on mrhanky use ur talent for something else. You aren't the first one who came up with pics like those..
Mine are good though :p

Ive moved onto other things, thats the first thing I took time to do. Currently im working on a scene where some crabhead combine are building a spaceship, its gonna pwn.
Breen is ready for war.


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Sudden brake...

The advanced brake, thanks to crushenator 500 :laugh:


  • Bikin' deux.JPG
    Bikin' deux.JPG
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Anymore "porn" in these Garry's mod screenshots will result in the post being deleted and the relavent warning given to the poster. It might have been briefly amusing at one point but now it's just immature and tiresome. Please report any instances of these porn pictures using the REPORT A POST button (indicated by a ! ). Thank you.
Been having WAY too much fun with the new face poser. My god, it brings a whole new dimension to pictures taken in garrysmod. Anyways, here's a little something that I made last night, then enhanced in photoshop.

"The G-Man thought Breen was long gone... but somethings just won't die."

Here's a few I made today.

Ghetto Meeting:

The picture says it all:

He's had a few beers:

Recording his new rap music video:

Karate Combine:

This is hilarious. I would seriously like to see more of that Tiger character. He rocks! :thumbs:
First time on the mod last night, didn't quite expect to spend 5 hours playing with barrels and balloons :lol:

My pic attempt:

Even the most busy evil puppet dictator takes time to visit his mother...
Dalith said:
The picture says it all:
Dude, you made her look like Donald Trump. :P

Nugget58 said:
Even the most busy evil puppet dictator takes time to visit his mother...
OMFG I spewed water out my mouth! Funniest shit I've seen in a while. :laugh:
Alyx just wants to ask the Gman what is exactly in his briefcase.


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Decided to finally see what all the fuss was about and give it ago. Great fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! :o You feel like something of an artist before long too, which I think is a massive part of the appeal. Here's the first "scene" I decided to make (not great obviously - I'm still getting the hang of it).

Decided to finally see what all the fuss was about and give it ago. Great fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! You feel like something of an artist before long too, which I think is a massive part of the appeal. Here's the first "scene" I decided to make (not great obviously - I'm still getting the hang of it).

not bad! looks pretty good if that is ur first one :thumbs:
Thanks guys, thats nice of you to say. Shadow, haven't done any others yet mate. Only just installed it around 1am and decided to have a play around. Before long, I was suddenly making an ambush scene with Alyx dying in her dad's arms. I'll definately make some more though; as I say, there's something very enjoyable about this mod and the creativity it allows you.
Dabs said:
Decided to finally see what all the fuss was about and give it ago. Great fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! :o You feel like something of an artist before long too, which I think is a massive part of the appeal. Here's the first "scene" I decided to make (not great obviously - I'm still getting the hang of it).


PHEW! For a second I thought it was 'Eli on Alyx action'.

That is, in fact, better than anything I have made so far :thumbs:
Dabs said:
Decided to finally see what all the fuss was about and give it ago. Great fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! :o You feel like something of an artist before long too, which I think is a massive part of the appeal. Here's the first "scene" I decided to make (not great obviously - I'm still getting the hang of it).


Heh. I like how Alyx's left eye is open in a dead stare.


Some new "art" I just made..

Evil Expression


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I like it Dabs, glad your not doing what EVERYONE is doing and putting on the blur behind the main people, it annoys the hell out of me as most people do it wrong >_>
I admire anyone who can make a good Garrys Mod Pic...I tried and everything I did looked like junk, keep up the good work...
thanks - have been getting alot of that

To me GarrysMod is like lego - only limited by your imagination :D
Teta_Bonita said:

Bumpmapping... in... BRAIN! Whoever made that skin for Alyx needs to stop doing that stuff. The only thing it seemed to look good on was the sweater's hood.