Is Halo 2 gonna be on pc?

Will Halo 2 be on pc?

  • Sure it will!!!!

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • I think it will!!

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Maybe...

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • I don´t think so!!

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • No it will not!!!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
It would bring the overall quality of games on the PC down.
Come on Gray Fox, don´t you ever give me a break. Last time you tried to annoy me was when you called me a marketing guy. But well, can I expect anything else from a Half Life fan?
donald said:
Come on Gray Fox, don´t you ever give me a break. Last time you tried to annoy me was when you called me a marketing guy. But well, can I expect anything else from a Half Life fan?

dw man, I hope it comes out on pc too. HL² wasn't even that great to be honest, BORINGNESS ALERT !!!
Where's the "I don't care." option?
I think Bungie has said many times that they don't plan on porting Halo 2 to the PC.
I wouldn't mind having it on PC, but they would have to think of some ingenious way to make the game control properly with a keyboard and mouse. :/
xlucidx said:
Where's the "I don't care." option?

Pressing 'back' on your broswer usually counts for that option. Or not clicking on the thread at all.

Greyfox, how the HELL will it bring down the quality of PC games down!? You expect game designers/companys to look at Halo 2 and think 'hey that games good lets make ours shit lol' ? Do tell why you think this, or are you another 'I'm to elite for console' type people? If the latter, then I understand completly, and think you're an ass.
No Bleeding, he has an opinion that Halo 2 is a poor game, so poor that in releasing it to the pc game shelves its bringing down the genre as a whole. And I agree to an extent, too many people see PC games (or even FPS games) as being poor, simply because they've only come across the poor games out there, when there are the few real gems that arent taking up as much shelf space.
Putting it that way makes sense. I was jumping to conclusions that he might be one of those people that can't stand to see their 'precious PC only games' moving to consoles (read the reactions on this forum from when it was announced that HL2 was going to X-Box) only the other way round with crap games coming to PCs.

My apologys if that (the poor FPS games, shelfs thing) is what he means.
aht can i say, I'm an ass. But that will happen when a game that can't even compare to pc fps from a decade ago, gets better reviews then Hl. And all that after Goldeneye and perfect dark came before it. Hell they can't even make a whole game, half od the time spend playing halo is in the library missions where you spend hours in a dejavu state, or is it just the lvl design.
If it wasn't for MC kickin so much ass, I would definatly be a halo hater.

Come on Gray Fox, don´t you ever give me a break. Last time you tried to annoy me was when you called me a marketing guy. But well, can I expect anything else from a Half Life fan?

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I still think you're a marketing guy. And I was nice the last time, which was when you asked about mgs:substance, and also when you aksed about BG&E. See, just proves you're a marketing guy, you don't care about the game, or about me. You never call, you never write, dammit you hardly post ;( ;(
Oh yeah and I'm not a hl fan, Maybe a little hl2 fan, cause hl2 was kickass, but wtf do you expect on a hl2 fansite?
I don't really care ... but I voted maybe because there is a chance it will come to PC. Honest to god, I can not for the life of me grasp what the big f***ing deal is with Halo 1/2. I mean, they just seem like two relatively generic FPS games. I have played through them both ... and I came away saying, "eh ... it was decent." Actually that's not true, after I beat the first game it was more along the lines of "this game is a complete piece of shit" because I expected it to be one of the greatest games of all time going in ... that's the expression anyone who owns an X-BOX gives. But c'mon, these games are just average, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? Hell, if it weren't for the vehicle segments it would be below average, that's how much I hate those damned levels where every room is exactly the same.

Note to game developers: If you have to put arrows on the floor so the player won't get disoriented - you suck at level design. Seriously, those levels looked like they were made in the Timesplitters map maker just placing together a string of the exact same tiles. Actually, I've made more interesting maps in the Timesplitters level maker. This is to be expected from budget titles where they don't have the resources to make a game decently long so they just re-use the same assets, not what is considered to be the jesus of FPS games.
Halo2 is teh suxorz....I mean how could you possibly like that game
Duke Nuken had better Level Design
Grey Fox said:
exactly, and can you call halo fun?

You don't have to buy it.

Lemonking said:
Halo2 is teh suxorz....I mean how could you possibly like that game

Because underneath the undeserved hype and critical acclaim, Halo 2 is still a very solid shooter. It's still fun to play and going through it with a friend through coop can turn even the dullest moments into something great. It's narrative is competent and its story/universe is an interesting one. Granted, its ending did suck and naysayers of its predecessor won't like it. But it's far from horrible.

GOTY? No way in Hell. Still worthy of a purchase/rental? Sure.

I honestly think that most people here decided they disliked Halo 2 before it even came out, if only because it was the supposed rival of another title that also began with "H" and ended with "2". Come on, people. I also thought HL2 was far better, but that's no reason to rag on the game. Just because I like veal doesn't mean I can't enjoy a hotdog every once in a while.
Not going to happen. I seriously doubt it anyways. As for Halo2 being bad I have to disagree; the ending was a hell of a lot better than HL2 and I certainly enjoyed the singleplayer more than HL2 overall. I must have replayed it 5 times or more, while I only have HL installed now so I can play CS:S.

Halo2 multiplayer is great with a few mates, a big screen and plenty of drink. You can play the drinking game where you have a drink when you die. Great fun.
Okay starfox, now you are just trying to annoy me, I AM NOT A MARKETING GUY!!!!
And because I ask about games how does that proves or show I don´t care about a game? Do you have to play more stupid then you really are?
I think if is going to be on PC it will not be so welcome

PC fanboy: "OMG that console game as come to pc? I am not going to dirt my sexy rig whit that <disgusting face>console game<disgusting face> "

and related whit the game: the multiplayer whit mates is great fun but ca get boring too except if you play whit rules of stuff like that for example if ina match someone enter the tank or banshee we all going vs the tank or banshee or things like something we do that is select that map that looks like one of the last levels of the first mission whit the alien and we use only snipers,is great fun

singleplayer: get boring in few minutes
Halo started out on PC before MS bought Bungie. The game won't be as pretty as some others but it has it where it counts. I don't see Halo 2 coming to PC; I think Bungie have actually said so.

As for vehicles, we do have a rule in our flat: no successive kills in vehicles.
No actually Bungie was a mac developer before it was bought by microsoft, so it would have come out on the mac
Lemonking said:
Halo2 is teh suxorz....I mean how could you possibly like that game
Duke Nuken had better Level Design
Halo 2 had some cool levels and wasn't a half bad game, but it didn't live up the quality of the first one, which itself severely overrated at the time and just a little above average for an FPS.

So in other words i thought Halo 2 was an average FPS but still had its moments. I doubt they'll bring it to PC though. It would kill Xbox Live if they did.

jonbob said:
the ending was a hell of a lot better than HL2 and I certainly enjoyed the singleplayer more than HL2 overall.
Totally disagree. Both had annoying "Empire Strikes Back" type endings (they just finish, thats it) but i thought HL2's was executed way better then Halo 2's. The MP in Halo 2 is better though, and is great fun with mates but it simply doesnt compare to getting 3 mates around and playing GoldenEye on the 64. Nothing beats Remotes Mines. Ever
mrlangenakker said:
No actually Bungie was a mac developer before it was bought by microsoft, so it would have come out on the mac
Close, It was orgianlly for mac. Then they switched to PC. Then Microsft bought it and it became Xbox only(which was a lie). The game looked best when it was on Mac and PC. It was better on the pc just because it was the latest version, dont want to sound like a pc elitist.
Sparta said:
Halo 2 had some cool levels and wasn't a half bad game, but it didn't live up the quality of the first one, which itself severely overrated at the time and just a little above average for an FPS.

So in other words i thought Halo 2 was an average FPS but still had its moments. I doubt they'll bring it to PC though. It would kill Xbox Live if they did.


When I first played Halo 2 on its release day, I was severely disapointed...but if you keep on playing, ignore the hype and just sit back and have fun you'll find it ok. Least I do.

Probably won't come to PC....but maybe
I voted "I don't think so!" but meant it with less emphaticness.

Then I remembered that PCs have emulation and decided that even if it takes 10 years for X-Box emulation to become decent, I'm easily content to wait for Halo 2 for that long.
the level design, new enemies, new enemies' design and story is crap but it would be a good platform for mods.
ríomhaire said:
the level design, new enemies, new enemies' design and story is crap but it would be a good platform for mods.

I thoought the story was ok.....and the brutes were the highlight for me, I went through the entire last level just melee hitting them with the butt of my brute shot. Ahh so fulfilling.
The brutes were a big mistake IMO. They were just an enemy with alot of health and big guns, I think that is a cheap trick in video games. Especially when they become the main enemy. Plus they didn't feel covanant, neither did the drones.
ríomhaire said:
The brutes were a big mistake IMO. They were just an enemy with alot of health and big guns, I think that is a cheap trick in video games. Especially when they become the main enemy. Plus they didn't feel covanant, neither did the drones.

The drones didn't, but I thought the Brutes were really good. Great fun to kill.
You ruined the poll with five options when the simple yes/no would do. People want to know yes or no, not Sure/I think so/I think I'm sure/I don't know whether I think so or I'm sure because I'm an asshole.