Is the Nihilanth in HL2?



Sorry if this has been asked before but is the Nihilanth in teh HL2? It would be so like omg awesome if teh nihilanth were because he is funny. Nihilanth was coolest enemy.

Also is teh Kingpin unimplemented from HL1 in teh game?

Also teh Friendly from HL1?

and teh Red "wolf" kinda monster seen in many previews?

also the chumtoad! I love teh chumtoads , are teh in?

Thanks in advance Patsy Umbeglia
wasnt he destroyed.

really doubt he will be in HL2.
1. Its spelt "The"

2. You killed the Ninalith in Hl so how can it be in HL2?

3. Check the Allies and Enemies section of this sites front page for all known returning characters and new characters including some enemies.
So far, the Kingpin looks like it's in because it was shown in some HL2 concept art.
There are a chumtoad or two hidden in HL: Blue Shift as well.

No-one knows about the others, but I'm hoping Nihilanth is back. We never really saw him completely die, after all.
I never finished Half-life 1. Now you have ruined it for me. THX IDIOT!
It was killed at the end of HL1... and it was going on about

"I am the last" or something.

So I dont think we will see that ugly big baby again... :rolling:
Remember though, he was just having a big seizure when gordon was teleported away. There's a slim chance that he survived his injuries.
Remember though, he was just having a big seizure when gordon was teleported away. There's a slim chance that he survived his injuries.

I think he or something like him will be back. remember the little versions of him? Even though he says he is the last, or something along those lines. I still think something like him will be back..

That made no sense. :rolling:
That was nearly the most annoying thing I have ever read just becuase of all the teh using. I can take one or two a paragraph, but damn... not the whole post.

edit: I put the instead of teh.. heh.
Please dont post the spoilers or at least put them in the spoil format because I have not beat teh Xen levels (THEY ARE SO NOT FUN)

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
romeo i've read every post here and i've yet to see anything that spoils the end, except in the end gordon finds out he is a 8000 yr old caveman and the g-man is gordons cross dressing mother......oh crap should've put that in spoiler tags, sry man.
Mechagodzilla said:
Remember though, he was just having a big seizure when gordon was teleported away. There's a slim chance that he survived his injuries.

That is definate spoiler right there. Now I know how he dies. You've ruinss it! Stupid geek!

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
Uh, Romeo, it only takes an hour or two to beat Xen. You could do that, and be spoiler-free in 2003.
You weren't planning on beating the game anyways.
romeo0201 said:
Please dont post the spoilers or at least put them in the spoil format because I have not beat teh Xen levels (THEY ARE SO NOT FUN)

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
dude, nihalath (whatever his name is) being dead is as big of a spoiler as to know that gordon wears glasses... geez, the game is 6 years old, how long could it take to end it??
I am not good a the jumping very far distance. I must be stupid I can never get it to function the way supposed to!

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
um he is he end boss, when has the end boss in a game never died?

Uh, Romeo, it only takes an hour or two to beat Xen. You could do that, and be spoiler-free in 2003.

an hour or 2 , i just beat the whole game a week ago in about 4 hours, took me about 30-40 min. for xen, of course i have beaten the game 13 times on different difficulty settings.
I am not good a the jumping very far distance. I must be stupid I can never get it to function the way supposed to!

can u not long jump?, its run+crouch+jump= long jump
What is the long jump, where did you learn how to do it?

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia

ALSO: Please lets get back to teh topic of Nihilanth. Now since I know he has a seizure any thought on if tihs leet monster will be in teh HL2. I think he is in the citadel waiting angry. He tried to reason with Gordon, but Gordon ignored. Now it is pay back for nihlanth! :imu: :imu: :imu:

EDITED Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
This Romeo guy is kind of weird, imagine if in 8 years we can't talk about HL2 because " you spoiled the ending".
But I admit that I will get pissed if people start spoiling HL2 after is out after a week
I am in Xen right now! Only way I have even seen or heard the nihilanth is from a screenshot and he looked so funny I wish I could play against him but it is too hard. First jumping hard. Second that wierd spider with big ball is hard. I want to wack the Nihilanth in his sped legs. LOL

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia :cheers:
well,not every1 played HL1 right away, i didn't start playing it till 1999 and it was my turning point with games, b4 HL1 all i had were a few platform jumping games on my PS.

also i doubt nihilanth will be in the second, just because it doesn't seem like he fits into the story to well, but ya never know.
I got Half-Life 1 for the last Christmas, but I am not normally into games. HL has got me hooked. I play it all night. I just wish I didnt die so much in Xen and I always forget to save

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
romeo0201 said:
I am not good a the jumping very far distance. I must be stupid I can never get it to function the way supposed to!

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
you must duck and jump, duck right at the moment you need to jump
the spider thing is gonarch , and u just gotta keep shoot her till she falls back, but b4 u go to xen u pick up the long jump module(the jetpack lookin thing) and they tell u to practice long jumping and basically u run, hit the crouch button and why your still crouching with your momentum pushing u further hit the jump button, and u should jump 2-3 times farther than normal.
either you are just plain awefull at games... or you are trying to be stupid. It is nearly impossible to have gotten to Xen and not know what a long jump is.
I say you must be awefull at games, because if you truely stay up all night playing HL, you would have beaten it in a day. The game is relativley easy in my opinion.
Also, for God's sake, correct your grammer.
romeo0201 said:
I am not good a the jumping very far distance. I must be stupid I can never get it to function the way supposed to!

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
Duck Jump, while pressing forward.

And that "red wolf" (is that what you called it) is such a cool enemy, Azure Sheep implemented it, and it was very fun. Also he looks badass. :E

To Romeo, how did you know about the Nihilanth if you say you haven't gotten to him yet? We have right to post anything from HL1 without spoiler tags (I think) :cheers:
Yeah, posting a thread asking questions about the Nihilanth was kind of an invitation to spoilers about Nihilanth.
Well, this thread is rather amusing.

It's so cool when you find out the G-Man is Gordon's father. Oops, maybe I've said too much.
It's so cool when you find out the G-Man is Gordon's father. Oops, maybe I've said too much.

i thought the g-man was gordons cross dressing mother
i have save files from all the levels (i think) and if anyone is looking for a file.. i can help out :)
Impulse147 said:
i thought the g-man was gordons cross dressing mother

It's ambiguous, I think you find out for sure in HL-2.
Tarkus said:
dude, nihalath (whatever his name is) being dead is as big of a spoiler as to know that gordon wears glasses... geez, the game is 6 years old, how long could it take to end it??

OMG he wears glasses?

People why so mean? I try to beat and I say first I see nihilanth in picture he looks funny. Then I say I get game last christmas. I not play long so I not so good as you people who play at the time when does this game come out.

Next time be more nice. I am hurt

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
OK YAHOOOOOOOO! I got teh jumping working now I now I am getting closer. Thanks everyone and also why I couldnt kill the giant spider with a big ball is becuase I thought you had to do something like the gargantua and the 3 long squirmy things and use the map to destroy them. Sorry guys. But anyways back on the topic.

MY WISH: I wish that the nihilantah is in the HL2 and that it helps you and fights a strider.

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
Guess he won't since he got pwnxored by gordon in the first game