INTUB-XLG - What is it?


Oct 12, 2007
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What the heck is INTUB-XLG, and why does it cost so much?

Also, 21.50 for flour? =/


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Have you ever tried to buy and extra-larger inner-tube? Pricey.
Intubation, not incubation. Intubation tube is the thing they stuff to your throat at the hospital if you're having trouble breathing, incubation is what happens when chestburster gets ready to cause havoc in its surroundings.
Intubation, not incubation. Intubation tube is the thing they stuff to your throat at the hospital if you're having trouble breathing, incubation is what happens when chestburster gets ready to cause havoc in its surroundings.

Ganked from wiki.

"The word incubation (from the Latin incubare, "to lie upon") can mean the following:

Physical incubation:

* The term Avian incubation is applied to sitting on or brooding bird's eggs in order to hatch them.
* In chemistry or biochemistry, incubation refers to maintaining a system under specific conditions in order to promote a particular reaction.
* An incubation period in medicine means the time between being exposed to infection and showing first symptoms.
* Incubator (microbiology), refers to maintaining a bacterial culture at a particular temperature for a set length of time, in order to measure bacterial growth.
* An incubator for warming newborn infants. See Neonatal intensive care unit."

'Incubation' still seems to fit to me.
The word is INTUBATION. INTUBation. T and C aren't exactly right next to each other on the keyboard so it's not a typo either.
I think Para that they are suggesting INcubation TUBe rather than INTUBation tube.
hmmm the thing might acualy stand for something, like an acronym or an anogram..... but im rly not good w/ codes.. lol
i don't think it has anyhting to do with incubation. the relaxation vault serves the opposite function... stasis, vs. incubation. Chell is being preserved in stasis, not developed in incubation.
'twas in response to
I second this guess. It's most likely referring to the incubation tube that you emerge from at the beginning of the game.
i don't think it has anyhting to do with incubation. the relaxation vault serves the opposite function... stasis, vs. incubation. Chell is being preserved in stasis, not developed in incubation.

Well, I see your point, but if Chell really was 'preserved in stasis,' that would imply that she has not aged at all since her state of stasis began, would it not? However, the term 'incubate' typically refers to keeping something warm in order to promote development. If she were to have grown older while being kept by GLaDOS, she would have had to be incubated, rather than preserved.
Oh my god...This is the nerdiest, most pointless argument I've read on the internet in quite a while.

/ no offense to anyone involved, just hilarious
Remember the part in the game when you upgrade the portal gun to be two-way, GLaDOS is glad to inform you that the value of the gun is now higher than all the organs and income of <subject city here> combined?

I don't know what "INTUB-XLG" stands for, but I have a feeling it's either the portal gun itself, or something required for the gun manufacturing.

BTW, the spreadsheet itself looks like what the employee sitting at the terminal is supposed to be doing. Back in the days of DOS-games there used to be features in games called "BOSSKEY" that when you pressed them, changed the screen output to look as if you were working. So this "press return" thing is IMO a bosskey, and that would make the spreedsheet, the employee's work.

Edit: BTW 2, remember that Aperture Science was originally a company for the manufacturing of shower curtains. Maybe "INTUB" is somehow related to this fact...

Edit 2: XLG probably means Extra Long and not Extra Large. Not that it helps much :)
(Do a search for "XLG" then read description column.)
DEFCON actually has a bosskey type thing. There's a certain mode where if you hit Esc twice it goes to desktop and the game itself gets moved to the system tray.
Well, I see your point, but if Chell really was 'preserved in stasis,' that would imply that she has not aged at all since her state of stasis began, would it not? However, the term 'incubate' typically refers to keeping something warm in order to promote development. If she were to have grown older while being kept by GLaDOS, she would have had to be incubated, rather than preserved.

Actually, this makes sense. You see, my pet theory is that Chell isn't just brought out of stasis - she's actually a clone with pre-installed memory and every single test-subject in the Enrichment Center has been a Chell. Thus, the need for incubation tubes - to grow new Chell-clones when old ones run out.
Well if it was for intubation, it would be "Entube" or "Endotube" for endotracheal tube (I would think). Although that's what I wondered at first because of the statement GLaDOS makes on Map 5 about getting light-headed from thirst.

Edit: also, that would be fantastically expensive for a plastic tube ...
Well if it was for intubation, it would be "Entube" or "Endotube" for endotracheal tube (I would think). Although that's what I wondered at first because of the statement GLaDOS makes on Map 5 about getting light-headed from thirst.

Edit: also, that would be fantastically expensive for a plastic tube ...

It's made of win, and gold.
Intubation associate

that intubation associate might be worth looking into, it could be these subtle things that tie the game to the website in a meaningful way, and not just a cosmetic "oh look we made a website about portal". I think the site is really just an extension of the game.