Is Gabe Newell the gaming version of George Lucas?


Jul 5, 2003
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Just wondering what you all think.

George Lucas is renouned for being at the cutting edge of movie effects and as of September this year will have reworked his original star wars trilogy twice (to much dismay from the fans).

Gabe Newell is renouned for being at the cutting edge of gaming, and has said (at e3?) that all the old games CS/HL/Etc will be ported to source.. but does anyone think the HL port will have the same effect as the additions to SW did with the fans?
It's insult to be compared to George Lucas.

George Lucas raped my childhood.
George Lucas makes (sucky) movies.
Gabe Newell makes (excellent) games.

Nuff' said ..... ;)
:thumbs: Gabe Newell is to James Cameron. OR Gabe Newell is to M night Shamalan.
billbo said:
Are you serious? Do you remember the disaster that was Daikatana?

JOHN ROMERO: "Alright team, I've got a fabulous idea for a game! I've been listening to what the gamers want and are looking for, and I've got some killer thoughts! This will be the best game ever created!"
JOHN ROMERO: "First of all, we'll need to make our own engine. A superb engine, featuring advanced effects like T&L, dynamic LOD, curved surfaces and-"
POD PEOPLE: "John xyblah grawh rawwwwr!" (translated: "John, you are our bitch now!")
JOHN ROMERO: (shot by evil Pod Peoples' ray gun) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
ION STORM TEAM: "John, are you okay?"
JOHN ROMERO: (slowly getting up from the ground) "I LIKE BUGS AND FROGS."
ION STORM TEAM: "We quit."

lol, something awful is an awesome site.
Yeah well screw you -_-, I love the original star wars trilogy...... but yeah the new ones have sucked.... mabey the third one won't be so bad. That would be cool.
nw909 said:
JOHN ROMERO: "Alright team, I've got a fabulous idea for a game! I've been listening to what the gamers want and are looking for, and I've got some killer thoughts! This will be the best game ever created!"
JOHN ROMERO: "First of all, we'll need to make our own engine. A superb engine, featuring advanced effects like T&L, dynamic LOD, curved surfaces and-"
POD PEOPLE: "John xyblah grawh rawwwwr!" (translated: "John, you are our bitch now!")
JOHN ROMERO: (shot by evil Pod Peoples' ray gun) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
ION STORM TEAM: "John, are you okay?"
JOHN ROMERO: (slowly getting up from the ground) "I LIKE BUGS AND FROGS."
ION STORM TEAM: "We quit."

lol, something awful is an awesome site.

rotfl, a perfect summary of his illustrious carreer since he was left from Id software. :thumbs:
Carmack, Newell, Romero, Cliff "unreal" B

all great and comperable to the big movie guys :D
RE: Topic
I hope not or HL2 is really gonna suck. (Or would that be HL4?)
Gabe doesnt use as much computer graphics as George Lucas.

I'm going to have to go

He's more of a Ridley Scott of gaming...or maybe a Steven Spielberg before AI...Minority Report and....well Spielberg back with Jurassic Park. Unless HL2 is going to have podraces with annoying little kids, and then psuedo-jedis who can't act - plus he would need to butcher HL1 by taking out the marines and replacing them with Backstreet Boys.

...then he can be like George Lucas all he wants.
Not to mention that the characters in HL can act...
George Lucas is considered to spoil the entire artistic and really wave of movies from the seventies like Apocalypse Now, for example. After the Star Wars, nothing was ever the same again. There was a flood of many action movies. You got to admit the characters in Star Wars are shallow, but George Lucas probably read a lot about Carl G. Jung and his archetypes. Jung believed that in every community are similar archetypes like and archetype of a hero (like Luke Skywalker), a wise old man (that would be Yoda), an evil opposing force (Darth Vader, of course) and so on... If you take at the mythological stories like those of the ancient Greece, you'll se they are actually quite similar to each other. These kinds of stories always "catch on fire" among people. Even Marc Laidlaw mentioned somewhere that he uses a Joseph Campbell's (a very famous mythologist) A Hero Of A Thousand Faces for the creation of characters in a game. Take a look at LOTR, a pure example of these kind of stories.

Now first things first, games a lot more different than movies. We can easily forget about shallow characters in a movie, wheras in games the archetypes are obligatory for the storyline to run on fluently but in order to create a believable world, you cannot afford to have a simple main character, at least in a Half-Life universe. Making games right is much more demanding because of the interactivity. Movies don't have to bother with it. That actually surprises me, movies usually cost much more than games, but they are probably less painfull to make.
I'm just waiting for barney to yell MEESA BARNEY!

Alyx would be padme... Gordon anakin? That would go with the GMan theory... by Half Life 3 he'll be be the GMan :p

The more you think about it, the more it fits... HL2's cast is completely copied from SW's cast :p
He looks like more Peter Jackson-ish to me. LOTR trilogy/HL2 trilogy.

The lotr movies bacame better with every sequel. Also took 6 years to make.
Yes, HL is similar to many stories. One man is under a mission that noone else can complete, he's got friends that keep him out of trouble, there's a mysterious guy who owns him and an impersonal opposing force which threads on the very few survivors. I've heard things like this many times, but it still works.
A.I. said:
Yes, HL is similar to many stories. One man is under a mission that noone else can complete, he's got friends that keep him out of trouble, there's a mysterious guy who owns him and an impersonal opposing force which threads on the very few survivors. I've heard things like this many times, but it still works.

G-man = Sauron :rolling:
Gordon = You'd get him if Aragorn and frodo breeded.
Merry and pippin = resisitance fighters
headcrab = Gollum (s)
Father gregori = Gandalf
Striders = Mumakil
Eli = Elrond
Alyx = Arwen
Mossman = the lady from rohan
Barney = Sam
Breen = Saruman :eek:
Gabe Newell is actually the gaming version of a giant burrito.
Lol, the variety of things that people can come up with never ceases to amaze me.
What do you guys have against Star Wars? Sure, the new ones isn't that good, but the old ones have been very important to film-industry.
Peter Molynoux (Did I spell his last name right?)
I believe he's the one who revolutionized gaming, unlike movies we have several "fathers" of gaming, and I guess we all have our own favourites. If HL2 is a big of a hit as I believe it will be as of now, then Gabe will walk in to my heart as well as all those working at VALVe during the development of HL2. VALVe as a company is already in my heart.

Peter, who's created many brilliant games, Dungeon Keeper amongst others (It's good to be bad), is today working on Black & White 2. Good stuff.

if its true than gabe newell has 1 more good game after HL2 and then he is screwed.
The_Monkey said:
What do you guys have against Star Wars? Sure, the new ones isn't that good
That's pretty much it.

Old trilogy , yay

New trilogy and the over-use of CG that completely detracts from the believability, diverts effort away from the story and dialogue, NAY!!

"Meesa Jar Jar binks"

yea the old ones were spectacular, but the new ones somehow lost the star wars touch in between the shitty characters and the all the special effects, though i was glad to see the light saber fights pumped up a bit, and u gotta admit seeing yoda fight was awesome.
i thought gabe newell just answered to mails and played WoW... does he code anything at all??
What sucked even more is that not even the CGI was all that good. I can watch Jurassic Park and think "OMFG THAT DINOSAUR LOOKS REAL" and that movie is years old. The new Star Wars movies? They look fake, and every time I watch a scene, I'm constantly reminded that it's all digital. They sacrificed scripting, character development, and direction for big budget special effects. You'd think they'd at least try to make it look convincing.
i liked the pod racing... and yoda kicked dokus ass..
I don't think Gabe can take all of the credit. He didn't create the game all by himself. He had a lot of talented artists, programmers, animators etc. working with him to create an amazing game.

The first two films were great, but then it got silly with the muppet show called "Return of the Jedi" with log throwing teddy bears beating stormtroopers, and just got worse with them dreadfull new movies.
Gabe Newell is the quentin tarentino (sp?) of games.

Hasnt produced that many games (compared to some) but all the ones he does make have been well received and had a big impact on the game industry.
That's quite a compliment to Gabe to compare him to Lucas! If Gabe is still around in 20 years producing top quality entertainment then I guess we'll have our answer.