is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

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Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
don't get me wrong...i want hl2 to be great. when i look at the new screenshots however, i am somewhat dissappointed...the game looks old and dated. it looks so pre-far cry...this game better have uber-gameplay and very few bugs or i'm afraid everyone is gonna be in for a gigantic let-down.

It's not worth your time. You should spend your time more wisely, like collecting stamps, or coins perhaps, maybe try to take over the world with an army of flying lobsters on fire. I don't know, pick one.
my suggestion is that you never play hl2, and then you'll never be disapointed.
i have thought about it too. I'm still really excited but it would have been better for valve if they had relkeased it when it was cutting edge.
Very pointless thread mate, this topic has been done to death.

Bottom line is if the game looks unacceptably dated to you, and graphics rule your world, then yes skip it. If you want the game for its playability then buy it, simple as. No-one can tell you how the game plays becasue no one has it.

edit: btw, i agree with you that the graphics are looking dated now, but quite frankly i dont care. Hopefully the game will be a lot of fun.
Icarus: Did it seem dated?
Chuck Osborn: Not at all.

There you are
Why don't you go do something worth your time, like poking yourself in the eyes?
Half-Life 2 will be great, I am sure it will be worth your while playing it or you could just build up that stamp collection, like that other guy said
i'm thinking i prolly will skip it...i think valve just missed my technology window of opportunity...
Well, that's a damn shame. Should you decide that HL2 isn't worth your time because it just looks oh-so-dated (GRAPHICS MEAN EVERYTHING AM I RITE?), then I shall weep many tears of sorrow. It's always painful to watch what could have been a promising member of the HL2 community leave the fold.

Freakaloin said:
don't get me wrong...i want hl2 to be great. when i look at the new screenshots however, i am somewhat dissappointed...the game looks old and dated. it looks so pre-far cry...this game better have uber-gameplay and very few bugs or i'm afraid everyone is gonna be in for a gigantic let-down.


No, you're afraid that you're going to be in for a gigantic let-down.

Let's see - Far Cry: Generally State of the art graphics, virtually zero plot, mediocre gameplay.

HL2: Generally State of the art graphics (with some of the more modern features left out for low-end compatibility), intriguing plot, fantastic gameplay.

If you're using Far Cry as your Holy Grail of gaming goodness, you've picked a false Messiah.
i think gameplay is still king, but running around shooting low pologon stick figures isn't my cup of tea...
i played HL in Feb, it kicked ass. It was dated....i think. lol
Freakaloin said:
i think gameplay is still king, but running around shooting low pologon stick figures isn't my cup of tea...

Low polygon stick figures? and you're judging by the screenshots. Then something is definitely wrong with your eyesight, because so far you're the only person (to spam repeatedly I must say) that HL² looks dated.
If I remember correctly, isn't Freakaloin the guy that always makes really stupid topics/posts just to piss people off?

I mean, low-poly stick figures? This guy has to be a big fake. Or he's just really stupid. Either way, it's sad.
Freakaloin said:
i think gameplay is still king, but running around shooting low pologon stick figures isn't my cup of tea...

Far Cry: normal mapped GI Joe's weighing in at around 2000-3000 polygons max

Doom 3: normal mapped cube heads weighing in at around 1500-2500 polygons max

HL2 G-Man: normal mapped, 1500 polygons.... for the head alone...

Not to mention just the head has a 1024x1024 texture, where Doom 3 never goes over 512x512 for the entire body.
Freakaloin said:

The characters in Half-Life 2 are far more detailed and "imbued with life," in comparison to other games.
Absinthe said:
If I remember correctly, isn't Freakaloin the guy that always makes really stupid topics/posts just to piss people off?

I mean, low-poly stick figures? This guy has to be a big fake. Or he's just really stupid. Either way, it's sad.

Yes his last thread was the exact same thing, it got deleted fast. :LOL:
If we banned people for being stupid, these would be empty, empty forums.
Stick figures is just about the most stupid thing ive heard anyone say, and i am actually of the opinion that the game does look a bit dated. But the characters are without a doubt the most impressive thing the game has to offer (visually) and are easily on a par if not better than 90% of games out there...
NB. said:
Stick figures is just about the most stupid thing ive heard anyone say, and i am actually of the opinion that the game does look a bit dated.

Take a look at this screenshot and tell me with a straight face, "it looks dated". :p
dæmon said:
The characters in Half-Life 2 are far more detailed and "imbued with life," in comparison to other games.

sorry man...thats not an example...

i'm just saying...if the game doesn't have a wow factor better have the best gameplay of all time or the game will just be another meh for me...
I trust the reviewers, and they say the gamplay is good. That is the most important thing!

Dæmon, where are you from?
CB | Para said:
Take a look at this screenshot and tell me with a straight face, "it looks dated". :p

what part of that screenshot is impressive? call of duty looks as good as that...sometimes better
CB | Para said:
Take a look at this screenshot and tell me with a straight face, "it looks dated". :p

No that screen does look good, but there are single screens from almost any game out there that look good. But from watching all the binks etc.. and some other screens etc.. i do think the game looks a little out-dated. And you can tell me different until youre blue in the face, but i dont have to agree with you. Incase you hadnt noticed i said already that i think the game will be great. I just dont happen to think its breathtakingly awesome to look at.
apfe said:
I trust the reviewers, and they say the gamplay is good. That is the most important thing!

Dæmon, where are you from?

u trust them? do u even know them? i barely trust my family members...i don't go around trusting strangers...or even is gonna kick u around with that attitude...
If your going to buy it why are are you still here? Spare us having to prove why we like the game to you. If you don't like it, don't buy it and leave us alone it will be one less n00bie in MP

In comparison to what? There's only two other fps that one could argue 'look' better than HL2 - Far Cry and Doom 3 (and even then it's not clear which is superior)

Of course HL2 doesn't look dated - what a silly thing to say :)

Now, System Shock 2 - that looks dated.
Freakaloin said:
what part of that screenshot is impressive? call of duty looks as good as that...sometimes better

LMAO, I have CoD and I run evrything at full res with full af, aa and even that does not look as good as one highly compressed hl2 bink video..........

FreakaLoin your stupid and immature..fu** off.
Freakaloin said:
what part of that screenshot is impressive? call of duty looks as good as that...sometimes better

Yes of course. :rolleyes:

So your point is: since HL² has outdated graphics it better have top-notch gameplay, and since the three magazines so far have confirmed it's an amazing game I don't see where you're going with this?

And besides if you don't like the bloody graphics then boohoo go play something else.
dunno man, there are some quake3 engine games that look as good as hl2...
Freakaloin said:
u trust them? do u even know them? i barely trust my family members...i don't go around trusting strangers...or even is gonna kick u around with that attitude...

Lol. I don't trust them personally, but I trust their skills for reviewing games!

And I do trust my family and friends!
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