Is Black Mesa Still Around?

Bob_Marley said:
The HEV doesnt have its own air supply so Gordon could only survive as long as the auxilary power lasted then he'd be dead. In short we're never, ever going back to the BMRF ever. It has been nuked, invaded by aliens, air-striked (is that a word?), parts blown up with C4, loads of it was falling appart before all this happened. There is nothing to very little left of the facility and any remnants of it are full of unbreathable gasses and raidoactive fallout. And I doubt that any of the parts of Black Mesa that survived have anything so valuable that it would warrant the risks of going there. In fact I doubt that there is anything valuable down there full stop.

Just face it, Black Mesa is gone and we're never going back.
I never stated it was there and I don't believe one could go back (nor would I want to go back in a game unless it were a memory flash back as shown during the Gman's speech at the beginning of HL2), but for the sake of arguement... I said a modified HEV suit--the HEV, Mark XXVIII protective system, for use in nuked environments! Complete with its very own breathing filter that would filter the C out of the CO2, that only allowing the precious oxygen in! And yes, it even comes with a slot in the hindquarters to carry a toaster and oven! :rolleyes:
Another Facilty

This is probally going to raise a bunch of spectulation but if they were working on teleportation and other then the old teleportation device in Blue Shift there are no other things there are no two teleporters exept in the water area to transport between the rooms and the water in OP4. They were working on a major teleportation project so there is probaly another facilty to transport to. Even if we never go to it Valve will probaly put in somewhere that it exist, just because BM spearheaded the project doesn't mean that there isn't more then one government run teleportation faclity.
calscholar said:
This is probally going to raise a bunch of spectulation but if they were working on teleportation and other then the old teleportation device in Blue Shift there are no other things there are no two teleporters exept in the water area to transport between the rooms and the water in OP4. They were working on a major teleportation project so there is probaly another facilty to transport to. Even if we never go to it Valve will probaly put in somewhere that it exist, just because BM spearheaded the project doesn't mean that there isn't more then one government run teleportation faclity.
Perhaps Edwards Air Force Base?...

Or maybe in Baghdad! That's how all the weapons of mass destruction disappeared from Iraq! That's why there are SO many rockets and WMDs in Black Mesa! The Americans had them the whole time! :rolling:
/me backs away slowly and calls bush
yes hello we have an unbeliever...yes sir kill him i will
oooh im gonna enjoy this he he he
Black Mesa has been nuked. Wiped out. Deleted. Formatted. Cut. Forever. We'll never play in it. Ever. End of thread. :p
SOCL said:
Perhaps Edwards Air Force Base?...

Or maybe in Baghdad! That's how all the weapons of mass destruction disappeared from Iraq! That's why there are SO many rockets and WMDs in Black Mesa! The Americans had them the whole time! :rolling:

Agreed. :cool:
A highly detailed map of BM


  • BM.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 338
One assumption: the nuke you see in Op4 is the only one. There could have been any number of "packages" in different parts of the base, and there could have been explosions well after the single one you see at the end of Opposing Force, if the resulting explosion was not enough for the extensive cover-up needed.

Either way, Black Mesa is a presumed smeer on the map until Valve decide to bring it back. They left it ambiguous for that reason surely - we're asking this question, because Valve want full artistic freedom, they don't want to give us a definate "Black Mesa is gone" just in case they feel the need to bring it back. Either way, the G-Man seemed to think BM was sufficiently totalled, and I wouldn't argue with his judgement much.
Well riomhaire's detailed map solves the thread. Black Mesa is no more. Case Closed.
Even if it is, it will be very fun to go back to that radioactive place.
Not really. I hate confined spaces in games. I hate the Entaglement level because of that. I like space to breathe.
So i belive that BM is gone, so we dont have to go back to that
Yeah, it's pretty safe to assume that Black Mesa is now a fenced off crater. Lambda Reactor Complex probably is, too.
What do you think the government would do if there was a non-populated area that was infested by freaking ALIENS? They would nuke the crap out of.

Also, the nuke wouldn't have set off other warheads in BM. There probably were self-destruct systems in case of situations like what happened, (think Andromeda Strain. great book, by the way) Other nukes wouldn't have a chance to detonate, they'd just be vaporized. It's the same reason you can't douse a nuke in gasoline, light it on fire and expect it to go off. The neutron core that sets off the reaction is held in a detonator outside the plutonium shell.

If the government was smart, they would have drilled holes around the site and placed even more nukes in 'em to make sure the underground tunnels were destroyed, too.
I still think some of black mesa would have survived. Most likely only a few fringe areas around the blast site. Think about it, Black Mesa was an old missile base, so it would have been hardened against nuclear attack.

Plus an underground nuke would do much less damage than a ground-based or air-burst bomb. The heat wave would have very little to propagate through, and there would be few secondary fires due to the small areas for oxygen to get through (vents and such). Fires would burn themselves out before spreading. And I doubt much in BMRF was combustible enough to spread fires through the whole facility.

After the initial fireball (which would vaporise 1km or so) the shockwave would be the only damaging element. BMRF looked pretty tough, with all that concrete and blast doors. I think some survived!

So we'll have to agree to disagree :E

If Valve wanted to put it back into a game for whatever reason Couldnt they have G-man Send gordon back intime (how corny) to before it exploded to do something that was vital to the story, But wasnt allowed to bump into himself...You know if they wanted to put it back in a game. They could. Still Black mesa is sexual. /me goes to play Hl1/op4
DaleusTheBig said:
If Valve wanted to put it back into a game for whatever reason Couldnt they have G-man Send gordon back intime (how corny) to before it exploded to do something that was vital to the story, But wasnt allowed to bump into himself...You know if they wanted to put it back in a game. They could. Still Black mesa is sexual. /me goes to play Hl1/op4
Edit: BTW your sig is 1 line to long.
I would like to revisit Black Mesa at some point (at least what's left of it) if only for some sense of closure. Doesn't even need to be a proper level or anything. A quick teleportation to and from the ruins would be cool.
Absinthe said:
I would like to revisit Black Mesa at some point (at least what's left of it) if only for some sense of closure. Doesn't even need to be a proper level or anything. A quick teleportation to and from the ruins would be cool.
Wow, pointlessness to the EXTREME!
ríomhaire said:
Wow, pointlessness to the EXTREME!

It's only pointless if Valve doesn't attribute meaning and purpose to it.

Christ, what the **** is wrong with you people?
It's gone alright, however, I'd love to see an expansion pack or even an entirely new game which takes place back in the Black Mesa incident, however, totally revamped with the new engine and whole new plot, seen form the point of view of someone else.
The_Great_Walter said:
It's gone alright, however, I'd love to see an expansion pack or even an entirely new game which takes place back in the Black Mesa incident, however, totally revamped with the new engine and whole new plot, seen form the point of view of someone else.
I'd say the only hope of that is you setting up a mod.
[w0f]Oblivion said:
I dissagree, One nuke wouldnt be enough to destroy BM, not only that, it wasnt exactly a HUGE one either.
You guys forget the Size of BM, Its huge, I mean BIG BIG BIG, AND its mostly underground with layers and layres of Concrete. The nuke probably blew up part of it, but there are undoubtedly parts left as well.

Dude the A-Bomb they dropped on Japan nuked almost the whole city! Black Mesa is definatley decimated!
You're all going off of the OpFor storyline. IIRC, Valve didn't even bother factoring the events of that game into HL2. They can ignore the nuke if they want to.
Absinthe said:
You're all going off of the OpFor storyline. IIRC, Valve didn't even bother factoring the events of that game into HL2. They can ignore the nuke if they want to.
They ignore the new creatures but they couldn't possibly ignore something like BM blowing up.
They really can't ignore Black Mesa blowing up. Race X - yes, that isn't integral but Black Mesa...ha, they won't ignore that. It is not something you can ignore. And plus Valve had to give the green light to everything Gearbox did.

Marc Laidlaw said they wanted new enemies and their race x idea was good for them to do that.
The surface is probably mostly messed up, but down inside it's probably a highly radioactive alien infested area with some REALLY ****ED UP SHIT.
How many times do I have to explain this? 5 megaton tactical thermonuclear warhead. the weapon dropped on Hiroshima was a 15 kiloton weapon. that means the H-bomb in black mesa was 33.3 times (according to my calculations) more powerful than the bomb they dropped on hiroshima. that means that the facility is gone. or at least all useful parts of the facility have been destoryed an any areas that wernt destoryed by the bomb will have been sealed off and filled to the brim with radioactive fallout.
and, more importantly than all of that, the Op4 storyline was approved by Laidlaw.
I was just thinking that closure would be having to go back into the ruins of
Black Mesa to retrieve the "sample" that was used to trigger the original
resonance cascade.

Then I thought, "Hey, wasn't the rock that Eli showed you in *Black Mesa East* that
same sample?
cquinn said:
I was just thinking that closure would be having to go back into the ruins of
Black Mesa to retrieve the "sample" that was used to trigger the original
resonance cascade.

Then I thought, "Hey, wasn't the rock that Eli showed you in *Black Mesa East* that
same sample?

Kinda like Deus Ex IW.

You go back to the ruins of the UNATCO building on the now frozen and drifter invested liberty island, to retreive the Aquinas program from one of the computers.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
You go back to the ruins of the UNATCO building on the now frozen and drifter invested liberty island,
Behold! the worst excuse for loading zones in a game, ever!

Seriously, how inept were Ion Storm. They had to split a level that 3 years ago was a glorious whole, down the middle
With a wall of ice
. Helped them explain away why they couldn't even program water into the game as well.
kupoartist said:
Behold! the worst excuse for loading zones in a game, ever!

Seriously, how inept were Ion Storm. They had to split a level that 3 years ago was a glorious whole, down the middle
With a wall of ice
. Helped them explain away why they couldn't even program water into the game as well.

That's because they decided to make the PC and Xbox versions the same and thus had to tone it down for us.
invisible war never happens
*enters safty blanket and rocks slowly backwards and forwards*
Sulkdodds said:
I thought it was a fun game. :(

I hated it at first but it grew on me once I stopped thinking of it as "Deus Ex 2". It's unfair to judge a game with so many expectations.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
I hated it at first but it grew on me once I stopped thinking of it as "Deus Ex 2". It's unfair to judge a game with so many expectations.
I know what you meen, I started playing Halo2 again yesterday and I realsised it's better than I've been thinking, Halo 1 is still much better though.
[w0f]Oblivion said:
I dissagree, One nuke wouldnt be enough to destroy BM, not only that, it wasnt exactly a HUGE one either.
You guys forget the Size of BM, Its huge, I mean BIG BIG BIG, AND its mostly underground with layers and layres of Concrete. The nuke probably blew up part of it, but there are undoubtedly parts left as well.

dont forget, there was that small nuke, then there were those huge 2 giant nukes that you see in HL1 rigged with tripmines everywhere... yeah that would take out black mesa