Is anyone else becomming less and less interested?



This isnt a direct bash agaisnt valve, but they are single handedly making me not want this game. What they showed us at E3 was amazing...and the promised Sept 30 release date was too good to be true. I realized it wasnt gonna happen well before that date, and i wasnt upset with valve when it didnt come. However, the way Valve handled that situation put a very sour taste in my mouth. Now, after this leak (which im sorry, but valve could have done something after they realized email was being read...) they try and tell us that "they are working hard toward the release" after vivendi told us its delyaed. Im sorry, thats BullShit. Im losing interest in this game way to fast. I realize Valve owes me nothing, and i didnt say they did. valve is going very quickly from my "disrespect" list to my "hate" ist however...
actually with the source leak and beta shit, im becoming more interested :\
Yup, I am getting kinda bored and getting sick of this bull

To all those who say, well Valve doesnt owe u shit....Well i pre-ordered the game and they owe me a game, that ws supposed to be out couple weeks ago and havent heard anything from them sense. So gimme my game or gimme $50

Either I get the game from them or Bit-torrent.....Its there choice not mine
I just want the game soon, or at least give a parital word on the release date ie:before christmas, 1quarter 2004..

they just whip out the same ol shiot, were trying to blah blah blah..
We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes there, but we have evidence that its a lot. So I really doubt we can whine about whats going on without the facts.
And Vivendi's original delay was a mistake, unless they were psychic.
first my interests layed in doom3, then that got delayed to first quarter 2004, then my interests switched to hl2, now the delays and the bs thats going, my interest is quicly fading once again. im starting to look more towards teh games that havnt been spoken of much but are sure to be good, max payne 2 and deus ex 2
Don't forget VU ...
This is so strange ... it looks like they are not working together at all ... like they are in two diffrent worlds . This is sad .

And yes valve should know that a half a year delay is stupid , i am sorry but this word is in my mind , stupid. :(

And to think i upgraded just for them :<
I was pretty mad when they delayed the game until Holidays but then I calmed down a day or two later and said "Okay...Its only 2-3 months. I can wait." But now it may be delayed until April 2004? That's half of a year. I wish they would release just the single player if its done like otheres of said and let them finish the multiplayer and release it later since it seems that some people think the multiplayer is what they are finishing. I don't know. Anyway, I'm not getting less interested, but I am getting more annoyed.
I am being to stay much anger... trying to not blow.

Always the same bla bla bla... delay delay and delay...

I like hl2 and valve but my patience is depleted already.
If the only reason they are delaying it is because of cheats....screw them, Cheats happen with or without the source code. CS anyone? U get my point, If its going to be that bad only play with people u know dont cheats or basically port Cheating Death and Adminmod. Otherwise it will be as extinct as Dinosaurs.
All I want is a release date, so I can decide whether to purchase uber machine now, or el cheapo machine now and upgrade later.

Just a release date, or an estimated time, i.e. definitely this year, or mid-next year.

I have to buy a PC this week, for my gf's house ... so I need to decide which kind of PC to buy! :x
I'm still interested. If anything, this whole delay shiz is going to build up a lot of excitement in the community. Are you guys telling me that when HL2 does hit stores your just going to ignore HL2 on the shelf? I think that would take all the willpower I could muster.
Originally posted by another-user
first my interests layed in doom3, then that got delayed to first quarter 2004, then my interests switched to hl2, now the delays and the bs thats going, my interest is quicly fading once again. im starting to look more towards teh games that havnt been spoken of much but are sure to be good, max payne 2 and deus ex 2

two games without multiplayer, theres money well spent.

actually DX2 will be money well spent, since you can go through it many times, creating a different character and playing the game totally different each time.
Majority of people will lose intrest, as in, they'll feel MAJORLY let down by the events (Source theft, beta, 2004 delay). The Excitment WILL reduce, its a natural human recation to such situation.

I admit, i do feel down by all these events, my intrest is fading away, but i dont blame valve, i blame the hackers, but there is nothing we can do about it, but wait..
why doesnt valve get a new publisher vivendi ****ing sucks major horsecack
Originally posted by Wilson502
why doesnt valve get a new publisher vivendi ****ing sucks major horsecack

Agreed 100%, even Blizzard North founder left the company, due to VU being a bunch of bitches.
I wouldn't care if they'd pick a story and stick to it. If you say it's going to be out by Christmas while your publisher is prattling on about a release in April sometime something is very wrong. And that has nothing to do with the hack. Valve says "yes they got all our code for the game" Vivendi says "they just got 1/3 the code", Valve says "We're not sure what else was taken" Vivendi says "we're sure that all that was taken was 1/3 the code base". C'mon people! At least pick up a phone and get the lines of bullshit straight amongst yourselves before you unleash it on the public.

My feeling is that Valve (or Gabe) is trying to be straight with us while Vivendi is doing what they can to calm any of their investors fears.

I hope it ships by Xmas. I want to be playing Doom 3 in 2004 and there just isn't enough time for 2 games of this caliber at once.
yeah i'm losing interest.. but it doesnt mean i'm not going to buy it
Originally posted by Comreak
I'm still interested. If anything, this whole delay shiz is going to build up a lot of excitement in the community. Are you guys telling me that when HL2 does hit stores your just going to ignore HL2 on the shelf?

No. I'll just be like.. "Oh, HL2 is out. I'll go pick it up tomorrow."

Put it this way.. I'm not gun-ho about it anymore. I can be wasting my time on other things besides playing waiting games.
im actually the same if not more interested its like a drama lol first its delayed then the leak i mean WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?!
I'm beginning to agree, it is starting to lose its shine a bit now. What will be the icing on the cake is to find it wont run atall on anything below the recommended setup. I was planning on buying a new machine to handle it without problem, but now im not so sure :(

This whole thing has been ruined, and you can bet your life those responsible will get off with a slapped wrist and told they can't use the net for a few months
I'm very pissed with Valve right now. I must say my interest in Half-Life 2 will go right out the goddamn window when they officially announce the delay (knowing Valve that will be sometime during December). Valve should be glad the beta was leaked as that is all that is keeping anyones interest. Max Payne 2, Thief III, Far Cry, Deus Ex 2, those games are looking beter to me right now.
If the game really was ready for Sept 30th but got delayed because of the leak that would be a serious shame. I really wanted to see this game suddenly appear and just blow everybody away and watch mainstream media go all suddenly nuts, and get to see hardware sales boom as a result.

On the other hand, this is all -extremely- good news for a lot of other game companies. There are so many quality games coming out but HL2 was most likely going to dwarf them all, the Hl2 delays I'm sure boost their sales significantly. Halo PC alone I'm sure can attribute a decent portion of its sales to the HL2 delay.

Typically I don't follow game hype too much until a week or two before the release date, so delays and such don't normally disappoint me. This situation was particularly bad because you have all this mystery that would have made a release even more awesome but then you get a delay at the last second. If we now potentially have a delay into next year, then yea, I'm definitely going to lose interest. Still buy it in the end? Yea, but a lot of games will have come and gone by then and the splash just isn't going to be as big as it would have been. I think the best Valve could do at this point is just communicate a bit more, clear up any false rumors.
D3 q1 2004
HL2 q1 2004
D2 q1 2004

oi somthing is going on .... i smell EA :p
dude i promised my gym teacher i would stop drinking alcoholic drinks like my canadian beer and thats hard. i laster 4 days then i poped open a beer and drank it with out knowing. then after im like crap. i want half life 2 more then i want a beer so i think if i saw it i would grab it toss 79$ at the clerk then run
yeah, theyre really pissing me off too.....they shouldve had their stuff more secure....its their fault