Is Sweden really this exciting?

qckbeam said:
Well sure it can! :) Hell I'm well on my way to inventing a whole new language. What with gloglebag, and now mwan. What's that, two words? Yeah, I'm close now!
Only a few more words, and you'll have one of those stupid languages that suck! (P.S. Check here)


Edit: Hah, BURN qck, my ub3r l337 skills > u
Erestheux said:
Only a few more words, and you'll have one of those stupid languages that suck! (P.S. Check here)


Edit: Hah, BURN qck, my ub3r l337 skills > u

Ha, my edit has officially "pw3nd j00"
* Letters shakes violently due to not being able to understand all this stuff

(and for Canada)
Letters said:
* Letters shakes violently due to not being able to understand all this stuff

(and for Canada)

Clastro eck tillimano?

Porlument quajero lotres imen
Plopey muple cov le min
Sen dup le kin
:devil: :afro:
Did anyone actually read the goddamn comics? I mean, did you really?

Frog = :frog:
moonbeams by the lil' timmy

you said the moon can't melt anything,
but it melts the night with reflected starlight.
and you think dreams are dark and mean.
but i dream in white, or something as bright.

mother sleeps behind you,
and dogs sleep beside you.
but your voice is like moonbeams.
and you're the light in my dreams.

your soul is slow and nice, so you'll die twice:
once from the sorrow and once from the ice.
but moonlight will reveal you, lost in the timber.
and my fire will warm you from the winter.

daddy's shape reminds you.
but i will always find you.
because your heart means more than it seems,
it's brilliant in the night, like moonbeams.
Erestheux said:
Is today the official "I'm Raziaar and I'm gonna make fun of everything" day?

Read them read them ahahahhahahahhahaha. ;( :D :rolling:

I did read them, I liked them. My observation of the sun's depiction is harmless.
Raziaar said:
I did read them, I liked them. My observation of the sun's depiction is harmless.

Thank you. Can I have your behbehs?

But seriously, people need to read this comic.
Erestheux said:
Did anyone actually read the goddamn comics? I mean, did you really?

I read them. Didn't really understand them. Frankly I don't understand anything qck+timmy+ikerous say. I guess I don't have an advanced enough sense of humor. :o
-Viper- said:
I read them. Didn't really understand them. Frankly I don't understand anything qck+timmy+ikerous say. I guess I don't have an advanced enough sense of humor. :o

I think the word you are looking for is basic. Basic sense of humor.
qck and timmy are frickin hilarious.

Yeah seriously Erestheux, quit spamming my topic with your comics will you? We're trying to have a discussion here :/
How can ya not go back
And read that and laugh

Nicare ple men cue lanto
Quitate la ropa....
Raziaar said:
I think the word you are looking for is basic. Basic sense of humor.
that cow avatar is misleading because it makes you look like a friendly person but you are not you are actually very mean and bitter :(
CyberSh33p said:
that cow avatar is misleading because it makes you look like a friendly person but you are not you are actually very mean and bitter :(

I'm actually a very friendly person. Being on these forums has turned me quite bitter though when on it, I admit. It all started when I was being completely ganged up on by majority of the userbase just for expressing my views in the past, and just went downhill from there. Maybe I should stop posting in conflict style and be my true self. <grins>
Dont do it!
The bitter comments
Are the best comments
Arent all bunnies...?

At least my avatar isnt
homosexual cat porn.
Oh yeah and all the half-life 2 delays and crap has made me an EXTREMELY bitter person. Maybe when its released i'll be more friendly, unless I make active strides to be so beforehand. I love you guys, really. Even Captain Stern! No wait... especially CptStern! :monkee:

Hey, can we get this turned into a smiley icon? Its clearly superior to the bland bouncing icon( :bounce: ) .

Its like... bouncy icon: Source, with amazing reflections and realistic bouncing physics!
v qb abg ernyyl haqrefgnaq rirelguvat gung vf orvat fnvq va guvf guernq, fb v nz tbvat gb cbfg guvf, juvpu cebonoyl ab bar jvyy haqrefgnaq ohg zlfrys. vs lbh haqrefgnaq guvf, whfg gnyx nobhg zl cbfg ohg znxr n ersrerapr gb n jngrezryba fbzrubj, gung jnl rirelbar jub svtherf guvf cbfg bhg jvyy xabj jub ryfr unf, jvgubhg tvivat gur ebg13 guvat njnl. zna v nz oberq nf uryy.
Wraith said:
v qb abg ernyyl haqrefgnaq rirelguvat gung vf orvat fnvq va guvf guernq, fb v nz tbvat gb cbfg guvf, juvpu cebonoyl ab bar jvyy haqrefgnaq ohg zlfrys. vs lbh haqrefgnaq guvf, whfg gnyx nobhg zl cbfg ohg znxr n ersrerapr gb n jngrezryba fbzrubj, gung jnl rirelbar jub svtherf guvf cbfg bhg jvyy xabj jub ryfr unf, jvgubhg tvivat gur ebg13 guvat njnl. zna v nz oberq nf uryy.
We dont have any room
For racist bastard on our forum.
If you wanna talk like that
You can just leave.
:imu: = ikerous
:cat: = timmy
:devil: = raizaaaar
:dork: = cybersh33p
;( = erestheux
:naughty: = qckbeam
:x = carl sagan
Ikerous said:
We dont have any room
For racist bastard on our forum.
If you wanna talk like that
You can just leave.

i think i love you
you are hilarious
but my question is, did you figure out what i said? i cant tell if you took one single word out of context there or whats going on with your reply, unless it was just meant to be randomly funny, which it was.
Lil' Timmy said:
:imu: = ikerous
:cat: = timmy
:devil: = raizaaaar
:dork: = cybersh33p
;( = erestheux
:naughty: = qckbeam
:x = carl sagan

Am I the black sheep of the family then?

Nobody loves me. ;(
juvpu cebonoyl ab bar jvyy haqrefgnaq ohg zlfrys
Do you have any idea what
that means in gloglebag?

I'm not even going to dignify
your statement by translating it :(

:bonce: = Neutrino
neutrino, no one loves me either, i been here since may 2003, and i dont have any friends here. i have never felt like a real parto f this community, be my friend? :'(

edit: july 2003