.:|Is BF2 Going to Kill CS:S?|:.


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Well my friends that play CS:S now are thinking of going to BF2 when it comes out. I myself might just try it cause of the tanks and realism... But just wonder if BF2 might take over Counter-Strike...
BF2 will have a completly different type of gameplay to CSS; its big with like massive 64 man servers ( I heard of 100 man for BF2), and the action is totally different because it involves vehicles and huge maps.
People may play it more than CSS briefly when it comes out, but as they arent similiar, people will always come back to the fast paced CSS.
The BF series has never been slow-paced...
Yeah it has been kinda, i own all of them and notice a big difference in the speed of gameplay when switching between playing CSS for a day and BF1942 or BFV.
Well, I thought he was talking America's Army-slow.
I doubt it will take over CS:S, like Bf1942 it appeals to a (slightly) different group of people. I switch between the 2 and it's like "Those bf1942 maps are huge!!111"

Planes are fun!!!
BF2 has 16, 32, and 64 player map sizes (max # players is 64... 100 was cut).

It can be both quicker and slower: 15 second spawns and medics revive means less waiting at times... but the action is more dependant on the teams and such. There game is more open ended with a number of control points, so it can be very intense in stretches with some planning and movement inbetween.

BF2 does have infantry heavy maps though. Just like DC did.

Where BF2 will suck people in is the vehicles. BF1942 sold over 4M copies.

The question will be balance. I like CS:S, but the gameplay has a ton of limitations. No prone. Unrealistic gun deviations (too accurate when running and jumping, probably not accurate enough when crouching, esp against a wall). Weak sauce grenades. You do not bleed out, your injured limbs do nothing to your aim or ability to move. Items and people in your way are like brick walls and you bounce off them. You cannot roll, crawl, etc..

Not that all of those are bad, and no other game to my knowledge does every single one of those. But CS:S is a port of a year old gameplay. Quality gameplay, but nothing new.

BF2 obviously does not solve all those problems either, and it is arcade like, but it seems to have more developed gameplay.

Anyhow, I will be switching to BF2 ;) Of course I prefer Desert Combat to CS anyhow. I think the respawn-flag cap gameplay has better teamwork.

And that is where BF2 is going to KILL CS:S. The VoIP is better (squads talk, Squad Leaders talk to the Commander). No more Game Chat spamming. And with the fact objects are pointed out on the map by using the "Q-Talk" feature I see it as having a lot more teamwork. I have found CS:S very lacking in teamwork, so a more team based fast action game will be a nice change of pace. CS:S is fun, but getting shot/flashed/naded by your own teammates, getting "stuck on them" when they follow right behind, having them sit off in la la land snipping walls, Teamkilling (Teamkilling can be forgiven in BF2, but it can have a -8 point penalty also if not forgiven), getting people to use VoIP correctly, etc...

It is hard to find a very Teamwork oriented CS server. They exist, but BF2 has a lot more Team oriented gameplay.

The ranking alone shows the game is not just a "how many times can you kill without being killed" type Quake/CS clone.
The only teamwork in CS is using your teamates as bait.
I've never been a big fan of war games, but 1.6 will remain just about as popular I imagine but BF2 will be big for awhile but as time passes it'll be just another game to play from the selection of c-s, WoW, guild wars, etc...
I doubt it - both games will offer a different experience.
God i hope bf2 doesn't kill CS, thats something i want to do, personally, probably invovling a hacksaw and a clown mask
thethingexe said:
Well my friends that play CS:S now are thinking of going to BF2 when it comes out. I myself might just try it cause of the tanks and realism... But just wonder if BF2 might take over Counter-Strike...

lol will it hell take over
God, why start a thread when the obvious answer is ........... NO ....... LONG LIVE CSS !!
i have been playing DC since its beta stages, so im definatley not going to be playing CSS as much.
Ah, i see ..... BF2 does look good..hmm. suppose it would depend which will run better on my comp.
Warbie said:
I doubt it - both games will offer a different experience.
Quoted for absolute truth. They're completely different styles of FPS...
Hmm, i suppose so, i heard there was going to be a single player campaign with an actual story or was that for Modern Combat (console version) ??
!...They are different gameplay!!, BUt i think YEs BF2 will KIll CS: S
BF2 won't "kill" CSS. Nothing will "kill" it. It's users might go down 10%, but I wouldn't consider that to be killing CSS. Bleh.
i doubt BF2 will kill CSS.
different styles...and the BF series does appeal to a slightly different crowd as mentioned above.
i don't like vehicles and huge maps that much so i'll be sticking to cs.
but bf2 does look really interesting and i liked the demo, so i'll probably get it when it's out.
I think the biggest flaw with BF2 so far is you're more reliant on your team mates, which in a random server can lead to total frustration.

CS:S at least you can take 1 or 2 down with a pistol and feel good about yourself :)
thethingexe said:
Well my friends that play CS:S now are thinking of going to BF2 when it comes out. I myself might just try it cause of the tanks and realism... But just wonder if BF2 might take over Counter-Strike...

Bf2 can't kill CS:S, the minimum requirements for it effectively exclude 90% of the gaming world. The minimum graphix card is a 128 mb FX 5700? People are still running 4s...
I tried the demo and I am going to put css aside and play bf2 for a while. :p
Well I'm definetly changing games. CS:S blows compared to the 20 hours of BF2 I've played so far.
ricera10 said:
Bf2 can't kill CS:S, the minimum requirements for it effectively exclude 90% of the gaming world. The minimum graphix card is a 128 mb FX 5700? People are still running 4s...

My computer runs BF2 better than CS:S.
ricera10 said:
Bf2 can't kill CS:S, the minimum requirements for it effectively exclude 90% of the gaming world. The minimum graphix card is a 128 mb FX 5700? People are still running 4s...

BF2's Min specs are way off. They were playing it safe.
The demo has some bugs...

Overall I like though. MUCH better teamwork, and great vehicle combat and flag cap gameplay.

CS:S has better infantry combat so far... but I would not consider CS to have great infantry combat necessarily. CS is more twitch than realistic. I like how you cannot move as well laterally in BF2 and that you have a limited sprint and cannot fire. The big negative on BF2 infantry combat is that the guns are weak. Far too many shots to take down an enemy. Of course this facillitates moving as a group and not being picked off at distances.

I will wait until I see more BF2 maps and such, but BF2 has a nice balance. Team work focused (you can still lone wolf and do well though), nice vehicles (TV bombs are devistating... flares/after burners are cool, and with nice popups letting you see targets), and overall solid design.

I think BF2, with the commander mode and Squads and VoIP chain of command, will dig into the "team player" crowd.

I still like CS, played some tonight, but the Team work is NOT there. And at least in BF2, if your team stinks, you can get in a bomber and rule or defend a flag, sneak around and cap unprotected flags, or be Spec Ops and take out Commander Equipment.

The other plus is your average player, ie. the guy who has a CS score of 8-15 in a round (because the top guy is 22-1 and the guy after him is 19-4) can get points for being a team player: Revive people, give health, fix vehicles/bridges/command assets, provide ammo, taxi players, by a Helo Gunner, etc... The game is more rewarding in that you get points for things OTHER than being a great shot. I know clan members who are great pilots and horrid infantry, or are great tankers but could not fly if their life depended on it.

CS is more limited: You either are good at infantry combat or you are not.

CS:S will be around for a long time--I enjoy it and played some tonight--but I do see there being overlap in the communities and those gamers who want GOOD teamwork gameplay out of the box and to be rewarded for being a team player will probably gravitate to BF2.

Personally I would be happy with that if hackers decided to stay with CS:S and rack up big scores. But alas, caught a hacker on a BF2 server last night.
BF2 is gunna take allot of players time that would normally be playing cs : s
PoA took the award for Teamwork within a small map CS style.

But BF2 is ruling and it only has a demo out atm.