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Jul 23, 2004
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Does anyone know if you can go inside at all in this game. i have not seen any indoor screens.
Kleiner's lab?

The E3 video in the apartment complex?
I don't think that all the buildings are "enterable", however, yes you can go inside... I'd assume... and Plus we've seen it happen in videos.
I'd assume that you spend a considerable amount of time going in and out of buildings. It would be a little strange if the game was all outdoors :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
Kleiner's lab?

The E3 video in the apartment complex?



The e3 2004 in the lab with Alyx?

The e3 2004 in the beginning?

How many videos have you seen inkined?
If all buildings were 'enterable' that would be so awesome. Knock on the door, and a old lady opens, i talk to her, she give me a cup of tea.....
>>NoTarget<< said:
If all buildings were 'enterable' that would be so awesome. Knock on the door, and a old lady opens, i talk to her, she give me a cup of tea.....
If I wanted to do that, I would go to my grandma :hmph:
>>NoTarget<< said:
If all buildings were 'enterable' that would be so awesome. Knock on the door, and a old lady opens, i talk to her, she give me a cup of tea.....

Mm... I should go get some tea...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure most of the buildings will be locked, and won't exist beyone the door and the exterior. However, we know for a fact that you will be indoors throughout a lot of the game. The trainstation, the labs, etc.. And you HAVE to go the Citadel at some point. There's no way they could make such a kickass building and not let you go shoot it full of holes.

It would take way too long to map and skin all of the buildings we've seen in the E3 video, and it would take up far too much space.
I would think that after 6 years of development they would have interior environments, don't you? There's quite a few indoor screenshots.. the very first HL2 screenshots were indoors (the prison with the aliens).
>>NoTarget<< said:
If all buildings were 'enterable' that would be so awesome. Knock on the door, and a old lady opens, i talk to her, she give me a cup of tea.....

Damn now I want some tea.....

/me goes off to make some.

Good idea!!! :)

And yeah... I put up an email about this a while ago now..

Only important buildings are enterable or something. Not all of them. But the ones that are criticle to the game...

Or something...
Can you go outside, i haven't seen any outside shots.

yes you can go inside and there is many videos and pictures of it
Will there be guns in this game? I haven't seen any screens of guns.

I'm sorry for being a dick. I just can't help myself.
Oh ohhh ohh! I know a new dumb topic we can discuss! What do those numbers, 980 mean on the back of combine wests?
AJ Rimmer said:
Oh ohhh ohh! I know a new dumb topic we can discuss! What do those numbers, 980 mean on the back of combine wests?

That's their squad number. Bloody Chelsea buying everyone... :hmph:
are there combine in this game, I haven't seen any screenshots?
Ive heard of some sort of game called 'Half Life 2'. It any good? I haven't seen any info on it...
Quick! Somebody email Gabe to ask him if tea has been implemented in HL2 yet.
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