is anyone else a cashier?


Nov 17, 2003
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at a really busy grocery store? do you feel like cutting your brain out after work?
I work register at a food place, it eint bad
I bet the grocery store is worse
Ikerous said:
I work register at a food place, it eint bad
I bet the grocery store is worse
i HATE it.

i hate old people who want their change back after they leave and 100 people have grabbed their change back from the little till and their change is GONE. its just ****ing GONE.

i hate people who constantly moniter the screen making sure their shit rings up precisely. "hey i think you charged me too much for those potatoes!" NO I DIDNT THE COMPUTER DID IT. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT KIND OF POTATOES THEY ARE.

i hate people who spill shit all over my register

i HATE people who ask for paper bags. then when i ask if they would like paper and plastic (its much easier for us) they say NO. JUST PAPER.

i hate my supervisor who makes me go find people to come into my line instead of just letting me sit there.

i hate people who buy produce that i cant even recognize. WTF IS A JICAMA.

i hate people who smell really bad and stand there to count their change.

i really really really hate the ****ing beep the scanner makes when something goes over it.

i scanned 18 items a minute. i worked 8 hours. 18 x 60 x 8. i heard that beep 8640 times. in ONE day.

im just scratching the surface :( its horrible mind numbing work.
That sounds awful man...
But jicama, jicama is amazing.
Seriously. Eat jicama.

I hope I don't have to work register at Acme. Numbers + lots of people= Crazy nervous :(.

I should be working at the bakery though n_n.
dont work in the bakery they are horrible.

i dont know how busy your store is, but our store does about 1.5 million dollars a week. thats a shitload of things to scan... its not nerve wracking its just mind blowingly dull.
My friend said its made easy. You put some stuff in ovens. Then, you just wait around.
Our store is about a $5 million a week store, it's quite massive.

I only cashier occasionally, I mostly stock shelves these days. People are retarded everywhere.
gh0st you are having an identity crisis omg
im your supervisor you are terminated
I hope I never have to give people change. I'd rather just keep all their money.

"Can I have my 10p change please?"
"Bitch get on your knees and beg for that 10p if it's so important to your survival"
I'm going tomorrow to put in an application at the grocery store.

I don't want to be a cashier though. Maybe a shelf stocker/buggy pusher.
DreadLord1337 said:
Our store is about a $5 million a week store, it's quite massive.

I only cashier occasionally, I mostly stock shelves these days. People are retarded everywhere.

Don't you have to clean the bathrooms and sweep the store?
A friend of mine works at a staples(that does some tech support stuff too.)

The horror stories D:
I work at a fred meyer's (Hardware & Automotive department) and its really easy, I just make sure everything looks good & help customers with mixing paint, making keys or help them find something. But ive been a cashier for a few years at a gas station and that sucked, but I was a alcoholic back then so that made up for it, most days I came in hung over so bad & still drunk.
gh0st said:
i HATE it.

i hate old people who want their change back after they leave and 100 people have grabbed their change back from the little till and their change is GONE. its just ****ing GONE.

i hate people who constantly moniter the screen making sure their shit rings up precisely. "hey i think you charged me too much for those potatoes!" NO I DIDNT THE COMPUTER DID IT. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT KIND OF POTATOES THEY ARE.

i hate people who spill shit all over my register

i HATE people who ask for paper bags. then when i ask if they would like paper and plastic (its much easier for us) they say NO. JUST PAPER.

i hate my supervisor who makes me go find people to come into my line instead of just letting me sit there.

i hate people who buy produce that i cant even recognize. WTF IS A JICAMA.

i hate people who smell really bad and stand there to count their change.

i really really really hate the ****ing beep the scanner makes when something goes over it.

i scanned 18 items a minute. i worked 8 hours. 18 x 60 x 8. i heard that beep 8640 times. in ONE day.

im just scratching the surface :( its horrible mind numbing work.
I know exactly how you feel. I don't work at quite a busy store, but we get our fair share of retards who re-define "retarded".
I've had someone simply hand me a bag full of pennies, dimes, and nickels, and told me that they would pay the remaining part with cash. It was over $7, with no quarters. :(

The worst thing that has happened to me is an old couple came through and had a case with 8 canned vegetables. We don't stock these, so we don't keep their price accurate to what 8 cans should be. When it rang up costing more than 8 individual cans would, they instantly *knew* that I had intentionally screwed them over and demanded that I give them the correct change.
I tried to refund the case and ring up 8 cans, but they thought that I wasn't giving them the right amount. (how the **** can you assume that? I refund the wrong price, and I charge you for the 8 cans. Its not like the computer doesn't know how to do math. But no, her scratchpaper math is 2100% more efficient.) So I call two managers to try to explain to her that I'm simply refunding and charging the right stuff.
"Why did he scan the case?"
"Well, he's not going to tear into your food and scan the cans."
"Why not?"
Eventually she just demanded that i give her the $5 back and she stormed out.

Also, I check at an average of 28 items per minute, so I have to listen to that awful noise even more. :)
I am a cashier at a grocery store. Yes it sucks, especially when prices are different in the customer's mind and on the actual signs.
I work in my dad's shop. There's good days and bad days.
I work in a newsagent it isnt as busy as supermarket, but i do get really anoying customers.
Most of all people who dont say thank you piss me off - they just dump their money then walk off , I hate that.
I work in a Garden Centre and it is great. There is a wonderful range of jobs to do whilst there. I can water plants. And if I get bored of that I can top up bird feed. And if I get bored of that I can go on the till. And if I get bored of that I can bring new compost up from the store sheds. And I get paid a horticultural wage. XD
I want your job Reginald.

In fact, I wish I had any job :P But that's until July for me.
I know how you feel gh0st. The Off-Licence I work is in a rough area, we get a lot of trouble and dicks who have never had a bath.

I hate it when customers buy one item at a time!
Who can't control their kids
Who pay in pennies
Who walk around the store for half an hour and only buy a 10p sweet. That just wasted my ****ed time while I could be stocking up.
Who go, how come this beer can IS 99p? Tesco's do it for 89p. THEN GO TO TESCO'S YOU WANK FACE!

Its insane how stupid people are these days. **** sake.

/End rant
I busk. I really hate those pricks that don't waste their well earned money on me.
I used to work for my parents in our pet store, and for some reason I always attracted the elderly or the mentally retarted. I remember one person from a special school who had a mental impairment, she told me a tale of how she accidently killed her pet Cockateil with a broom. She held up the whole line.
this is why you shouldnt play games kids! do your homework!!!

roflcake, that was liek..a joke rite!
Thread said:
I want your job Reginald.

In fact, I wish I had any job :P But that's until July for me.

I am going to work with my friend in the abbitoir 8) / 8|
I work in a bookstore, and while I do a fair amount of register work its not all that bad. I can chat with people about good books and the stuff they're buying.
If anywhere I want to work at a shop where the main customer-base know what they're talking about. Something like a top-end computer hardware shop that you need a degree in computer technology to find (The signs could be made in C++ language or something - and even then it's down some dark back-alley where no-one ventures because of myths of a jaguar). That way you're guaranteed not only people who don't waste your time pissing on about how their Atari can't handle SLI, and can actually probably pay for the parts you have.
U sometimes see the cashier or the helpers in stores pissed with my mum until i walk out and buy something else...
I don't work in a store but I can only imagine how painful of a job it would be to put up with all of different people. I would really not want to work as a cashier for the fallowing reasons:
1. I suck at math
2. I would get mad a someone probably then get fired
3. I would more that likely screw something up.

I think I would rather work construction all day in the hot sun or the bitter cold than be a cashier.
Hahahahahaha oh man gh0st, now I remember why I liked you :)

Registers at Target probably don't compare to the sheer insanity of a grocery store. I feel for you, sir.
Hell no, anything that involves me having to deal with customers on a regular basis is a no-no. Unless Im dealing with hot girls that is :naughty:
gh0st said:
i scanned 18 items a minute. i worked 8 hours. 18 x 60 x 8. i heard that beep 8640 times. in ONE day.

dont forget all the registers next to you, so multiply that number by like 3 :laugh:
Darksabre said:
I busk. I really hate those pricks that don't waste their well earned money on me.

Yah, I busk to. (in a brass quartet) I just hate those wangs who stand there for like 10 minutes, then walk off without even saying anything... grr.

Perth should be more like places like Venice, where if you don't give the buskers any money after obviously listening to then, the cops will assult you.
AzzMan said:
Hell no, anything that involves me having to deal with customers on a regular basis is a no-no. Unless Im dealing with hot girls that is :naughty:

Become a male prostitute then you may occasionally get hot girl customers.
Reginald said:
Become a male prostitute then you may occasionally get hot girl customers.
To quote Mal from Firefly: "tell me, do all men get escorts to these parties, or just the young rich ones with stamina?"

You know it's never going to happen to him, so stop ruining his hopes :p
I think the question we should put here is; Is there anyone who works a till that actually has fun? Like making the beep noises with your mouth while scanning items to make the customers think you're weird?
At my job they asked me after I was hired whether I wanted to be a cashier or a 'service clerk' (pushing carts, returning items to the shelves, and bagging groceries). I'm glad I picked service clerk!!