IRRLICHT(Source engine)

Nice find,
Do you require any skills in order to make games using irrsdk?
It has a physics engine too! This is getting better and better!
Tell me how it is. I can't download it until I get home.
Might I ask why its impressive? It looks as if someone took the Quake II engine and added some higher res textures. Maybe that's being a bit harsh, but I see nothing impressive from my end... If its got physics engine its a big plus though.

If you want impressive, check out pictures like this using the Torque (aka Tribes 2) engine:
And its only like $100 :)
Someone should maybe add, before the hype and the anti-climax, that whoever wants to write a game on this engine had better have some pretty good programming skills. It's just an engine with basic support for certain formats and features, there's tons of extra things required to make a game, the engine is just a part of it.

Just thought I'd mention it, trying not to piss on anyone's happiness honest ;)
Where did you move it to? And a new forum eh? Storyline discussion. So is it legal to talk about the beta there?
Better hide the title of the "Last Thread Posted" in the main forum display, then...
Well, I was going to look at the stuff in the morning, but it does look cool. Obviously you have to write all the game mechanics yourself, and a lot else besides, but for someone who doesn't have time to waste on their own graphics engine, this looks like it'd be useful...
Sounds nice. How is the GUI? And post here when you have used it.
Well, heck, sure. If you can be bothered to possibly wait a week or so.

I've still got to install my compiler on my new computer, and I'm going to be really busy after that...
Sure thing. I will have downloaded it and used it by then, but the more opinions the better.
There are much much better free engine's out there than that. For a start there's Tenebrea 2 and the Unreal Warefare engine is free for none comercial use.

Just take a look at the massive list here
nebulea 2 is pretty damn cool if you ask me :)

Anyway, looks interesting.

/me downloads.
Do you all know what Irrlicht means in English?
Yes, and: "fen fire", "ghost light", "will-o'-the-wisp", "will-o'-wisp". ;)
looks a bit crap if you ask me, but nice and free i suppose :)
Onions said:
looks a bit crap if you ask me, but nice and free i suppose :)

Oh Onions, where would we be without your positive uplifting attitude :)
Get used to it onions - we may be using it :p
On second thoughts, I hope it's terrain renderer is better than that tech demo. It's a bit....Quake.
heh, thats what put me off
those models looked as ugly as fenric :D
but as i said, tis free. i think rob could do a much better job, but he's almost as lazy as me :)
and its still bsp, which is not good for space, as i know too well ;(
BSP is fine for space, especially with the method I intend to employ.
BSP would work in space, but the fact it has to be 'fully enclose' does make it annoying... Oct-trees are an alternative however an ABT (adaptive Binary tree) might well be better, as i've got some free time coming up i'll be reading up on them...

Ground based is likely to use a mix of Quad-tree and ABT (assuming i can get the priniple down), Quad tree mostly for vis-culling