Internet Sales tax imminent.

Well fellas, keep in mind that sales tax alone doesn't tell the whole story when it comes to taxation. Maybe those with high taxes have low income tax, property or automobile taxes, etc.
What I don't get is that you could end up paying your local tax when buying things online from someone in another state. Which means people buying from that site could be paying varying percents and the site would have to know all the different taxes. Even some cities have different sales tax than other parts in their own state.
Because, if I'm reading this correctly, the laws are coming from the states themselves. They're hardly going to enforce a tax if they're not even getting it.
Holy ****, you got ripped off. How high are your god damn taxes? What is that 10.5% or some shit? Jesus Christ, I would shoot myself.

I live in Tennessee and our tax is high as hell. Right near Cali's. That's, btw. The product (zune hd) in store costed $219 without tax added, so with express shipping tacked on and whatnot, I think I did pretty good.
I honestly don't see the big deal. Why should internet sales be excluded from taxation? I'm sorry, if the government is to function, someone needs to foot the bill. You can't have the cookie and eat it too.
I'm not sure you would be so eager to pay a tax that you didn't have before, if it was your money.
This is bad news the peoples and businesses for those states implementing this tax. I think it is a bad idea, but I'm also sure that there will be many states that will still go this route.
If there was a mass exodus of online businesses from these states(and Amazon seems to be on the front line with this) then states will have to revert or lose more business.(which they would be insane to want happen)
That's one thing I love about the US, if you don't like the laws in a certain state, move to another.
Is this tax along the lines of our GST?

If so, get used to it you ****ing pussies.
12% GST here. And our games come out to about 150% of the price they'd go for in US, taking the exchange into account.
