Is Doom III short?

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I heard it was short, but just wondering, how many days will it take me to beat Doom III if I play on Hard(I heard that's the really fun way to play) and spend around 5-7 hours a day.
5-7 hours a day prolly won't last you but 3 or 4 days...

I got it last Tuesday, but I still haven't finished it. :p
I only play it at night... and only 1-3 levels when I do.
If yur goin to play that much time per day its gonna fell short. Im taking my time.
Well, compared to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is it longer or shorter or about the same.
They knew it was going to have low replay value, so they should have made it longer, but if you take your time, it can last you 25 Hours.
Just get it, ya bastard! :p

Why? Because you're quoted in my sig. :p
It is shorter than Far Cry.. but not by much. Much more linear though.

And agreed with the one above. 5-7 hours? Christ!
I think I'm going to get about 30 hours out of it. (Only two thirds of the way through right now.) But then again, I like to play slowly.
ShadowFox said:
It is shorter than Far Cry.. but not by much. Much more linear though.
It took me longer to play doom 3 than Far Cry.

Far Cry was 13.5 hours on easy.
Doom 3 was 15 hours on easy.
If you have no idea where to go, you could end up over 20 hours. No problem :) And I can tell you. Even if the game is pretty linear, it's still very easy to get lost / get stuck because of a puzzle-moment or something.
About 30 hours here, too. I have 3 levels left, and I've had it since the 3rd. Yes, I'm slow, but that's okay :p
I just haven't had time to play it, and I only like to play it at night. I figure I'll beat it tonight
I've played a little (about two hours) each day since the official release. That's about 20 hours. Good length for what it is, I'd say.

I'm still not done; in fact, I just made it to hell!
got it on the third..beat it on the fifth

i was a huge fan of the early doom games so i just kind of ripped myself into the game

is it worth comparing to doom 1or2?
no way in hell

is it a bad game
absolutely not
I think doom3 is a nice ammount of gametime...ive had it since about the 5th and im only level 9 :p been playing it for ~15 hours but i havent been playing it lately and now the scare factor has come back. If you play it straight for hours the scare factor goes after a while because you get used to it but if you dont play it for a while then play it the scare factor comes back kind off, it seems less predictable.

People comparing to farcry's lenth better not be slagging it off :p farcry was a very long game compared to what we've had before it. The game i played before FC was DX:IW and omg ...a days work.... taking your time.