is it posible to make brush's physics?

Thanks very much but u can guess my next question :P How do i find vertexlitgeneric in the hammer and.. If i find something and i export the texture.. and want to convert it to a vertexlitgeneric then add my custom .wad file or what ever hl2 use's. What tools/method would i need to undertake to get the result i require for it to have light on the texture as in being a vertexlitgeneric! If anyone can help i would be most greatful!


Thought i should add this screen shot so you can see why i need to know this info! :) On the other side of the tile its black when it flips over and i want it same as tile texture so i got to re compile the texture i asume to make it a vertexlitgeneric some how why i wanted the info ^^! thanks
im guessing youve never made a custom texture before then. youre lucky i dont mind giving you the long drawn out answer with an example.

to sum up...a texture has 2 files. one file is the actual picture (.vtf) and the other is a text file that says how the texture behaves (.vmt). we want to change how the texture behaves.

first, make a new folder in the materials directory for whatever game you are mapping for and give it a name similar to the map you are working on. im working on dm_skycastle for hl2dm so i made a new folder in (screen name)\half life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials and named the folder skycastle.

thats your organized directory for custom texture files and stuff.

you need vtf explorer now. if you dont got it download it. when you have it...go to the steamapps folder under valve\steam\ and open up the source materials.gcf ....hl2...materials and for this example open up the 'wood' folder. now right click woodbeam001a.vmt and extract it to your desktop.

open up the .vmt file and youll see several keys. where it says basetexture wood/woodbeam001a refers to where the actual texture file is located...and since it is correct it needs not be changed. surfaceprop tells it that is is a wood material....also correct. it also says lightmappedgeneric. change it to vertexlitgeneric. now this will tell the engine that this material is lit in that fashion....and not in the traditional...precalculated fashion.

put that .vmt file in the folder you made in the materials directory. THEN open up hammer and your texture will be usable...just search through the materials library. youll also need to completely restart the game you are running the map for or else you might not see the texture properly.

when you are done with your map, you MUST compile that vmt or whatever custom stuff you made for the map into the map using a program.....forgot what its called....anywho....just know you have to do that.
So if i was going to use hl2 textures. and add them to my map..etc but i edit them its best to copy them / rename them then set it up so that when people later on download my map along with the textures they dont get there halflife2 one's over righten by it. Hehe thanks for the help man! Ill be able to make them work properly now!
it is impossible to delete or copy over anything in those .gcf files so you dont have to worry about that. the fact that the .vmt is in a different directory than the .gcf library also makes doing that pretty hard.

also, by doing what you did in the example, you will notice that there are two woodbeam001a textures in your library. they seem identical. the difference is the folder that those .vmt files are held in. one .vmt is located in the .gcf and the other .vmt is in that custom folder you made. .vmt has the original unmodified settings that valve used for that texture and the other is the one you modified. just select the one you modified and apply it.
i didnt mean over right there .gcf files mate.. i meant if the materials/folder/texture is edited then i put it in my hl2 dir.. and when i send it out to everyone with map of course they woulde extract it to there hl2 dir. But when you have a materials/folder/texture and grf has same named/dired one it will directly link it to the one in folder due to that over right's grf if that makes sence.. so that's why i thought it would need to be renamed.
but its in a different folder....the two vmts are not in the same directory....and thats why it wont be overwritten in any case. that vmt directs it to a folder that isnt in the gcf....meaning the file is downloaded instead (when clients download your map) and put in a different no overwriting takes place. even though there are two textures with the same file name....what is important is the fact that they are in two different locations. if you want to rename go just saying you dont have to.
I did all of it now btw.. and i got a issue where now enless i use my flash light its all black now how can i fix that?

(Sorry nm that i fixed the error now!)

And also thanks man for all the help been very usfull i didnt read what u put properly befor i thought u meant use the default hl2 dir such as materials\Concrete instead of using your own materials\ilikegirls kinda thing :P.. LOL Thanks mate! ill show some screen shots in a sec!
Arg.. now that i changed directory from the standard to custom they are black again ingame.. and wont show up.. what is the reson for this? i got them under hl2\materials\s_jason i go in hammer ed there there.. i applyed them to the tiles and everything.. but when i go ingame there black.. :x.. but full bright in hammer editor.. why is this?
Always going to be fullbright in hammer.

Did you change the $Basetexture to reflect the change? Dunno if this would make a black texture or checkerboard.
// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmap
"$basetexture" "Concrete/concretefloor016a"
"$surfaceprop" "concrete"
"%keywords" "c17downtown"
"$bumpmap" "concrete\concretefloor016a_normal"

How i got it set up
I see you didn't.
Assuming you didn't change any files names you should look like this:

// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmap
"$bastexture" "s_jason\concretefloor016a"
"$surfaceprop" "concrete"
"%keywords" "c17downtown"
"$bumpmap" "s_jason\concretefloor016a_normal"
:x.. that did nothing im afraid. Still black i cant figer it out.. why it worked once.. when it was in the correct dir's.. like materials\concrete\concretefloor016a_normal then it worked but now i changed it to materials\jason\concretefloor016a_normal etc.. its black ingame

how it looks in ed and ingame:


ah right i forgot to tell you to change that $basetexture part...also if you want to make changes effect make sure you restart hammer and the game you are editing for if you have it running in windowed mode. also, try putting a light by that physbox...pick up the physbox with the grav....and see how the light reacts with the physbox. i cant see those pics right now so sorry bout that...i think thats on my end.
Its odd still i have set it all up how you have said but it still is black.. here are both the textures .vmt layouts

In (materials\jason)


// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmap
"$bastexture" "jason/concretefloor016a"
"$surfaceprop" "concrete"
"%keywords" "c17downtown"
"$bumpmap" "jason/concretefloor016a_normal"


"$basetexture" "jason/concretewall071a"
"$surfaceprop" "concrete"
"%keywords" "airexchange"

But on the map editor they all are full bright .. what i think they shold be but ingame there pitch black till u shine your light on them.

(I just recompiled map and test it and they were still all black but its odd i shot the black blocks at the light and they stuck to the light and the ceiling..! Intresting bug..
Try this:
Make a new .vmt in your map's material folder. For example ConcreteTileA.vmt
Put this in it:

// Original shader: BaseTimesLightmap
"$basetexture" "Concrete/concretefloor016a"
"$surfaceprop" "concrete"
"%keywords" "c17downtown"
"$bumpmap" "concrete/concretefloor016a_normal"

What that should do is in Hammer you'll have the see the concretefloor016a image but it'll have the vertexlitgeneric properties like you want instead.
:x still black! grzz alittle more :P Noticed consol says :

func_physbox (func_physbox) at (398.220 319.210 -574.490) using obsolete or unknown material type.
func_physbox (func_physbox) at (96.860 324.870 -574.500) using obsolete or unknown material type.
func_physbox (func_physbox) at (206.940 346.050 -574.500) using obsolete or unknown material type.
Game started
Initializing renderer...
Error: Material "engine/occlusionproxy" uses unknown shader "Occlusion"
what puzzles me is why those pipes are black in the editor.....that shouldnt be happening. those are just static props arent they? maybe its case sensitive. put in "VertexLitGeneric". i doubt that is the problem though. check for leaks using the 'load pointfile' or check for any other errors by using the 'check for problems' tool and see what it throws at you.
dunno why but allways in hammer ed i have had all my props show up black.. :x its odd

and i tryed changeing names and 0 leaks ingame..

still get the stupid problem here is a screen shot with flash light off and on:


Anyway, VertexLitGeneric shouldn't be used on brushes. It causes colour problems.
i recommended vertexlitgeneric cause i gave it a try in one of my maps on a bunch of physboxes and it worked considerably well. i also tried it in my current map and it didnt work very well at all. i dont know of any alternatives...but i also only know those two ways to light textures.
I doupt there is a way of doing this and it looking good.. so i think ill just make them non phsy_box and use default texture.. :/ make's things a little bit less relastic though.. ahh well (bad hl2 desighners bad! :P)
WAR_Nuker said:
what puzzles me is why those pipes are black in the editor.....that shouldnt be happening. those are just static props arent they? maybe its case sensitive. put in "VertexLitGeneric". i doubt that is the problem though. check for leaks using the 'load pointfile' or check for any other errors by using the 'check for problems' tool and see what it throws at you.

Cards that don't support Dx9 do that.
Yeh im still runing on a very old pc :x it suck makes mapping alot harder because of just the slowness of it all for me..! Cant wait to get a new pc soon. hope to get one for xmas ! :) ahh well thanks everyone for the help you gave me!
Got one last suggestion.
There is a key named something like "Minimum ambient light" put that to a fairly low number like 20 and see if that lights it up. If it works you can raise or lower the value to make it brighter or darker.
Limpet said:
There is a key named something like "Minimum ambient light" put that to a fairly low number like 20 and see if that lights it up. If it works you can raise or lower the value to make it brighter or darker.

The maximum is 2.0. :P
:P didnt make a diff :x! Ahh well... guess its not 100% important