iPod Touch


Aug 25, 2007
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I was thinking of purchasing an iPod touch and I was wondering if any of you have one. Apple is releasing an SDK for the Touch and the true potential of the player will open up. $499.00 for a 32gb player is a bit steep though and I was wonder your thoughts.
I don't have a iPod Touch although for purely a music player I would want a regular iPod or Zune tbh. Something without the touch screen and better price for the size.
A friend of mine was thinking of getting an iPod Touch (for music + wifi browsing) and some other phone instead of the iPhone though.
The iTouch? It's ****ing awesome. I am holding out on buying one until there is a flash player out for it. Once that happens I'm running out and getting it. Imagine listening to pandora at work on wifi. I can't wait. With the SDK out for it I think this will be a revolution. If you ask me apple should stop making computers and concentrate on what they do right, portable entertainment.
OP you act like third party software hasn't been created for apple products before.
its not really a revolutionary change to me at all; especially for the price which isnt worth it.
$499 for an portable media device? What the shit?!?
Ipod Touch - very awesome device
Worth the price? Absolutely not (IMHO)

There are plenty of better mp3 players/media players out there for the price of a touch.

If you have money thats burning a whole in your pocket than go for it but otherwise I say look elsewhere
Can you browse the internet with a wireless connection on it?

I know you can view iTunes, but what about the internet?
An SDK to do what? Program stuff?

I can already do that on my brothers PDA.

I know it's not the same thing, but still.
Zen Vision M.

Sure, not a touch screen, but it's freaking half the price :p
I bought an 8gb itouch for $279, and I use it almost everyday.

The only real problems I've found with it, are the lack of a flash player, (although it can play youtube stuff), and it has problems with LOTS of images (think image dump thread). Safari just quits and drops you back at the home screen. The information you have on it when you leave the wireless connection stays also, so if you get directions from google maps (it has a built in google maps function, so you don't have to go through safari) the the directions will stay on the itouch while you're in the car...same with the safari page you were last viewing and the weather/stocks.

Yes citrus it can view the internet.

In fact, I think i only have like 20 songs on my itouch right now, and 6 or 8 movies. I really use it strictly for internet stuff.
I'd wait to be honest. You never know what new ipod comes tumbling out.
I just bought a 160gb ipod. D:
I do plan on putting a bunch of videos on it after I finish with the music. Going on a trip and all. Need some tunes and vids to keep me entertained.
Really thinking about getting one. I want the 32GB one but $500 is a bit too much. I could deal with a 16GB, though my music takes up a whole 11GB, so that only leaves room or a couple movies. I'm used to having 15+ movies with my ZVM... :P
Fiddled around with my mate's new iPod Touch, its a snazzy piece of kit, but its juts a fashion accessory now.

iPods, fine, as its for music. iPod touch's are just flasher versions, BUT more practical too. Calender, photos, videos, notepad etc etc. Its basically..well makes me sound stupid(er)..an iPhone without the phone.

Id get one at a later date when the prices drop though, but for now, I see no REAL reason to get one for the price.
Really thinking about getting one. I want the 32GB one but $500 is a bit too much. I could deal with a 16GB, though my music takes up a whole 11GB, so that only leaves room or a couple movies. I'm used to having 15+ movies with my ZVM... :P

oooooh so now you like ipods

it wouldnt have been so amusing had you not been so over the top in stating your opinion that apple and ipods suck and how it's popularity is totally due to people stupidly jumping on the bandwagon

Qonfused said:
People should be buying the better products. This argument, this ten (+) page argument (which even when settled [it isn't 'cause you're a participant, but I can hope, can't I?] won't mean a thing) is about PEOPLE. Not Apple. At least for me. PEOPLE need to learn not to be mindless sheep and buy what they see on their TV box. "Hey Mabel, I hear those Macs are better than PCs because this commercial said it was!" What the ****? Can people not think for themselves anymore?

Qonfused said:
I do get pissed off when people buy inferior products for more. Better products and companies deserve the money if they manufacture a better device. It's bullshit that they can't compete because they can't afford to put a commercial on every single station 15 times a day.

Qonfused said:
But when looking at those pros and cons, I find (and a few others apparently) find that Apple's devices are inferior to the same priced devices of other companies, yet people blindly buy Apple's instead.

Qonfused said:
It's the way I am. When I see people buying inferior products, it agitates me.


I was wondering if you were going to poke your head up in this thread after I posted that. It's funny how much you claim I troll when you pull stunts like this all the time.

I guess you STILL don't understand, even after that huge debate and countless others. Even the quotes that you picked back me up (not one says I hate Apple, maybe take some more time with your picking, eh?). I don't have a problem with Apple; it's just when people buy Apple because of the name without researching a picking the better product. I'm having a hard time understanding how you do not grasp this concept. I've said it over and over again, and I've never changed my stance. How can you read one thing over and over and still get the wrong idea? It's ridiculous, really. I'm tired of this; this circus you seem to continue to bring back up. I'm tired of it. Just stop. I'm sure you can waste your time better over in the politics section.
I was wondering if you were going to poke your head up in this thread after I posted that. It's funny how much you claim I troll when you pull stunts like this all the time.

I wasnt trolling I was reading the thread when I got to your post

I guess you STILL don't understand, even after that huge debate and countless others. Even the quotes that you picked back me up (not one says I hate Apple, maybe take some more time with your picking, eh?). I don't have a problem with Apple; it's just when people buy Apple because of the name without researching a picking the better product. I'm having a hard time understanding how you do not grasp this concept. I've said it over and over again, and I've never changed my stance. How can you read one thing over and over and still get the wrong idea? It's ridiculous, really. I'm tired of this; this circus you seem to continue to bring back up. I'm tired of it. Just stop. I'm sure you can waste your time better over in the politics section.

I really dont care what your justification is, I just find it amusing ...end of story, try not to have conniption every single time I reply to one of your posts
iPods, fine, as its for music. iPod touch's are just flasher versions, BUT more practical too. Calender, photos, videos, notepad etc etc. Its basically..well makes me sound stupid(er)..an iPhone without the phone.

Yea that's exactly what it is...its also cheaper, smaller, and has a better screen. I'm typing this out only itouch actually....class is boring.
ya well that says something now doesnt it ...
