Is my new computer fried?


Sep 13, 2003
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OK, I was browsing some web pages for about 20 minutes after switching on my computer. It has a P4 2.8 800FSB, ASUS P4C800, 1GB DDR400, 2 HD`s, 1CDROM, 7 case fans and a radeon 9800 pro.

I was running this on a 350W PSU for about just over a week, with no problems at all. All of a sudden, my screen gets coloured dots and patterns running down it, so I quickly turn off the PC. I switch it back on and my screen has a thin pinkish tint down the right side of it, but I turn off my monitor and put it back on and alls well.

Thats not all though. Now, I turn on my new computer and it just doesnt go into the BIOS at all, nor does the display go on. I take out all 7 fans, 1HD and it still doesnt work. The CPU fan seems to spin in a slower "sleep" type speed from the moment I press on, plus the graphics card fan sounds different.

I take out the power supply, the graphics card and try these with the RAM too, in an old 2700+ XP system and they work fine (I`m using this now)

Do you think that the ASUS motherboard has been damaged somehow, by the PSU lack of power? This has been running on this though for over a week...Plus this same PSU works in my older 2700+ system...

I just cant figure out if it just needs more power to go on, or if the motherboard/processor is screwed. I also tried taking out the CMOS battery for over an hour, plus I reset the CMOS jumper for 30 mins. But nothing is working.

Oh, and my xaser 3 case has a "Thermaltake" sign down the front that lights up when you put the computer on, but it seems to flicker also now...

Any ideas?
Sounds like a lack of power, to me. 350 watt is a little low for a P4 2.8GHz and the rest of that stuff.

Certainly doesn't sound like a damaged motherboard to me, just a lack of power.
I wish you were right. The thing is, I tried the PSU in the old 2700+ machine I`m using right now and it works fine. Also, I have been using this power supply in the faulty computer since I bought it over a week ago without any problems, and that was with 7 case fans, 2HDs, CDROM, 1GB RAM, CPU and a radeon 9800 pro! Also, I now have tried 512MB of RAM in it, with an old GeForce 2 MX440 and 1 HD...It still does not work even with a lot less components plugged in than when it did work......

I hope my mobo aint fried.
Have you taken the heatsink off and looked at the CPU?
Reset the cmos by jumper or remove/place back in the cmos battery?
The main cords going from PSU to motherboard, does it look fine?
I've seen where the connector is black inside because of shorts.
I cant get the damn heatsink and fan off the CPU, I`ll give it another go, but I dont think its the CPU as the computer would still boot up to BIOS even with no CPU at all.

I have already reset the CMOS jumpers, and the battery for over an hour. The leads are all connected and in the correct places with no visable damage. Remeber this PSU works right now with my 2700+ system... as does the RAM, PCI cards and GFX card...
Actually, Unreal, quick (stupid) question, is the voltage setting switch on your PSU set correctly?
I guess it must be, since I have been using the PC for over a week until saturday when it started screwing up...
It was built by a good shop, so it should be set allright.
You think the battery for the CMOS could be screwed?
Couldn't hurt to check. It might've been switched by accident.. should be set to 115v if you're in the US
Yeah, but how could it have been switched if no one has touched it?
Is this setting done in the BIOS?
Also, I live in the UK and I bought this board and CPU in Texas...But the settings and voltages should have been fine though, since the computer had been set up by a technician and has been running fine for over a week...

Tell me how to check anyway, but I cant go into BIOS if its done there...
Usually if the voltage switch is changed in any way the computer will not turn on whatsoever.

If any one component is broken, I'd put my money on the motherboard.

No BIOS = Motherboard problem
Fan speed problem = Controlled by the motherboard

Having most of your other components work in your other system is a good indicator of that as well.

Get in touch with ASUS. I'm sure there's somthing like a 3 year warranty on that board, and you're probably not even past the first year. You might have to wait a week or two, but at least you're not forced to buy a new one.
Voltage switch is located on the back of your PSU. Near the power cord plug/power switch.

Anyhow, I disagree, $paz, I can switch my voltage off of 115 and it partially powers on. I can hear the fans turn on at a very low speed, and the hdd led light flickers
No switch at the back of the PSU.
Plus, I`m noticing that, although working, the PSU seems to be as hot as a radiator. Even the chasis around it is hot hot hot...
If your mobo was fried you wouldn't see anything on the screen, been there done that.
Originally posted by Unreal
No switch at the back of the PSU.
Plus, I`m noticing that, although working, the PSU seems to be as hot as a radiator. Even the chasis around it is hot hot hot...

if thats the case.. it could be a combination of ur PSU and motherboard.. i know my PSU gets sorta.. warm.. but never "hot hot hot" as u claim it.. so thats not a normal thing

as Asus said, if ur other components are working in another comp, then that means u have narrowed it down to the motherboard/PSU..

hmm.. if u do manage to take the CPU off that motherboard, try the motherboard in that other comp u have.. it should give u an idea.. hell i would even recommend u try the CPU in ur other comp as well.

anyway, good luck..
my other comp (the one I`m using) is an Athlon mobo and the screwed one is an Intel P4 system..... I would have tried the CPU if I had another P4 CPU or P4 mobo...
well i guess u have no way of checking the CPU and the motherboard to see if they work.. then the next best option is.. the warranty..

talk to them, send it in and let them figure it out.. thats assuming its not gonna cost u much or anything at all