This isnt a direct bash agaisnt valve, but they are single handedly making me not want this game. What they showed us at E3 was amazing...and the promised Sept 30 release date was too good to be true. I realized it wasnt gonna happen well before that date, and i wasnt upset with valve when it didnt come. However, the way Valve handled that situation put a very sour taste in my mouth. Now, after this leak (which im sorry, but valve could have done something after they realized email was being read...) they try and tell us that "they are working hard toward the release" after vivendi told us its delyaed. Im sorry, thats BullShit. Im losing interest in this game way to fast. I realize Valve owes me nothing, and i didnt say they did. valve is going very quickly from my "disrespect" list to my "hate" ist however...