is the learners permit knowlege test hard?


Jun 16, 2006
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im gonna go take it next week. how hard is it? i know it varies by state but it should have some basic similarities. like what parts of the drivers manual are covered in the test?
the one in florida was based off of the 60 questions in the back .....ask someone that took it in your state. what state do you live in anyway?
i live in south carolina, it has no pretest in the back.
From California, I found it ridiculously easy. I got mine at the end of June.
like what did they cover? just the rules of the road?
Pretty much yeah, also know the various ages/licenses, i.e., if I'm 15.5 I can apply for my driver's permit, and if I get it, I can drive anywhere but I have to have a certified driver over 25 with me at all times, and I cant do this or that...etc...etc...
All of the manual/book is covered in the test.

Make sure you read the whole thing or else you'll be struck out by completely unnecessary permit questions like "Until what age must a child sit in a car seat in the backseat?"

In AZ it's 5 years old. I've never seen a 5 year old in a carseat. :| Didn't know until read the book and it was on the test.
its really easy in north carolina.
In NC it was really easy. Granted, I studyed like hell for it, but yeah, I passed it with only 2 or 3 missed questions. I had a friend who failed it a few times though, and he's one of those "I get As on everything without studying" types, so I guess it varies.

I do distinctly remember them asking me about driving around cattle though, which made me lawl.
is there any way to find any sort of sample test online or something. thanks for the replies guys
is there any way to find any sort of sample test online or something. thanks for the replies guys

If you took Driver's Ed, the stuff they give you on the final exam is SUPPOSEDLY stuff taken from older permit tests. I thought the Driver's Ed exam was harder though, to be honest.

Really, just read over that book that they give you in the class a few times, and you should be fine. Oh, and another tip, arrange an appointment. If you don't, you'll end up like me, sitting next to a registered sex offender for three hours in a humid room.
what sucks is i could not take drivers ed last year because i did not turn 15 until six days ago. so ill be taking it next year. i know that in sc the i cant get my full license until i am 17. ill probably do ok, ive been studying. just wondering if i need to REALLY hit the book.
what sucks is i could not take drivers ed last year because i did not turn 15 until six days ago. so ill be taking it next year. i know that in sc the i cant get my full license until i am 17. ill probably do ok, ive been studying. just wondering if i need to REALLY hit the book.

You can take the Permit Test before the whole driver's ed process in South Carolina? o_O
You have a drivers manual over there? That's more than we get. I'm still unsure at what speed it's OK to hit pedestrians at.
Chances are you do. The only way you can take the permit test without passing Driver's Ed is if you're 18.

2 of my friends who are my age did not take drivers ed last year and they both have their permit.
You have a drivers manual over there? That's more than we get. I'm still unsure at what speed it's OK to hit pedestrians at.

sorry for the double post but that was hilarious.
What do the letters S-T-O-P mean? If you can answer that, you should be fine....
there is one question in ohio that is "While a SchoolBus is stopped in front of you with the stop sign drawn out, do you
A.) Go around the School Bus B.) Stop Behind the school bus at 10 ft
C.) beep your horn and pass or D.) Speed up.


test is extremely easy, assuming you know basic rules of driving.
Based on everyone in my family that has taken it in VA it is easy. I have 6 more months until I can take it =( Good luck on your test!
thanks for the replies guys. i was kinda nervous.
Sadly nothing about any of the driving tests for any vehicle (boat/car/motorcycle) are hard. The tests are all way, way, way too easy and too short; this is why we have totally incompetent drivers on the road and sea.
learner's permit test is such bs. I freaking studied and reread that book 3 times and I get a 76% :|.

I gotta retake it sometime...
I took it in NY. It was so easy, only an idiot could fail. It was 20 questions. Some showed a picture of a stop sign and the question said "What does this mean?". The only one I got wrong was the exact BAC percentage before it would be considered a DWI, that was like the only hard question.
I didn't read the book and I nearly passed. The hard questions like how far do you stay behind an ambulance killed me. I read it once and passed. And I still don't know how far to stay back from ambulances.
I missed the part where it asked which side of the road to drive on

if it makes you feel any better, one of the first times I ever drove with my permit I turned into the left lane. It became a near-habit, thank god I never did it in a busy road...
i found a website where i can take a sample test of the south carolina test but it costs money. well there goes that. ;(
I failed like 2 times...but passed the driving test first off. :D I hate tests.
can someone tell me if you apply a license in one state does that mean do can use that in another state? Its still the same country right?
Most of the questions i've seen on our tests are:

"When driving backwards from a driveway do you:

A) Check if anything is behind you and move accordingly

B) Beep the horn loudly as you're moving back to avoid hitting anything

C) Go back without checking anything

D) None of the above.
Chances are you do. The only way you can take the permit test without passing Driver's Ed is if you're 18.

lol it sucks to live in the Carolinas. Driver's Ed here can take the place of the tests if you do the driving course in it but it's not required at all.

can someone tell me if you apply a license in one state does that mean do can use that in another state? Its still the same country right?
