Is Kliner a dirty old man?


May 20, 2004
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It seems to me that he might be wanting to nail alyx, with all the beauty compliments. can't say I blame him. or is he just being civil to his friends daughter? Although she's kinda throwing herself at gordon i'm suprised barny didn't have anything to say about it, he's a smartass in every other regard hehe.
wow, let's dedicate a thread to BS. congratulations.
i'm currently drunk... if that counts...

and it's with proper australian beer, not weak pussy american beer!

american HEAVIES are equivalent to australian LIGHTS!
hectic, i guess you're into the real stuff... drinking some Boddington's pale ale! that's the s**t :p
the sig is just fine, and yes this thread has been threadjacked, because the initial poster made a really stupid thread.
groovy said:
the sig is just fine, and yes this thread has been threadjacked, because the initial poster made a really stupid thread.

No, your sig is nine lines. The max is four.
Us Brits are the biggest drinkers in Europe :O :devil: :p LOL

i see that as an achievement
No, your sig is nine lines. The max is four.

if the max is four, why am i able to post 9 without a warning? don't get me wrong, i will change it, if it bothers everyone.

Us Brits are the biggest drinkers in Europe LOL

i see that as an achievement

you poms got nothing compared to us Aussies. our nation is built around beer! i'll drink you under the table any day! :p

at least we're stronger than the yanks, they get drunk over two beers.

atm i'm enjoying my average sized 4.6% bottle of Carlton Draught... MMMMMm it's good.
Rocketman9mm said:
It seems to me that he might be wanting to nail alyx, with all the beauty compliments. can't say I blame him. or is he just being civil to his friends daughter?

Dude, its called being polite.
english beer isn't that strong anyway. i find the good carlsberg elephant beer, whoppingat a 7% to be good. and nothing beats croatian Karlovacko, that comes standard 5.4%!
Im apparently a social reject cos i hardly drink...i dont see the achievement in being able to drink alot of alcohol. I dont envy you at all....why do countries push it so far? cos its a taxed drug? because it makes you stupid and docile..while they mess your country up! I should stop with my opinions now...but just my thoughts for you people who think you are godlike for being able to drink from a glass/bottle for hours.
Groovy - why not take the carriage returns out of your sig to make it spread out more?
is grolsh from australlia or europe? (I may have spelt grolsh wrong)
whats this 'proper australian beer' BS

try europena beers - belgian, german...they have the purity laws so beer can only contain barley hops and brewing water...something like that

Leffe: 6.7% mmmm :)
omfg well if Kliener does that then Alyx's father also says that. eww man father daughter relationshuip.
Can't judge a beer by it's alcohol content.

Goes without saying however Tesco value bitter 1% is crap and something like Stella at 5.5% is better.

Anyway I like champange at the minute, £10 for a bottle, woo.

What's this discussion about?
groovy said:
english beer isn't that strong anyway. i find the good carlsberg elephant beer, whoppingat a 7% to be good. and nothing beats croatian Karlovacko, that comes standard 5.4%!

nah theres a cider called white lightning which is 7.5%
and 1 called Oranjaboom..
and a lot of us drink spirits :p
Holy spamballs! How does a thread go from aging perverted video game charactar to beer in such a short time? It's incredible!
Actually, Ireland is the biggest drinking nation. We spend more on drink than anyone else in the world.

And Sammi Claws is the stuff ya want. 14% Beer :D
KoreBolteR said:
nah theres a cider called white lightning which is 7.5%
and 1 called Oranjaboom..
and a lot of us drink spirits :p

aaaaah white lightning - the drink of chavs
Hectic Glenn said:
Im apparently a social reject cos i hardly drink...i dont see the achievement in being able to drink alot of alcohol. I dont envy you at all....why do countries push it so far? cos its a taxed drug? because it makes you stupid and docile..while they mess your country up! I should stop with my opinions now...but just my thoughts for you people who think you are godlike for being able to drink from a glass/bottle for hours.



This thread and especially the topic are completely unviable to anything HL2 related.