is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

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Hey buddy, if ya don't like it. Then get the f*ck out. No one wants you here.
I've never flamed anyone before, but you are tempting me Freakaloin...
You're 34, you must have plenty of gaming experience right???
If you do, then you must realise by now that the graphics in Farcry are not better than HL2, but use graphics more, making it SEEM like they're better. Everything in Farcry looks average to me, it's just because you're on a F****ing tropical island, where the water is all nice and shiny that it looks "BETTER" (i don't know where you got that from...)
The character models are blocky, the trees and environment look GREAT from afar, but when you get close, Blech.
Freakaloin, (i even took the time to get you're name right, so plz don't take this personally) You're a troll, and you don't know squat about gaming...
He's going to miss out on one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. If he wants to do that, then let him.
exoeight said:
oh, i get it, this is a doom iii vs hl2 arguement... only instead of a doom iii fanboi we got a qiii fanboi that wants to take a shot.

huh? u smoke crack much? what does my daughter playing q3 have to do with anything? u think since my daughter plays q3 then i am making a hl2 vs d3 comparison? drugs are bad...mmmky?
L337_Assasain said:
I've never flamed anyone before, but you are tempting me Freakaloin...
You're 34, you must have plenty of gaming experience right???
If you do, then you must realise by now that the graphics in Farcry are not better than HL2, but use graphics more, making it SEEM like they're better. Everything in Farcry looks average to me, it's just because you're on a F****ing tropical island, where the water is all nice and shiny that it looks "BETTER" (i don't know where you got that from...)
The character models are blocky, the trees and environment look GREAT from afar, but when you get close, Blech.
Freakaloin, (i even took the time to get you're name right, so plz don't take this personally) You're a troll, and you don't know squat about gaming...
far cry is an older should look worse...but does it?
NJD2003 said:
Hey buddy, if ya don't like it. Then get the f*ck out. No one wants you here.
a msgboard from 1996 just called...they want that flame back...
This is Kiva128 requesting a closing of this thread. It's going nowhere fast. Over.

Mods: Roger that, Kiva. Sending a closure now. Over and out.
Freakaloin said:
a msgboard from 1996 just called...they want that flame back...
Wait wait, you made fun of an old flame with an old joke? I guess that.. makes sense...

PH33R T3H TR1PL3 P0ST!!!11
Freakaloin said:
don't get me wrong...i want hl2 to be great. when i look at the new screenshots however, i am somewhat dissappointed...the game looks old and dated. it looks so pre-far cry...this game better have uber-gameplay and very few bugs or i'm afraid everyone is gonna be in for a gigantic let-down.


I assume you aren't aware of the recent reviews..

It got a 96% from PCGAMER UK, and Pcformat, and a 90% from pcgameplay.

So yes, it's more then worth your time.
Flogging a whole load of dead horses now. Bye bye thread.
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