is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

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As am i, It's amazing you make these claims and refuse to back them up with any solid evidence
i'm not trolling and i'm offended by the accusations. i can't post my opinions without being accused? what is this...the salem witch trials?
I dont get why everyone is getting on his case so badly, you all need to calm down and try and be civil. So he's expressing an opinion that differs from yours? does that immediately make him someone who needs to be flamed?

I know you're all hilariously funny and all, but it gets a little tired dont you think? If you dont like what he says then just dont post, especially not just to attack him. Why would it effect you all so badly if he decided not to buy the game? there is nothing to prove here...
kussie said:
As am i, It's amazing you make these claims and refuse to back them up with any solid evidence
huh? opinion doesn't need evidence...and everyone knows of all the q3 engine games...why do i need to list them? pick one...
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. :) you people don't need to blindly defend HL2 you know, it's his opinion whether it looks better or not...I think Far Cry and Doom 3 look better, I don't neccessarily need to show evidence. It's just a matter of personal taste. It's like saying "I like Linkin park more than metallica", and someone goes "got evidence to back that up? if not, then you're LIEING!!". Quite a lot of fanboyish behaviour around these parts.
Yes i know them and i fail to see how you can say HL2 looks worse then they do, hence why i was asking to see you widen your opinion and show us why you believe in that opinion
i never said hl2 looks worse then q3 engine games. where did u get that from?
There's a difference between saying "I prefer x over y", which is entirely subjective, and saying "x looks better than y, or the pope is jewish", which is completely objective.

He says that any Quake 3-engined game fro the last 3 years looks better than HL2. People have asked for examples, because they disagree.. He refuses to provide any.
Pi Mu Rho said:
There's a difference between saying "I prefer x over y", which is entirely subjective, and saying "x looks better than y, or the pope is jewish", which is completely objective.

He says that any Quake 3-engined game fro the last 3 years looks better than HL2. People have asked for examples, because they disagree.. He refuses to provide any.

Therefore, he is a troll. I'd expect a topic like this to be locked by now.
He didnt say any q3 engine game looks better, he said that soem of them look 'as good as hl2'
Pi Mu Rho said:
There's a difference between saying "I prefer x over y", which is entirely subjective, and saying "x looks better than y, or the pope is jewish", which is completely objective.

He says that any Quake 3-engined game fro the last 3 years looks better than HL2. People have asked for examples, because they disagree.. He refuses to provide any.

no...saying something looks better is still opinion...sorry i didn't say "imo" didn't know i had to type on eggshells here...

why do i need to give eamples...we all know the q3 engine games...u act like the list is huge...
Quake 3 engine games that look better than HL2

that's an opinion, to him it may look better.

but the to rest of the sane world,
Freakaloin said:
i never said hl2 looks worse then q3 engine games. where did u get that from?

Not worse no, but you said it looks no better than any q3 game from the last 2 years, so give me some examples please. With pictures.

dunno man, there are some quake3 engine games that look as good as hl2...

any q3 engine game in the past 2 years...u need the list, or do u already know?

And you are a troll, I see the classic symptons: making claims against the opinion of most people to piss them off, making claims you can't back up (see the above) avoiding questions (see the above) making generally false claims (like the 'low poly' characters of HL2, that are all higher than any polycount in FC) and generally don't make any sense at all.
Imho, visuals are:

Doom 3 > HL2 > Far cry.

Doom 3 has the technological excellence, HL2 has the aesthetic beauty.

Far cry really doesn't look good - fire effects, static-ish skybox, unimaginative art direction, boring voice acting and extremely linear level design - basically this is the reason why HL2 wiped it out back in E3 2003.

Graphics are also based around animation quality, and HL2 really has very good animations - from what little we have seen.
Please close this thread...

Perhaps if you are the father/mother of 4 kids, you should be spending more time ensuring that they grow up to be something other than forum trolls.
Can I have a go?

*clears throat*

If Far Cry looks better than HL2, then the Pope is Jewish.

Right, now no-one is allowed to argue with this, because it's an opinion.
yeah, this word "troll" appeared out of thin air for me... someone please define troll?

is it just talking bad about the given subject without reasoning? or something close to that?
I'm not the one that's saying HL2 gfx are dated to get attention....

A troll is someone who makes contentious posts purely to feed off the reactions they get from the other forum users.
exoeight said:
yeah, this word "troll" appeared out of thin air for me... someone please define troll?

is it just talking bad about the given subject without reasoning? or something close to that?
A troll is someone who posts for the sole reason of starting a flame war.


It boggles me how people say that this game's graphics are dated, they look amazing and beat the hell out of any game out there to me. In terms of near-photorealism, this game wins by far. This is one of the things I am looking forward the most, first being the mods.
If your time is so valuable, what are you doing spending time on internet forums?


PvtRyan said:
Far Cry: normal mapped GI Joe's weighing in at around 2000-3000 polygons max

Doom 3: normal mapped cube heads weighing in at around 1500-2500 polygons max

HL2 G-Man: normal mapped, 1500 polygons.... for the head alone...

Not to mention just the head has a 1024x1024 texture, where Doom 3 never goes over 512x512 for the entire body.

Let me guess you have "I heart HL2" tatoo'ed on your back?
I dont think the guy is trolling, i think there are some overly eager people who just like to flame anyone who says anything negative against HL2...
Gergor said:
Please close this thread...

Perhaps if you are the father/mother of 4 kids, you should be spending more time ensuring that they grow up to be something other than forum trolls.

my daughter already crushes ppl at q3 ra3...u should see her circle strafe jump...
Why is it that a game has to have cutting edge graphics to be good now?

I have more fun playing Monkey Island one that Monkey Island 4, and it's plain to see which of those two has the better graphics.

Plus, most people aren't hardcore gamers and don't have cutting edge PCs, one of a number of the graphical appeals to me in HL2 came from when they showed that video about how they reduced poly counts without losing the visuals.

Farcry almost brought my system to a standstill on the lowest setting, and my system really isn't that bad, so the graphics didn't look all that great to me, the Doom3 engine was a lot better at handling decent visuals on my PC. Hopefully the HL2 engine will be streamlined enough to give good visuals (since I won't be able to play on the highest setting) without slowdown, which matters the most to me in regards to graphics.

But I believe a game can easily get by without cutting edge graphics...noone even mentions the sound which is extremely important to me.

Sound, story, gameplay, immertion > Graphics.
Wow dude... (to the starter of the threead) You just wanted yourself to get flamed. I mean what kind of a person would post a thread saying "HL2 is too old and not worth my time" on a HL2 fan forum. Gee Gee.
I totally agree Raidea, graphics are not the most important thing to me at all, my favourite game at the moment is H&D2 which really doesnt look all that great, but its a very fun game with fantsastic atmosphere and tension. To me HL2 is going to be special for a number of reasons, the least of which is how impressive the graphics will or wont be.
Some_God said:
I mean what kind of a person would post a thread saying "HL2 is too old and not worth my time" on a HL2 fan forum. Gee Gee.

You didnt read the title right, its 'is Hl2 too dated to be worth my time' its a question not a statement.
my daughter already crushes ppl at q3 ra3...u should see her circle strafe jump...

oh, i get it, this is a doom iii vs hl2 arguement... only instead of a doom iii fanboi we got a qiii fanboi that wants to take a shot.
NB. said:
You didnt read the title right, its 'is Hl2 too dated to be worth my time' its a question not a statement.

Which backs up my point. You can't hold his comments sacred as an unquestionable opinion, when he asked for people's thoughts
Freaklion, Or Whatever your name is, You know you're gonna buy the game, so why post such a pointless thread, But to answer your questioon the best I can to help you in your phsychotic state of anticipation which is obvious... The Graphics in HL2 are as good as any of the state of the art games right now, gameplay is whats going to separate HL2 from any other, Just like HL1 did.. There were other games out that looked better than HL1/Cs, Did they get the following because of it, NO!!! Now the even bigger clincher is, The physics baby!!! Did you not watch the videos of everything that you can interact with, splintering boxes, great ragdoll effects etc... We're gonna have our cake and eat it too with this one! If you're still wondering whether it's worth your time, well, then, Just play Farcry and save your money...LoL
NB. said:
You didnt read the title right, its 'is Hl2 too dated to be worth my time' its a question not a statement.

That's exactly the point. He was asking us. However he is rejecting all of our responses. So it makes you wonder to yourself "What is the point of this thread?"

BTW, Freakaloin, that's cool that your daughter pwns at Q3. Maybe she'll pwn at Neoshock too (, one of the fine mods in progress for HL2. I mean if Q3 is good enough for her, and HL2 looks as good, why not let her play HL2? Just give the game a chance, HL1 was great thanks to the gameplay, so why expect anything less out of HL2, regardless of what you may think about the graphics?
exoeight said:
oh, i get it, this is a doom iii vs hl2 arguement... only instead of a doom iii fanboi we got a qiii fanboi that wants to take a shot.

what the hell are you talking about? :)
Zeus said:
Let me guess you have "I heart HL2" tatoo'ed on your back?

So if someone is stating a technically correct fact, you call him a fanboy. :rolleyes:
what the hell are you talking about?

people constantly arguing about doom iii graphics rocking...
now its a dude talking about qiii, well, now far cry too gfx...

this arguement is going on in a few threads.
to me hl2 looks better than any game i have seen. some screen shots look kinda poo, but others more than make up for them
Zeus said:
Let me guess you have "I heart HL2" tatoo'ed on your back?

Point me to one thing that is incorrect that I have said, one thing.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Which backs up my point. You can't hold his comments sacred as an unquestionable opinion, when he asked for people's thoughts

Thats right, but there an awefull lot of people here that are saying that HL2 has the best graphics ever seen, which is just they're opinion as well. There really isnt any point in arguing about what looks better than what, his original post was saying that he thought the graphics were a little dated and is hoping that the entire experience will be good enough to compensate for that, i think it will. The problem is that people here seem to have a tendancy to attack anyone who doubts that HL2 isnt the most incredible thing ever conceived by mankind. If people had of just responded in a sensible way to him rather than start flaming him within 1 or 2 posts then i dont think the thread would have gotten past 1 page.
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