"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

How many combine does it take to change a lightbulb???


  • d1_trainstation_060001 (Large).jpg
    d1_trainstation_060001 (Large).jpg
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people, you gotta stop with parental advisory thing

funny pics, lmao
I downloaded Garry's Mod and fooled around a bit in the trainstation. But how do I freeze and unfreeze the models and stuff? How do I spawn characters?
Allantois said:
How many combine does it take to change a lightbulb???


Last two or maybe not

Who said that the Combine dont have any fun?



joule said:
I downloaded Garry's Mod and fooled around a bit in the trainstation. But how do I freeze and unfreeze the models and stuff? How do I spawn characters?

Get the physcannon out, its the orange looking gun. Primary fire, to grab objects. Secondary fire freezes the object.
joule said:
I downloaded Garry's Mod and fooled around a bit in the trainstation. But how do I freeze and unfreeze the models and stuff? How do I spawn characters?

I think someone said how earlier in this thread but I'll repeat him.

Get the Manipulator (theres 2 gravity looking guns, get the orange one)
Left click a model and position it
Right click to freeze
The weapon functions are displayed on the screen!

Onager: search the forum.
Onager said:
How do I add console to this mod??? Please help me:)

please dont make me go creazy, read what people were talking about in the whole ****ing thread thanks =]
Here are some more of mine..


  • kleiner + bully.jpg
    kleiner + bully.jpg
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  • I cant see!.jpg
    I cant see!.jpg
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  • Out for a walk.jpg
    Out for a walk.jpg
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  • The tables are turned.jpg
    The tables are turned.jpg
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  • Hmmm.jpg
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And one more of the bizarre G-man


  • Interesssting.jpg
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bliink said:
Here are some more of mine..
how on earth are you people making these? I thought it was just some map that spawned whatever props you wanted and that jbmod thing with the blue beam weapon.
Ok. Thanks. But how do I spawn characters and such? Ropes, etc.
The Dark Elf said:
how on earth are you people making these? I thought it was just some map that spawned whatever props you wanted and that jbmod thing with the blue beam weapon.

We use Garrysmod instead of JBmod!
can you spawn alex or anyone elce in the Garry mod, in the first level map? (train station) how do you do it?
Deecrypt: You can either cheat and spawn someone by setting sv_cheats 1 and createnpc <name> (go google for half life 2 cheats)

or you can get a level (such as building_block_final) and you can spawn people in that map by using a teleporter spawn thing.
tearinox said:
Deecrypt: You can either cheat and spawn someone by setting sv_cheats 1 and createnpc <name> (go google for half life 2 cheats)

or you can get a level (such as building_block_final) and you can spawn people in that map by using a teleporter spawn thing.
De nada. :D
ROFL I love when you zoom in on his face, it looks so funny!!!

after you spawn gman or who ever you cant grab then with the grav gun, they just stand there
lol @ the Tiger!

I can just see a serial of these with different characters.
This mod rocks :D
Too bad it crashed every ten minutes or so :flame:
Anyway here's my first pic

Combine APC just got new engines


  • d1_trainstation_040001.jpg
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Lol look what you're doing. That might be an influencing factor concerning crashes! :P

(It's hella cool btw, I tried to lift a container ship crate with manhacks but the sparks started to rape my computer)