IRA Mod looking for help



Hi guys,

After some discussions i change something:
if you read the text below pls see following:

1. mod wont really play in IRA "universe".. i mean the terrorists wont be named IRA and you wont see that the IRA is meant.
2. also there wont be completly the missions in which i speak in the text below cause these are "up2date" and would let people think about IRA. i will make em slightly different.

If you dont understand this dont read any further please as i HAVENT changed the text below! why? im lazy!

my name is Simon Fundner. Im 19 years old an from germany.
Im the founder of the quite famous mod "Move In!" for Halflife1 which will be released soon. Beside the work on MI2 which will come for Source I also planned to release another mod. A Singleplayer only modification.

It will be based on the stories that are told about the IRA and so on.

I dont want to give too much information right now, but heres a bit of what is planned:

- a campaign with ~6-7 missions each divided in different parts
- new weapons (like nailbomb)
- new playermodels and mostly new animations
- alot of cutscene to make the story better

i already wrote ~4 pages of story which only are the introduction into the modification. i currently researh the web etc. for informations about the IRA, what they do, HOW they do it etc. the mod will be as realistic as possible.

as some of you may now in belfast was a big robbery once..
the ira (probably) got ~26million dollar (or so) from a bank.. this mission will take (well a similar mission) in the mod too. so you first have to kidnap members of the bank, then assault the bank and at last you have to escape..

also you may know that some IRA members were in a pub one day and killed a boy.. the sisters of the boy made it to bush and there was a huge political issue. something like this will also happen in the mod..

i dont want to tell too much, but the player will change sides.
first hes an IRA member but suddenly its the IRA who wants to kill him.

well as i already told i also work on move in! and move in! 2, so i cant make this mod alone.

first an overview what i can do:
- mapping (well i still dont get some things of newest hammer but i already mapped with old hammer and so i think its just a matter of time ;) )
- sounds (im a dj in my free time and i can compose tracks)
- coding (im doing c++ coding and am currently reading myself into the hl2sdk.. im not that big coder, but i think it could be enough for this mod.. and if not we will sure find someone to help ;)
- storywriting ( i already wrote several books and stories for mods and im very informed in the irish history etc so it will be a good story i think.. sure i dont do this alone!)

im mostly looking for:
- people who can map
- people who can model/skin/animate
- coders
- advisors (people who know what weapons IRA mostly uses, HOW they work etc.. i mean people who are interested in this conflict and want to help with the game so it will be realistic)

so if you are interested then just drop me a few lines at:

simon ( AT ) fundner ( . ) de

im sorry for my bad english btw :)

oh and:
if movein members read this (as most of you dont know this i think) - dont worry im still dedicated to mi but atm i got freetime enough ;)
Speaking as someone who narrowly avoided being involved in two of the IRA's bombs, I find this in remarkably bad taste.
Speaking as someone who narrowly avoided being involved in two of the IRA's bombs, I find this in remarkably bad taste.


...nailbombs?! Wtf?! Why don't you make it for Postal 2 or so?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Speaking as someone who narrowly avoided being involved in two of the IRA's bombs, I find this in remarkably bad taste.

well you may be right with this.
i dont want to state any comment about the IRA but for sure their aggressive potential isnt good.

it is right that some people will be pissed, but you also have to see it in other ways:

look at all the mods/games out..
there are worldwar games, games about vietcong war etc.
do you think people from vietcong like that? or do you think people who lost their families in ww2 (whatever cause..) like it?

you cant make a mod that everyone likes.. sure mods about political issues are a "different" thing..

i have to say sth to this:

as i said the mod will be about an IRA member who then leaves/gets kicked out. i really dont want to make the IRA a "good thing" in this mod. i just think that its a topic where no game was ever released and its interesting too.
you wont see any "oh IRA rocks" scenes in the game. also you wont see any "oh IRA sucks" scenes in their. i will try to make it realistic.. with all the brutality given by the IRA. people will have to make their own statement.
statement from other side which had a good point i really didnt see that much was: the ireland conflict is still "up2date".. ww2 or vietname arent that much.. thats why i made following statement:

perhaps youre right..
well.. i dont think that it will make a big difference if the terrorist fraction etc. are not like in real world.
i mean that i dont use names like IRA etc.. then no one would be really upset about it.. i dont think that the actual situation (with the boy who was killed and the robbery) is something special for the IRA (i mean that everyone thinks at the IRA in this moment), so most part of the story doesnt has to change as a huge part of the game wouldnt take place in ireland either. and this part is easily to change...

i think its better this way so there are no longer conversations...
Pi Mu Rho said:
Speaking as someone who narrowly avoided being involved in two of the IRA's bombs, I find this in remarkably bad taste.

To be fair, someone could've been in a hostage situation and find CS: Source in bad taste. You could say the same for a lot of games/films/books that are (maybe vaguely) based on a real life situations and/or incidents
I'll get right on showing my Iraqi geographics teacher what fun it is to play Full Spectrum Warrior. I'll tell you the results in Winter, 2006*

*release date could be delayed by one year
so SO sketchy!!!

especially seems as the IRA are in the news nearly every day now after robberies (cash), the Good Friday Agreement being all over the place, Garda McCabe's killers, etc.

Not a fantastic idea to cut so close to home but thats just me perhaps
I dont think its a good idea, becuase you will anger more people than you think. The thing about the Veitcong mods and WW2 mods is that the conflict is over, the IRA is still here. I know one person who will never play as a German on WW2 games becuase his grandfather was a Jew in the Concentration Camps.

Again, people will play this if it is good, but you may piss off the wrong people.
Please do not do this
Its a really bad idea and totally unnecessary
besides being Irish myself and having seen the way the scum of the IRA and Sinn Fein have raped ireland time and time again I would be very offended by any attempt to make them seem like heroes or worthy enemies
Besides what would the game involve- kneecapping people, taking hostages, murdering civilians, organised crime, beating up 14 year olds
No thanks
As a german would you make a game with the protagonist being a nazi or a member of the Baader Meinhof Gang
why cant u read the whole thread?

sorry but if your unable to read dont post!
Your post explicitly states that you are using the Ira as inspiration, ireland as inspiration and irish atrocities as inspiration
Changing the name of the organisation does not make things alright
And i go back to my original point what would you do in this game because despite your claim that u are so well informed about irish history u don't seem to have a clue
Would u make a mod of the RAF or the Baader Meinhof Gang
Methinks you wouldnt for very good reasons and if u would there is actually something very wrong with you
Besides, what are the features of the mod?
Realistic weapons... ?
By the way its been presented, it doesn't sound like a great mod, and thats forgetting the whole morality thing.
I heard of the RockStar JFK thing and I just thought they should have their nipples cut off for even thinking of that game, never mind making it.
john3571000 said:
Your post explicitly states that you are using the Ira as inspiration, ireland as inspiration and irish atrocities as inspiration
Changing the name of the organisation does not make things alright
And i go back to my original point what would you do in this game because despite your claim that u are so well informed about irish history u don't seem to have a clue
Would u make a mod of the RAF or the Baader Meinhof Gang
Methinks you wouldnt for very good reasons and if u would there is actually something very wrong with you

1. What do u think inspired the CS Team? Flowers and little koala bears?... I think real terror groups and anti terror groups inspired them...

2. I am well informed about irish history i think. I read some books, watched some movies and also searched the web.

3. the RAF or BMG are different then the IRA cause they arent "that actual anymore"... (See quotation marks!)
I wouldnt do a mod about them. perhaps i would also change the names..well i would change the names.. but it would be no problem for me to be inspired by them.

EVERY game is inspired by reallife things. how do u think the GTA/driver makers had their idea? just caused they watched disneyland? How do you think did the team of RainbowSix/Ravenshield got their ideas? Just by eating donuts watching a football game? NO! They were inspired by terrorism and anti-terrorism! I dont say they were inspired especially by the IRA, but im sure they are informed about the largest terror and antiterror groups and got several of their missions from "real happenings"...

for the features:

Heres a little list what is special about the mod (in my opinion):

1. Its a singleplayer episode! How many good singleplayer mods are out in the web? How many for HL2 will come? Some perhaps but im sure there will be alot more multiplayer mods!

2. The Story. In this mod the player plays a real person who is a terrorist. he only is a terrorist because so he gets lot of money to feed his family. his wife and others dont know! but cause of terrorism etc. his whole family breaks and his wife lefts him. this hurts him so much he gives up and now has to run cause the terrorist dont really like people who leave them. The story will be full with emotions. As I said I already wrote some books and I know how to write such a story. There will be changes and the player will REALLY see WHY he does something or WHY something happens.

3. Graphics.. Yes sure theyll have to be here as the game is playing in a real world. HL2 had a nice world in singleplayer. It looked good but by NO way "realistic" like it is nowadays in europe. Player will visit places which really exist! As for example he will be in the alps and at the "herkules" in kassel(germany).
There will be alot of cutscenes which show amazing sceneries and which "live". For example when u are in a city you will not only see 20 people walking around but there will be like hundreds. (dont ask if the engine can make this. everything is possible if you do it good!)

4. also there will be new movements, new weapons etc. so the player can take part in the world. if you are in a city you can not only walk around but sit down in a cafe and order a coffee.

just some things till now
my god zimi, I've seen some bad idea's in my time but this is taking the piss. Next you'll be making a mod of 9/11 or the tsunami, or how about you do a mod based on all those kids that were killed during the landslide years ago in Wales ffs. You do this and your gonna piss off a lot of those connected to the IRA and against it. And thats just asking for trouble. Yeah your gonna get plenty of publicity but it wont be the kind you want.

2. I am well informed about irish history i think. I read some books, watched some movies and also searched the web

oh well aren't you the expert, maybe you should talk to those people who've lost loved ones to IRA bombs or shootings.

This thread should be deleted.

They seem to have made it out ok, and they didn't even try to cover up the fact they got it from real life. When it says "ripped" right there, not many a human would miss it. Now it's not like you yourself play as Tycho and have mission objective: kill wife, but I don't think it would be that people would care that much if the game was already done.
Now let's see; would I like to play a mod that had alot to do with the IRA, if I'd lost someone in an accident because of the IRA? If the games good enough I might do it, unless the whole IRA thing is in my face all the time(you know, like if everyone had little IRA stickers on their cars. what's up with that over in Argentina, anyway?). But here's the real question: what's the Goddamn POINT of making a game about this? How much trouble can it be to just build up your own story, or get inspiration from something that won't make people whine?
By the way, there's a reason the Raven Shield always sticks the Clancy name next to their game titles. They get all their stories from Tom Clancy's books about terrorism. Hell, why don't you do the same thing, only difference being you cover it up somehow and tell noone about it.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
To be fair, someone could've been in a hostage situation and find CS: Source in bad taste. You could say the same for a lot of games/films/books that are (maybe vaguely) based on a real life situations and/or incidents
Yeah, but CS is very non-specific. It's your average good vs. evil black-and-white nothingness.
This, on the other hand, is based on real events, real factions and, more to the point, are extremely contemporary, as Pi Mu Rho can obviously testify.

Plus, there's no way a multi-player FPS can even begin to take on the complexities of these current events.
At least with WW2 games or 'Nam, they've been over for decades and history has decided who was "right" or not.

I believe there's also an Israeli vs. Palestinian mod in progress. This is also in poor taste, I think, for exactly the same reasons.

As far as I can see, mods such as these are destined to be CS-alikes but with more questionable content.
zimi said:
2. I am well informed about irish history i think.......watched some movies

NEVER watch movies to try to understand Irish history or the IRA...Movies should rarely be relied on for research or an understanding of any subject matter in the first place.

And im not sure if anyone wants to play AS the IRA because a lot of people consider them scum (specially at the moment for reasons that i mentioned above)
Please to the guys saying they dont want to play the IRA or dont want to play a mod that based some ideas on IRA stuff:

What the **** are you talking about?
Do you really think the IRA is the only terrorist organization in europe (where the game takes place?) or even in ireland? Do you really think the IRA is the only terrorist organization which takes hostages or robbs banks? (which are some missions of the game)...
How did you know that cs_assault wasnt based on an attack from xyz terrorist? How did you know? YOU CANT! things like these almost happen every day! Remember these russain guys taking hostages in a school? If I would make a game about hostages in school or whatever you CANT know that i god my ideas from this situation in russia because there are alot more similar situations like these! Also you CANT say that a game is inspired by IRA actions or whatever (inspired is wrong word but i dont get any better) just because u can use a nailbomb and your acting in europe and you robb banks or take hostages! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

Think about it! I stated in my post that I see it would give problems to really make an IRA mod so I changed the concept! If you wouldnt know that I originally planned an IRA mod then NOONE would have appeared saying "ah fuker how can u?"!

to the movies:
i know that movies arent always right. as books arent.
but i depends on what you see and how much you see!

if you see 1 movie you cant say anything about it.. if its right or not. also if you read 1 book you cant state that! but if you read like 7 books and watch like 4 movies/documentations then i think you can seee which informations should be right and which not! if every of these books/movies tells me that "xyz happened at the 01. July" then i think its true! if all movies/books say it happened on 02. July and only ONE book says it happened on 01. July then i think this book isnt right!

there are good documentations and there are bad ones.
also there are good books and bad books..

bad/good in quotation marks.
You're a bit twisted. My father got shot by an IRA marksman when he was in the army. Could have killed him.

He's also lost a lot of friends to IRA attacks.

-Angry Lawyer
Something seriously wrong with you zimi
most of us here in the forums value our sanity
zimi said:
2. I am well informed about irish history i think. I read some books, watched some movies and also searched the web.
From that I assume you are not from Ireland, the IRA from the 70's the Provisional IRA are not the "army" they are made out to be They are just criminals, there ideologies in Northern Ireland don't make any sense either
Marco said:
The hypocrisy displayed in this thread is remarkable at times. Who of you crying wolf right now care so much what other games are about when their topic isn't directly touching your "monkey sphere", i.e. being related to you in a way. I understand that many members on these forums are from Great Britain, so this is apparently more or less a hot topic for you, but where is your public outcry when morals call for it in other cases, such as when the highly-questionable lifestyle of gangsters and murderers is glorified in other games. Such games are usually defended regardless of their message.

I am not trying to make a case for zimi. Judging by my personal moral standards, I think it is wrong of him -- if this is indeed his intention -- to glorify the atrocities done by the Provisional IRA in terms of a game. If it is his true intention to portray the character development of a member of the Provisional IRA, who grows disillusioned by their methods and switches sides, in order to get a message across that makes it clear that it is not a glorification but a criticism of their methods, then I would cut him some slack. Some topics are controversial in nature and this is what makes them interesting. The important thing is to deal with them in the right way.

Although I think GTA and the other pointlessly violent games are unnecessary, they are generic. If Hitman was based on the Harold Shipman murders, would it nave been developed? no. The point is that the IRA is a specific topic, whereas CSS is a generic one.
zimi said:
if you see 1 movie you cant say anything about it.. if its right or not. also if you read 1 book you cant state that! but if you read like 7 books and watch like 4 movies/documentations then i think you can seee which informations should be right and which not! if every of these books/movies tells me that "xyz happened at the 01. July" then i think its true! if all movies/books say it happened on 02. July and only ONE book says it happened on 01. July then i think this book isnt right!

So if we all say that you shouldn't do that MOD and the only one that says the opposite is you, are you wrong?!
" 2. I am well informed about irish history i think. I read some books, watched some movies"

"i know that movies arent always right. as books arent."

you make my brain hurt :(
zimi said:
Please to the guys saying they dont want to play the IRA or dont want to play a mod that based some ideas on IRA stuff:

What the **** are you talking about?
Do you really think the IRA is the only terrorist organization in europe (where the game takes place?) or even in ireland? Do you really think the IRA is the only terrorist organization which takes hostages or robbs banks? (which are some missions of the game)...

Either you should be playing the classic "gangsters" or you should think about it. Ok so yes i take your point that there is terrorism...But at the moment thats really sketchy.

Its true that you cant always be considerate of everything that happens (Black and White allows villages to be destroyed but that is a choice of the player). You are basing missions on activites that the IRA "allegedly" took part in, without realising ALL that they have done. Do you want missions where you just gun down police officers as well (play GTA). I'm not sure what to say to you really in the end.

Basing missions around terrorist activities is always goin to be bad...Do you want one where you are in Spain and you bomb trains at rush hour when there is no escape? While games are make-believe, placing this kind of situation defeats the purpose of videogames (that is to escape reality for many)...

WOW - Long rant but i think im finished...
Marco said:
The hypocrisy displayed in this thread is remarkable at times. Who of you crying wolf right now care so much what other games are about when their topic isn't directly touching your "monkey sphere", i.e. being related to you in a way. I understand that many members on these forums are from Great Britain, so this is apparently more or less a hot topic for you, but where is your public outcry when morals call for it in other cases, such as when the highly-questionable lifestyle of gangsters and murderers is glorified in other games. Such games are usually defended regardless of their message.

I am not trying to make a case for zimi. Judging by my personal moral standards, I think it is wrong of him -- if this is indeed his intention -- to glorify the atrocities done by the Provisional IRA in terms of a game. If it is his true intention to portray the character development of a member of the Provisional IRA, who grows disillusioned by their methods and switches sides, in order to get a message across that makes it clear that it is not a glorification but a criticism of their methods, then I would cut him some slack. Some topics are controversial in nature and this is what makes them interesting. The important thing is to deal with them in the right way.
Again though - it's generic, non-specific gangster stylings. I'm not saying that completely exonerates the GTA games, for example, but I think it cuts them a lot more slack than a game that singles out and hones in on a contemporary conflict, when really it's just window-dressing for another CS: S clone.
meh, who cares, he's had enough shit in here to assure that no sane person will help him, which is probably for the good of humanity :)
I know most of the information he needs about the IRA, but im not helping
Someone should close this thread... it is over with, and there should be no IRA mod