.:|Is Counter-Stirke Source Dieing?|:.


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
This has been bothering me
Some of my Friends are saying that CSS is Dieing... But they are just CS Hardcores and hate CSS :flame: :flame: :flame:

But is it True that CSS is losing players and not being played much? :(

I, Myself think it is still progressing but I'm not sure... ;(
Once you play source its so hard to go back to the primitive way of cs1.6
so no
the reason is so many more people own hl than hl2
Last time I checked (yesterday) there were over 3,000 CS servers with anywhere from 1 to 60 players on it. I think CS is doing just fine.
I had a CS:S fanatic (total fanatic) round my place recently. He was using my PC, when he came out with something like: "OMG you have the old CS on here!". I was like: what? Why is that important?
"The old CS is MUCH better!"

~ wtf ~

I guess there must be some reason people prefer the old version. Beats me, I never played CS back in the day.
Less much less people playing than a few months ago, due to the fact that 90% of people who play CS 1.6, which has fully working hitboxes, get angry about all their well aimed shots not registering, and beginners spraying and hitting you in the head from a shot metres wide of your head on source. The problems just so bad, people can't be arsed to play. I have given up now. Give us a call when its fixed...
css isnt dying its just people still playing 1.6 because 70% of the community have geforce 4mx cards which barely run source.
Used to be 50,000, back when cs 1.6 was on 70/80000. Back to the 100,000+ on CS 1.6 now, win! \o/
It's not .:|\/| DYING OUT |\/|:. any time soon.
oldagerocker said:
css isnt dying its just people still playing 1.6 because 70% of the community have geforce 4mx cards which barely run source.

NVidia GeForce4 MX Series 99,358 8.47 %

Hectic Glenn said:
Less much less people playing than a few months ago, due to the fact that 90% of people who play CS 1.6, which has fully working hitboxes, get angry about all their well aimed shots not registering, and beginners spraying and hitting you in the head from a shot metres wide of your head on source. The problems just so bad, people can't be arsed to play. I have given up now. Give us a call when its fixed...
The Css hitboxes are fine;

Also read this:
I think the world would be a better place to live in if the devs simply made it possible for people to kill each other at the same time.
e.g. what you see on your screen is what you get.
oldagerocker said:
css isnt dying its just people still playing 1.6 because 70% of the community have geforce 4mx cards which barely run source.

I'm using a geforce 4 mx card, it runs source just fine. Not "fine" with great graphics and bells and whistles, but definitely "playable" fine.
more people are playing source than ever. Ofr instance cpl has now introduced css along with many toher high skill leagues and the prize money is at $60,000 compared to the 1.6 prize money of $50,000. If you look in other ladders such as ed more and more clans are joining all the time.
Dieing? NO
Less Noobs? YES
CS 1.6 is a beter game tbh, they've lost the gameplay aspect in source, the gameplay of source is ok but compared to the good old 1.6 gameplay it's nothing.
I guess people are either lazy or having trouble with steam these days...
All this hitbox lag, and "Oh look at this video you can see the hitbox and the model don't line up". Well its called Prediction. CSS has Prediction. So yes you may see the hitboxes and model not line up, but if you tryed shooting the model(not at the hitboxes) you it will hit, because of the prediction. You have to have predition inorder for CSS to work, this is why you may spec some one and see that they are aiming way off, and yet they still hit them. Because on there screen they acually aimimg at them, because of each others ping.

76,000 1.6 players
38,000 css players

Not to bad considering the length of time css has been out compared to 1.6. Although these numbers aren't too accurate i think, probably change alot.
Dinkleberry said:
I think the world would be a better place to live in if the devs simply made it possible for people to kill each other at the same time.
e.g. what you see on your screen is what you get.

thats a really nice thought in theory, but when u include lag (server side or client side, ur pick) thats when things get tricky.
and i see lag happen quite a bit.
The "old" cs, if your refering to 1.6 back to the beta's.. is just alot better layed out than source, cause they have had over 5 years to make it that way.. its about gameplay not graphics.. im sure source will get there one day.
genocide604 said:
The "old" cs, if your refering to 1.6 back to the beta's.. is just alot better layed out than source, cause they have had over 5 years to make it that way.. its about gameplay not graphics.. im sure source will get there one day.

rubbish css is much better gameplay wise - smoother and meatier
and much more fun tbh
cs 1.6 is just depressing
genocide604 said:
The "old" cs, if your refering to 1.6 back to the beta's.. is just alot better layed out than source, cause they have had over 5 years to make it that way.. its about gameplay not graphics.. im sure source will get there one day.

u make a really good point.
cs1.6 did not become what it is over night ya know?
it took 3-4 years before they even came close to it and even now people have complaints about it.

same thing with cs:source....good things take time.
two complaints which i see regularly about source is, 1 - its not league play friendly.. well not quite as much as 1.6 is.

2 - the source engine is much more demanding and more lag is created because of this.

both of these things will be taken care of in time.
i think 1.6 is the better game so far, since it has had much more time to develop.

but Source is really getting there. the hitboxes and registration are great if you play on the right servers. the only thing i really don't like is the new maps and how they ported a few of the old ones. some of them seem either too wide open or too cluttered for cs imo. but the game will get better and more popular, it just needs some more time.
john3571000 said:
rubbish css is much better gameplay wise - smoother and meatier
and much more fun tbh
cs 1.6 is just depressing

LOL! that just cracked me up...so every time you load up the old version, you want to swallow 20 paracetemol and get nostalgic with yourself about 'the good times'?

on topic...cs and css is all crap....the entire lot is rubbish

good day
TheSomeone said:
I thought this topic was about CS, not his friends's sexuality.
oh noes
a thread with SEXUAL ORIENTATION !!!?!?!?!!? :eek:
I play css because it is "up to date". Can't shoot through 10 feet concrete anymore thsough :( that was a tactical advantage. If you were skilled you knew how long it would take for the other team to get places on the map so you could nail them through the wall...
TheSomeone said:
I thought this topic was about CS, not his friends's sexuality.

i, too, am outraged! outraged like the christian right!
I never thought I'd see the day where people referred to 1.6 as the "old" cs. here I am thinking 1.6 is new, 1.5 is normal, and 1.3 - 1.4 are old. Silly me :D
Ennui said:
I never thought I'd see the day where people referred to 1.6 as the "old" cs. here I am thinking 1.6 is new, 1.5 is normal, and 1.3 - 1.4 are old. Silly me :D

lol, in this business you can't go on vacation before you have three new games out and your comp is shait when you return :laugh:

cs 1.6 = old
1.5 and lower = history

People say 1.6 looks awful, in all honesty, im using the cs realism skin pack, which includes detailed textures for the maps, my cs 1.6 actually looks better and is more detailed on the player models and guns then source, no joke at all.
It also has the great gameplay.

What it misses out on is half arsed physics in source which are pointless, ragdolls which get old, and bad hitboxes or registry of bullets. Oh noooes if only 1.6 has all that! Thanks alot but 1.6 does a much better job of giving you a fair game and a great experience CONSISTANTLY, not if you find 'the right server'. Give me a break! I'll be back in 2/3 years when its finally fixed. And there IS a hitbox problem whats the point of denying it? You can see it with your eyes, ive seen videos and for myself. Some people are in denial just because they like the pretty colours and graphics of source. Sort your priorities out what you want from a game.
The maps of source are a huge visual improvement. 1.6 models and skins and sounds are fine, but the maps look simple. Although in a lot of ways I hate the new versions of my old favourites (train and inferno), you can't deny that they're more atmospheric.

As for the hitboxes, I don't think there's anything wrong with them, however it seems like a lot of things happen client-side without being verified by the server. Last night I was playing on inferno and rushed some guy in a corridor and shot him 3 or 4 times, the last being a headshot. After I died that round he commented that I didn't take any damage when on his screen he'd got one shot off into my chest. On mine, though, he didn't fire at all. So it's like the game happens on each persons computer and whichever gets to the server first wins! :)

Which I guess is a technique to minimise the apparent lag on a server. I get annoyed sometimes (particularly sniping with the scout and headshotting an awper for him to hit you in the foot and kill you at the same time) but it's not that bad. I'd really like to hear ONE peice of evidence that the hitboxes are bad, because all I hear is whingeing.
Game looks nice, doesnt play as good as the first. Headshots are all over the place, aiming is extremely random now, hitboxes are ****ed. (common, you know you've run around a wall, then been killed and watch your ragdoll warp back a foot and crumple to the floor) There is videos of slomo kills, blood spraying out of air, not even close to the model and the person getting killed from a headshot. This actually seems to happen a bit in all source games online.

There is only one more thing I must say.

Lennie Briscoe.
Let's get some effective anti-cheat systems in place. Then I'll come back to it. :bonce:
Hectic Glenn said:
What it misses out on is half arsed physics in source which are pointless, ragdolls which get old, and bad hitboxes or registry of bullets. Oh noooes if only 1.6 has all that! Thanks alot but 1.6 does a much better job of giving you a fair game and a great experience CONSISTANTLY, not if you find 'the right server'. Give me a break! I'll be back in 2/3 years when its finally fixed. And there IS a hitbox problem whats the point of denying it? You can see it with your eyes, ive seen videos and for myself. Some people are in denial just because they like the pretty colours and graphics of source. Sort your priorities out what you want from a game.

but ur comparing a 4-5+ year old game to another game which has only been out for a 1 year+
the comparasion isn't fair... back in CS's beta days there were tons of things which did not look right or play right...like i said, bug fixes and such don't happen over night.. it takes time.