Is anyone else getting tired of freeman not...


Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
..ever talking?

Now yes I know you are all up in arms after reading this. "OMG idiot they dew that so u can be the chatcter, its more bliveable!!" ok yes, I can see that. But I think its alot more unbelievable that a man can go through so much crazy shit as freeman, and never utter a single word. Never ask anything like "Hey...WTF is happening?" I mean seriously.

I hope they at least make him say SOMETHING in ep3
OMG... He DOES talk, Gordon is not a mute, dammit! You, the player, simply cannot hear anything he says due to a simple reason - what if something he would say is different from what YOU(the player, who is Gordon Freeman) would say in the same situation. And since Valve hasn't developed text/voice recognition yet, you're gonna have to deal with it(you know, that used to have this thing called "imagination") or stop playing.

On the other hand, one viable solution I see is to let us(the players) express at least basic reactions and responses, such as: agreement, disagreement, greeting, inquiring about health status or saying sorry. Although, I'd still prefer that we didn't hear Gordon actually SAY these things(because at this point, with 4 released games, that'd be stupid), we'd only recieve NPC responses.
if they added voice to gordan freeman then it would ruin the half life series all together. valve wants you the player to feel you are gordan freemen and not just playing as him.
Here's what they should do. Have voice chat with voice recognition in HL2:EP3. Have the NPC's react to words like "Alyx" and react more strongly if your voice's volume is high.

Maybe for half life 7.
Gordon saying somthing would destroy the connection they have built with so many players, frankly I think there are two ways of doing it in games, 1. Say nothing ever, 2. Speak all the time ala Max Payne, I really hate it when a game has the player say 2 random sentences at really random times dureing the course of a game.
OMG... He DOES talk, Gordon is not a mute, dammit! You, the player, simply cannot hear anything he says due to a simple reason - what if something he would say is different from what YOU(the player, who is Gordon Freeman) would say in the same situation. And since Valve hasn't developed text/voice recognition yet, you're gonna have to deal with it(you know, that used to have this thing called "imagination") or stop playing.

Ding ding ding. This is exactly it. The point is that you should be thinking approximately what Gordon would be saying... and usually, you are.
... and usually, you are.

To Alyx "Get in my Pants."

To Lamarr "Get out of the rocket!"

To any NPC "Feed me... I haven't had food for almost two weeks!"

To Eli "Please tell your smokin' hot daughter to go make a tuna cassarole, so we can be alone to discuss our 'mutual friend'."

To Dr. Kliener "Wait a sec, where does all my 'biological waste' go in this suit... I haven't taken it off in a while."
I've always felt the final Half-Life should have Gordon bellow something eloquent right before the emotionally-fueled grand finale of the series.

A good "Noooooooo!!!" somewhere would be suitable, I think.
id rather he didnt talk
i find myself talking back to alyx
and personally, i find it amazing
id rather play the part.
thanks valve!
OMG... He DOES talk, Gordon is not a mute, dammit! You, the player, simply cannot hear anything he says due to a simple reason - what if something he would say is different from what YOU(the player, who is Gordon Freeman) would say in the same situation. And since Valve hasn't developed text/voice recognition yet, you're gonna have to deal with it(you know, that used to have this thing called "imagination") or stop playing.

On the other hand, one viable solution I see is to let us(the players) express at least basic reactions and responses, such as: agreement, disagreement, greeting, inquiring about health status or saying sorry. Although, I'd still prefer that we didn't hear Gordon actually SAY these things(because at this point, with 4 released games, that'd be stupid), we'd only recieve NPC responses.

Calm down man, its just the internet.

And I never once said he was a mute. But where do you get the idea that he can talk, but we cant hear it? Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard. If that where true then alxys conversations with him would be very confusing because he would say things to continue the conversation that we wouldn't hear. And I guess no one read my first post, where I talked about how letting the player connect with a character by not speaking isn't working. And if valve really wanted us to feel like the in game character then why show us what Gordon looks like? That pulls me away already, if they want us to connect then they should do what FEAR did and only give a name.
Even if Gordon actually does talk but we can't hear him, he still doesn't talk much basically just says yes or no to questions or when he commands the citizens to move around he just says "go over there".
I've always felt the final Half-Life should have Gordon bellow something eloquent right before the emotionally-fueled grand finale of the series.

A good "Noooooooo!!!" somewhere would be suitable, I think.

this is the only situation that i would tolerate Gordon speaking, is at the very end of the series (and perhaps his life).
Ya if at the end Alyx dies I think it would be reasonable if Gordon screamed something like "noooo!" or "Alyx!!" in anger but even then I still wouldn't think it's such a good idea but not something that I would be disgusted to see.
I would be rather perplexed to suddenly hear a voice which no other character has, and might not comprehend that Freeman was actually that voice. If the player was meant to hear Freeman's dialogue, we should have heard him speak from the first game. Since that hasn't happened, VALVe might as well spare any possible confusion and not reveal Freeman's voice.
Do not even bring up the finale to the series we know as Half Life. I don't even want to think of this game ending. I can't fathom an end to this series. I want it to continue as they do cliffhanger television series. Bring in a new season to unleash new parts to a story, etc.

I do not want Half Life to end. :[

Plus, Gordon is perfect. To be honest, I think they didn't want Gordon to talk in the first game, but I want to think they were planning on him talking in HL2 and so forth, but the overwhelming support they received from Gordon not talking brought forth Valve making sure he would never utter a word as long as we don't want him to.

Valve = for the fans which means, what we want, we usually get.
You all took the answers out of my mouth.

You Are "Gordon" therefore; all characters are talking to you and, Alyx is in love with you (Bad-self) too (Gordon freeman).
Your thoughts are whats needed in the game. That's the same reason why the Gman is so mystery to all of us (Gordon Freeman).
If Gordon talks; I will throw away the entire game in front of a freight train.

I would be rather perplexed to suddenly hear a voice which no other character has, and might not comprehend that Freeman was actually that voice. If the player was meant to hear Freeman's dialogue, we should have heard him speak from the first game. Since that hasn't happened, VALVe might as well spare any possible confusion and not reveal Freeman's voice.
Completely agree. I would be thinking "Who said that?".
What if he speaks and then somehow he has some sort of squeaky high-tone voice with a dutch accent like Jean-Claude Van Damme?

Would you go "Oh! Freeman your voice; its so lame" and you post another thread of "How you would love Freeman to shut up". lol
Maybe he will speak a-la Silent Bob. :D I think it'd be worth it if he called someone "shithead."
Hearing Gordon's voice would be awkward in any situation, even if it was at the end of the series (perhaps even more so).

YOU have always been Gordon Freeman, therefore Valve lets the player speak for him (and I often find myself doing just that). To destroy this immersion would destroy a significant factor of the series that sets it apart from the rest.
When the HL story finally is told in full, I'd quite like it if the first and only thing we ever hear Gordon say would be "Alyx, put the kettle on love, I've got a mouth like Ghandi's sandal" - in a Brummie accent, in the very last scene before fade to black.
Do not even bring up the finale to the series we know as Half Life. I don't even want to think of this game ending. I can't fathom an end to this series. I want it to continue as they do cliffhanger television series. Bring in a new season to unleash new parts to a story, etc.

I do not want Half Life to end. :[

Plus, Gordon is perfect. To be honest, I think they didn't want Gordon to talk in the first game, but I want to think they were planning on him talking in HL2 and so forth, but the overwhelming support they received from Gordon not talking brought forth Valve making sure he would never utter a word as long as we don't want him to.

Valve = for the fans which means, what we want, we usually get.

I think Valve are heading towards a direction. Instead of a game being like a film genre, they should make like a tv series for once, releasing a bunch of episodes for a new series. Once again they would be pushing the boundaries of games, and they have the best story writers in the entire gaming industry so they could easily continue the story in all types of fasinating ways, not to mention we already know how deep this plot goes, with the G-Man etc, so could be easily done.

I would be devastated if the Half-Life franchise ended, they produce the only games in which I only properly look foward too, if this series ends, then Im betting my gaming days will start to faulter.

And on topic, Freeman should never talk, its a factor that seperates Valve from other modern games, it really would just ruin everything. I would like to see more player interation with NPCs though, more use of the E button, like for example in EP1, after Alyx ordeal with the Stalkers, you could press E on her when she is resting and Gordon could put his hand on her shoulder or help her up or something, and if you dont she just gets up herself like she does anyway.
more use of the E button, like for example in EP1, after Alyx ordeal with the Stalkers, you could press E on her when she is resting and Gordon could put his hand on her shoulder or help her up or something, and if you dont she just gets up herself like she does anyway.

When they're obviously trying to get you to empathise with her some sort of feedback like that would really work well. She'd only have to say thanks or something but at least you'd know you interacted with her.
Please no Freeman talking. Not in Episode 3, not ever.

Thank you.
Please no Freeman talking. Not in Episode 3, not ever.

Thank you.


I also talk as if I am in game. Much of the time cursing and swearing as I go to lob a explosive barrel into a crowd of zombies, only to have it SHOT by ALYX and that damn combine sniper rifle... wtf was she thinking!

I swear she wants me dead...
In Opposing Force the drill sgt asks you your name..after a pause he goes "Cpl Shepard eh?" and I think something similar was in blue shift. I think gordon can talk but the player just can't hear it.
Well Alyx says your a man "of few words" so I dont think Gordon ever speaks. The main goal of this is as many have said, that the player is Gordon. The characters dont seem to care or notice that Gordon dont talk, maybe he just uses a lot of body language?
Yeah, gordon speaking would be a really, really bad idea.
He never talks. He points in the direction he wants the rebels to run to. He then uses alot of eyebrow expression.
IMHO at the end of episode 3 when gordon has saved the world and alex declares her love to her hero, he should start blurting out sentances in swahealie grab one of the wrinkly old doctors and smack the lips on him then skip off into the sunset gleefully.

Yes im being an ass but to have gordon say anything would be just as much of a mistake.
IMHO at the end of episode 3 when gordon has saved the world and alex declares her love to her hero, he should start blurting out sentances in swahealie grab one of the wrinkly old doctors and smack the lips on him then skip off into the sunset gleefully.

Yes im being an ass but to have gordon say anything would be just as much of a mistake.

How great would that be? For this whole time, Gordon never spoke a word of English.
gordon freeman speaking, cost = $30,000,000 in sales
employmant on the hl2 team, = cost over 200 employees
look on gman's face at the end = priceless. :D
If you want Freeman to speak, just talk to your computer monitor while playing. You're Freeman, after all. Just don't expect an answer.